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"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He glanced at this moment, the other three were no longer together.

Mouse Han has now returned to the golden area, while Xue Ling and Ze Yun are now in the red area.

Ze Yun seems to have just entered the red zone, he has not fully entered the state.

From then on, we can see that the talent of Mouse Han is probably stronger than the other two.

"Continue, don't delay the time. If it has been for three months, I am afraid we can't absorb it completely. I have a red orb, and the red area can save some time." Zhao Yuande said.

"Then go to the red area in the end, or your strength first!" Void Gourd quickly made the right choice.

They entered the cyan area and continued to swallow.

A year passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Yuande has actually absorbed five eternal powers in eleven months. In the last month, he began to devour in five areas continuously, and even condensed into five gems, which contained the eternal power that a person needs. .

If this thing is brought back, it can create a powerful eternal realm with five eternal powers.

"Buzz!" Void shuddered.

Zhao Yuande felt a teleportation force acting on himself.

But this power did not directly send him away, but gave him a reminder.

After ten breaths, the power of teleportation suddenly disappeared into the world with his body.

When he appeared again, he had seen a familiar figure, it was the Yuan patriarch.

And beside him, there were more rats, Xueling, and Zeyun.

They are still outside the hall at this time, although the other advent geniuses have already left, but the five races have strong men here, and they seem to be waiting for the final result.

"How is it?" The patriarch of the Yuan tribe turned his gaze to Zhao Yuande.

"Four kinds!" Zhao Yuande felt a lot of eyes around him, he said.

"Four kinds! It is already very rare! Your future is limitless." The Yuan patriarch rubbed his hands, his face showing excitement.

Many strong people of the five clan groups around them, including the two grey robe elders who were outside the hall, now looked at Zhao Yuande with an envious eye.

They know nine kinds of eternal power. If the true eternity is achieved, then it will be the most powerful eternal power.

Their potential is endless, and it will eventually be called a powerful existence in the cosmic sea.

By then everyone present will look up.

In fact, the three mice Han Xueling and Ze Yun did not know how many species Zhao Yuande absorbed.

They took every breathing time to absorb, and ultimately only let themselves down.

"What kind of mouse are you?" The patriarch Yuan looked at Mouse Han again.

"I am also four kinds." Mouse Han replied lightly.

Instead, everyone heard that Rathan said four things, all of which were no different.

Because they know the talents of the God Eater family, they even know that there is a peerless ancestor in the God Eater family, who has realized ten kinds of eternal power!

However, Mouse Han looked at Zhao Yuande somewhat differently.

According to Zhao Yuande's horrible means of devouring, there should be more than four!

But he really didn't have time to pay attention to Zhao Yuande at the time, and his four kinds were finally completed.

It took two months and five days to absorb the first kind of time, and two months and ten days for the second kind.

But in the third kind, he chose green by mistake.

Green corresponds to wood, which is life.

It is also like the gourd of the void, and wants to absorb the power of life in it.

Although the result absorbed a lot of life force, but in the end it took a full five months.

He finally absorbed a kind of time in God's domain.

If he is not greedy, he will probably absorb all five.

In fact, Han Han had some regrets in his heart at this time.

"I have only three kinds." Xue Ling was a little lost.

"I have three kinds." Ze Yun had a smile on his face.

"It's all good, all I expected." Yuan patriarch nodded.

"The four of you are going to be ready, and there will be people from the Celestial Clan to woo you, and let you join the Celestial Clan to become a disciple of the Celestial Clan! Make your own choices in advance! It doesn't matter whether you agree or refuse, the other party doesn't Will use strong." Yuan clan chief said.

The four nodded and looked at each other.

"Senior, how many types did Ning Kong absorb?" Zhao Yuande asked at this moment.

"Two kinds!" Yuan patriarch smiled, "This time, the **** god will be bleeding. At least two high-level heavenly treasures must be taken out in order to exchange two eternal powers."

"Oh! Can it be exchanged for eternal power?" Xue Ling's eyes lit up.

"It is indeed possible to exchange for it, but... it needs a strong ethnic group, and only allows up to nine kinds of eternal power to appear on Nether, they will strictly monitor it, and they will never miss it! If someone dares to secretly sell eternal power to the Nether God Race , Will be directly killed by the gods, and will also directly erase the dark sky! They don’t allow ten strong people with eternal power not to be under their control." The Yuan patriarch looked at Zhao Yuande and expressed his intentions. Refers to.

Zhao Yuande immediately understood that there were many countermeasures in his heart.

The Void Gourd actually reminded him long ago that he only absorbed four types, and among these four types there is the blue eternal power.

The remaining one he condensed into a pearl, waiting to go out and then re-absorb.

At the same time, the main world also turned into invisible dust and appeared in Zhao Yuande's inner world.

So even the Yuan patriarch only discovered that Zhao Yuande now has nine eternal powers.

"Pan Yuan, are they coming out?" A voice rang in the ear.

It was the powerful elder of the previous Celestial Race.

The elder was extremely powerful, and all of them bowed their heads as soon as they appeared on the field.

"Come out!" Pan Yuan respectfully said.

"Several kinds are understood!" the elder asked again.

"Zhao Yuande and Rat Han are four kinds, Xueling Zeyun is three kinds." The Yuan patriarch dare not conceal.

"Not bad! Not bad! Very good!" The elder looked at the four of them, his eyes glowing with excitement.

Especially when his eyes fell on Zhao Yuande, that kind of light was more intense.

"Are you called Zhao Yuande?" the elder said to Zhao Yuande.

"The junior is exactly Zhao Yuande." Zhao Yuande bowed and saluted with a very respectful attitude.

"Well! Very good! Would you like to be a disciple of my goddess, as long as you agree, you can directly become a true disciple of goddess and give you the title of an elder." The elder looked a little bit eager.

"If juniors join the Celestial Clan, will there be any physical restrictions?" Zhao Yuande asked.

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