Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4748: Rent Dong

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Chapter 4787 Lease of Dongfu

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Xiongtai, give me your Tenjin Card, and I will transfer the universe coins to you." Luo Qing smiled.

"Tenjin Card, I don't have! I haven't been out in the mountains for thousands of years of retreat, so this thing has not been handled." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly and looked at the other party. "I think Brother Luo must have a way to help me do it. I will definitely not treat Brother Luo."

"This..." Luo Qing heard Zhao Yuande say this, he couldn't help but stunned for a while, but soon he thought of a possibility, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, "Yes, please ask Xiongtai to say his name , Information about the ethnic group, and so on, I will go and reissue a Tenjin Card for you immediately."

"My name is Zhao Sheng, and the emperor belongs to..." Zhao Yuande casually made a fuss.

"I know, please brother Zhao to wait for a cup of tea here." Luo Qing said in a hurry to leave.

Immediately, someone presented the Xiangming Xianguo with various snacks.

Zhao Yuande eats and drinks at will, not worried about poisoning.

Half an hour later, Luo Qing hurried back and handed a metal card to Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande's soul entered the card, and suddenly saw his own information, and there were one million universe coins in it.

Cosmic coin is just a virtual number, he feels that it is very convenient to transfer these arrays with a move of the soul.

This also has a huge disadvantage, that is, if such a metal card is obtained by someone, it can be transferred at will.

However, in this world, there are many things that kill each other and rob each other.

This is not difficult to understand.

"Well! Yes, Brother Luo really has the means." Zhao Yuande put the metal card into the storage space, and took out a storage ring and handed it over. "Brother Luo looks at the value of the things inside?"

Luo Qing took the storage ring and suddenly his eyes straightened.

"Heaven... Heaven is the treasure!" Luo Qing's body was shaking.

"Yes, Tiandazhibao, bid it!" Zhao Yuande took a sip of tea and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Among that storage ring, there are not only more than thirty pieces of Daoyan Divine Soldiers but also two pieces of heavenly treasures.

Although the heavenly treasures are ordinary goods, Luo Qing's body still shook with shock.

He felt like he was dreaming at this time, and it seemed that a large pie fell from the sky on his head, making him unable to eat for a lifetime.

In this cosmic sea, it is similar to the dimension of origin. The eternal realm is not common, and half-step eternity is even the top layer.

The Heavenly Treasure is a treasure used by the eternal realm. This kind of treasure is usually not seen. Even if I heard that there were a few at this auction, all of them are finale treasures.

In front of him, Zhao Sheng took out two pieces of Heavenly Treasure, which was the rhythm to scare the dead.

If this sale is completed, they can even be among the top ten treasure houses in Baihe City.

They can take out one to go to the auction this time, and they will definitely greatly enhance their reputation.

"This... thirty-three Daoyan Divine Soldiers, three of them are inferior, eighteen are in the middle class, and twelve are in the top class... we can give out 2.4 million universe coins in the hanging treasure house. Treasure... The price of each piece should be 10 million, I will give you 14 million! The total price is 16400,000! Brother Zhao you see..." Luo Qing said the price Can not help dry mouth, even the body standing in front of Zhao Yuande began to bow slightly respectfully.

With so many cosmic coins, even if they hang out of the treasure house, he will have to contact his family to quickly mobilize the cosmic coins.

"Okay! Just what you said!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

"Brother Zhao, please wait a moment, I will raise cosmic coins, and I will definitely come back within an hour!" Luo Qing's heart will jump out at this time, just afraid that Zhao Yuande will say nothing.

"Go!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly, leaving a trace of the soul on the other's body.

However, this Luo Qing really did not have any crooked thoughts, and soon raised enough cosmic coins.

At the end of the transaction, Zhao Yuande's mouth showed a satisfied smile.

"Brother Luo, we still have a chance to cooperate in the future. Goodbye!" Zhao Yuande waved to Luo Qing, his body disappeared into the void in an instant.

After Zhao Yuande left, Luo Qing's body roared with an old man in white.

"Landlord!" Luo Qing bowed down to salute the old man.

"You did a good job!" The old man in white nodded slightly and was satisfied. "Now you are the supervisor of my hanging treasure building, and your rights are only under me."

"Thank you, the landlord!" Luo Qing hurriedly bowed down again.

"Give me that Excalibur! I can use this long sword to contend with the eternal realm strong one or two, and we have greater say in the hanging treasure house!" The old man in white smiled.


When Zhao Yuande left the hanging treasure building, his figure changed again, and his appearance became older, somewhat similar to the heavenly Taoist.

He inquired in the city and soon flew towards the east of the city.

There is a high mountain in the east of the city, a spiritual vein drawn from the bottom of the mountain.

Cave houses were opened up on the high mountain.

Zhao Yuande came under this high mountain.

There is a slender old man who guards here.

"This old man, I want to rent the best cave house." Zhao Yuande clenched his fist to the thin old man.

"Well! The best cave house is on the mountain, with a price of 10,000 cosmos coins a day, a half-mountain of three thousand cosmos coins a day, and a foot of a thousand cosmos coins a day." The thin and thin old man looked up and down Zhao Yuande, thinking he couldn't afford the best rent Dongfu, so I explained it.

"Thank you brother! I will rent the best cave house! Let me rent it for ten days!" Zhao Yuande smiled kindly to the thin old man.

"Okay! It's better to have two, No. 3 and No. 6 left in Dongfu! Choose No. 6!" said the thin and thin old man and handed him a jade card with a six word written on it.

Zhao Yuande was also very simple, and directly transferred 100,000 universe coins to the other party.

"Go!" The thin old man waved his hand.

Zhao Yuande nodded, picked up the jade card and went to the high mountain.

Just when he reached the top of the mountain, a voice came from behind him.

"Wait!" The voice was slightly arrogant.

He turned and saw a pair of young men and women flying up into the mountains, standing on the sky and staring at him.

The young man had a tall figure and a disappointing look when he looked at Zhao Yuande.

And that woman was simply unbearable Zhao Yuande, just snuggling beside the man.

The woman's skin was white as snow, and she looked cute. She didn't seem to be very old, she was a little bit immature, and she was particularly lovable.

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