Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4751: One hundred thousand meeting

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Chapter 4771

"If the two of you join forces, can you defeat the sheep demon?" The young man in yellow was a little unwilling.

"No! That sheep demon's breath is very powerful, I am afraid that it is also a strong man in the half-step eternal realm!" Another old man shook his head.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that he is so arrogant! It turns out that there is this sheep demon behind him." Li Hong gritted his teeth. "But our emperor is not afraid of him. This time the deputy master of our emperor will be close, and I will I don’t believe that the demon will be the opponent of the deputy master!"

"Oh! Senior Gongsun will be close, and I must just introduce the younger brother to that moment." The young man in yellow immediately flashed his eyes when he heard the words "Vice Master".

This Gongsun deputy master is really a strong man, and he can be promoted to eternity even a little bit, although it is only the deputy master, but basically the big and small things of the emperor are all handled by him.

"Sure! Certainly!" Li Hong nodded again and again.

Zhao Yuande naturally heard them, but he was too lazy to manage each other.

It's just here that I watched the auction with great interest.

This is not the big universe he lived in before. There are many strange and strange treasures that opened his eyes.

Appraisal also has its place.

"The next auction is a rare peculiar plant called the Sky Soul Vine! This Sky Soul Vine can be used to make the most anti-Sky Elixir Sky Soul Pill. Even if the eternal realm takes it, it can make its own soul A small step forward!" The fox girl took out a crystal treasure box, in which you could see a vine dancing continuously.

This treasure box is also a treasure of space, in which the vines planted are full of vitality.

"What! Heaven Soul Vine! This kind of magic weapon has been found!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Hey! It's a pity that although the Soul Vine works against the sky, the auxiliary materials needed are simply difficult to find, and it's impossible to refine the Soul Pill."

"Yes! No sand, falling sky water... that one is not a rare treasure, especially that kind of flame... Chaotic green lotus fire does not exist in the world at all, so even if it is bought back, it can only be eaten raw. "

"It's a pity that this kind of artifact can't be used to its full capacity!"

"Otherwise, I won't get this kind of auction to auction, which has long been divided by those big figures."


Hearing these words, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but move.

This thing really needs Chaos Qinglian Fire to be refined?

"Senior Fire Spirit, do you know the Sky Soul Vine?" Zhao Yuande asked the Fire Spirit left by Danwu Shengjun at this time.

They claim that they don't need any materials to refine the Elixir. I don't know if the Soul Elixir can be refined this day.

"Sky Soul do you know this kind of thing!" Hearing Zhao Yuande's inquiry, the voice of Huo Ling became a little excited.

"I'm on an auction site, among which is the Tian Soul Vine." Zhao Yuande told the truth.

"Buy it, be sure to buy it! If you can't buy it, grab it! This thing must be grabbed!" Huo Ling was faintly excited at this time. "This rare treasure is almost extinct. If you let chaos Qinglian fire With help, I can refine it into a heavenly soul pill, which will have a huge effect on your soul!"

"That's true! Don't you need other materials to assist? For example, there is no sand, the sky falls..." Zhao Yuande asked.

"You still know these!" Huo Lingqi said, "If you have these, of course it is good, you can save a certain amount of time if there is no more. These medicinal properties can be extracted from the void, but it takes a long time."

"Why couldn't the soul vine be extracted that day?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"The growth conditions of the Sky Soul Vine are extremely demanding, and it requires a dead eternal realm strongman. After hundreds of millions of years of absorption, the Sky Soul Vine will absorb the remnant spirit of this eternal realm strongman, and will eventually take shape." Huo Ling some Helplessly said, "We can only extract energy, we really can't extract this thing."

"I know!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

At this time, the auction of Tianshenvine has begun.

Although it is a peculiar treasure, it can't be made into a heavenly soul pill, and its efficacy is reduced by 90% at a time, so the price is not high.

The starting price of Tian Soul Vine is three million, and there are not many monks. Many people are bidding scattered.

After more than ten rounds of bidding, the final price stayed at 4.8 million.

"Sky Soul Vine, 4.8 million, there are no more bids! This is Peerless Treasure, if one day there is another chaotic green lotus fire between heaven and earth, the price of this Sky Soul Vine may be It can be increased by a hundred times! If you start now, not taking is also an investment." The fox girl's enthusiastic eyes looked at many palaces in the sky and the buildings and boats.

However, despite what she said, the smallpox is falling, but no one still bids.

"4.85 million!" Just when the fox girl was disappointed to make a final decision, Zhao Yuande finally bid.

"This old guy has such a big arm!" Li Hong looked at Zhao Yuande in shock.

"It seems that this person's origin is extraordinary, it is not worth it to start with 4.85 million!" The young man in yellow couldn't help but nodded slightly, "Brother Li, be careful!"

"I don't care what kind of person he is. When the deputy door master comes, he will kneel down for me!" Li Hong gritted his teeth.

"Then look forward to the success of Brother Li!" The young man in yellow made a wink at the old man beside him.

The old man bowed his head in a hurry, and seemed to be talking to someone.

"This friend, can you give me a face, what do you want me to do this day?" Just before this time, the strong man who bid for 4.8 million turned to look at Zhao Yuande.

This is a strong man with a tiger head, and the exposed upper body is full of explosive power.

It looked at Zhao Yuande at this moment with a bit of warning in his eyes.

Hearing the name Tiger Sky, many people couldn't help but cast their eyes.

"This is the tiger genius! The powerful genius of the white tiger family is said to be able to compete with many half-step eternal realm elders!"

"You don't know, this tiger goddess has realized the endless potential of the seven kinds of eternal power, and is one of the few young patriarchs of the white tiger family!"

"I heard that this time he came for the longevity of the Patriarch of the White Tiger family. This Tianshen vine is probably the birthday gift he prepared!"

"The Patriarch of the White Tiger... It should be a figure from the ancient times!"

"I heard that one hundred thousand yuan has already lived!"

"What... 100,000 yuan will... Isn't that..."


"Hehe! Friends of the White Tigers, this is something I must get. If you can, let me give it to your friends!" Zhao Yuande didn't pay attention to the threat of the other party, but said lightly.

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