Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4741: Start practicing

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Chapter 4741 begins cultivation

"What! Is that senior..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Ten thousand years ago, the old injury recurred and fell, otherwise you will not get this Xuanwu real armor! This thing is really a gift. There are only two sets in the entire Xuanwu tribe. You are the third set." Asked.

"The juniors know it! There must be high expectations." Zhao Yuande nodded seriously.

"Okay! This time, we are basically the first one! You must grasp the time of holy spring training for one year, and strive to absorb more than two kinds of eternal power. Don’t waste this huge opportunity! You must know that as long as you have achieved half a step of eternity, you will no longer be able to comprehend the other eternal qi. This is the last time you have achieved the eternity of the headquarters!" The Yuan patriarch spoke to the four people at this time.

"Yes!" The four nodded in unison, their faces showing excitement.

The next battle is also talkative.

Only the battle between Xiong Ju and Ming Kong, Xiong Ju and Zhao Yuande can also be seen.

However, Xiong Ju felt the gap between himself and Nether in just a moment, and he conceded in less than three breaths.

The time spent fighting Zhao Yuande is relatively long.

Because both are good at melee combat, the battle is fierce.

However, Zhao Yuande had the Xuanwu armor for the first time, and the power of wearing it on his body had more than doubled.

Although he desperately wanted to withdraw his strength and did not completely release it, he still made Xiong Julian retreat, unable to resist.

In the end, Xiong Ju had no choice but to admit defeat.

During this battle, Zhao Yuande gradually became familiar with some of the functions of Xuanwu's armor, and he was very excited.

"Don’t be too proud, although the basaltic armor is powerful, the most important thing is to cultivate it yourself! If you can absorb more than three eternal forces, you may be able to rejuvenate the human race, if you can absorb four, you can let the human race in the universe. There is a real place in the sea. If you can absorb the five species, you can rescue us from the fire pit, just like the gods and rats, so that the gods and gods are worried."

"I got it! Thanks to the seniors for reminding me, I will definitely do my best!" Zhao Yuande focused on his head.

"Looking forward to your performance..."

The final ranking was indeed the first of the Yuan tribe, the second of the Xuanwu tribe, the third of the Chiling tribe, the fourth of the evil spider tribe, and the fifth of the Xuanshui tribe.

After the battle, a strong white **** god descended from the sky.

This strong man's breath is more powerful than the previous goddess woman.

Five principals bowed to it, saying elders.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but look up a large number of this strong man, the other party looked unsightly, but there was a kind of terror that people couldn't look directly at.

He felt it carefully and realized it carefully. This is the powerful existence that has realized eight kinds of eternal power.

"Although there is a little episode in this competition, the result is still perfect! These are three eternal beads, each of which is sealed with an eternal force, as long as the eternal beads are refined, you can instantly understand the eternity. Power! Of course, this eternal bead is only useful to the practitioners in the half-step eternal realm!" The strong man was dragging three silver orbs in his hand, and one could vaguely see the air flowing.

Hearing the strong man's words, suddenly many people's breathing began to become rapid.

This is the real treasure.

Zhao Yuande is also excited. If there are five kinds that cannot be absorbed in the holy springs afterwards, this thing can complement one.

"The first place can be the first choice." The strong man threw the three silver orbs, just in front of Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande swept away the soul, and suddenly found that two of them had already realized that a bead with a slight glow of red light was what he was missing now.

He took the bead directly in his hand without hesitation.

The strong man did not speak, but just sent the two beads to the front of Ning Kong again.

Ning Kong glanced at the two beads, slightly disappointed, because the five eternal energies available in the outside world were stored in the two.

This thing can only be taken back and dedicated to the family, Fuze descendants.

He picked one at random, depressed in his heart.

Xiong Ju also picked one, but his face showed joy.

"Okay! Rewards have been issued, you must remember that this is the kindness that the gods have given you." The strong man spoke lightly.

"Thank you Tianshen clan for rewards!" Zhao Yuande and three of them bowed their heads in unison.

"Well! Let's turn on the Holy Spring now!" The strong man nodded and looked at Xuan Hao.

"Yes, elder!" Xuan Hao hurriedly bowed.

"Okay! Let's all go with me!" Xuan Hao waved at the many geniuses of the Five Clan.

What is most exciting at this time is not the Yuan tribe, Xuanwu tribe and Chiling tribe, but the Xuanshui tribe.

All the advent geniuses of the Xuanshui tribe have died on the stage. Although they are now in fifth place, they can allow the four geniuses of their own group to enter the holy spring for a month, which is more generous than getting the first prize.

Under the leadership of Xuan Hao, they left the arena and appeared in front of a big hall shrouded in five colors. This big hall is not particularly huge, but it does not have a gate.

Outside the hall there are two old men in grey robes sitting cross-legged.

After Xuan Hao arrived, one of the old grey robe opened his eyes.

"Xuan Hao, are these geniuses this time?" The old gray robe glanced at Zhao Yuande and nodded slightly, "Yes! Yes!"

"Yes, the guardian, they are the genius of this time, please open the temple and let them enter it to absorb the eternal power!" Xuan Hao reverently replied.

"Well!" The old gray robe waved, and there was a void gate in front of it, in which the five-color light flashed continuously. "The team that won the first place can enter this gate. You have one year to practice, and then you will be moved by yourself. Send it out."

The four of Zhao Yuande hurried out, bowed slightly to the old man in gray robe, and then strode into the door of the void.

After Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared, the old gray robe waved the door and disappeared.

Zhao Yuande stepped out in one step, and suddenly felt that he had fallen into a world of five colors. These five colors corresponded to the five elements.

This world is very vast and somewhat similar to the world inhabited by the five races.

In the center of the five areas is a vast five-color ocean, and a huge five-color water column rises into the sky in the center of the ocean.

The five-color water column is the source of the five-color light.

The area where he is now is golden.

"Everyone, start practicing!" Zhao Yuande nodded to everyone, then sat cross-legged and began to absorb.

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