Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4766: Birthday gift

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Chapter 4767th birthday ceremony

The tiger clan was slapped again before he finished speaking.

Where did he know that Hu Tiansha had suffered a big loss long ago and could not beat others.

The tiger clan who had been slapped at this time wanted to come over and suggest something, but he didn't expect to anger Hu Tiansha all of a sudden.

"Tiansha, what are you doing? Don't hurry to come and entertain these VIPs." A majestic voice scolded.

"Yes!" Hu Tiansha couldn't help shivering when he heard this voice, and hurriedly followed.

"That Hu Tiansha seems to be very hostile to you." Mouse Han naturally paid attention to all this.

"Xue Ling was rescued from his industry. I gave him a little education before." Zhao Yuande said.

Xueling nodded and looked at Hu Tiansha's eyes full of hatred.

At this time, the old goat was consciously unqualified to speak with these people, but just immersed himself in the food, constantly fighting against the delicacies in front of him.

"It turns out so." Mouse Han's eyes flashed fiercely, obviously obviously dissatisfied with this tiger's evil spirit.

The VIPs were all here, and the ancestor of the White Tigers opened his eyes.

He gave a hand to the many strong men who came to He Shou. Then a lot of useless nonsense was said, and the banquet officially began.

All the appetizers on the previous table were removed, and suddenly countless beautiful women brought a plate of gourmet wine.

The banquet was fierce, and countless people praised the cooking and ingredients.

At this time, powerful people from all races presented their gifts, and those treasures were really bright in the eyes.

Even Zhao Yuande was stunned at this time. When he saw so many good things, it was dazzling.

Many of them are of great use to him and will transform the main world.

But he could only sigh.

The people who lined up outside to come to He Shou were to present their own gifts first, and these noble guests wanted to present them now.

This is actually the intention of the White Tigers. It can not only make the White Tigers have a face, but also allow many forces who come to give gifts to be embarrassed to send too bad gifts.

Only by comparison can there be competition, and all talents will have a strong sense of competitiveness.

Although the gifts of the God Eater family are presented, personal gifts are not lacking.

In particular, the geniuses of the God-eaten Rat Clan who lived in the same building have prepared their own gifts.

"Brother Zhao, you have already presented a gift outside, so you don't have to do it here!" Mouse Han said when he saw Zhao Yuande taking out a jade bottle.

"It's okay, I prepared the gift before, but when I arranged it in that kind of place, I can only reduce the gift by 90%, now since I'm here, I will offer it directly!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly.

He knew that Rathan wanted to prepare a copy for himself, how could he do it.

"All right!" Seeing Zhao Yuande's firm attitude, Mouse Han nodded.

Coincidentally, it was Hu Tianjun who came to collect gifts.

At this point, Hu Tiandun didn't mention how awkward it was. He almost didn't dare to look at Zhao Yuande. He always felt a strange smile on his face.

"Shouhan Shaozhu Jiu Pinchunyang Wine Altar!" Hu Tianjun constantly shouted the name of a variety of gifts, when shouting Jiupin Chunyang Wine, many people turned their heads all at once.

Especially for many good wine drinkers, light suddenly appeared in their eyes, and even the corners of their mouths could not help spitting out.

I am afraid that only Zhao Yuande and Lao Goat do not know the value of this wine.

But they couldn't help being curious when they saw everyone's reaction.

"Good! Good! Jiupin Chunyang liquor, I haven't been drinking this kind of viscous jelly for many years, and it will be presented immediately. I want to drink with your old friends." At this time, even the first old old star could not help laughing. .

"What the **** is this wine!" Zhao Yuande finally could not help but secretly asked.

"This is a mysterious brewing technique of the mythic devouring rats. It takes 100,000 years to brew such a jar of wine, and the materials consumed in it are countless. This time the family gave me a jar specially and let me personally offer it. "Mohan explained."

"It seems that your position in the family is already unshakable!" Zhao Yuande said.

"The status has been determined, as long as I promote eternity is the owner of this generation." Rat cold said.

There was no joy in his voice, but a faint helplessness.

Zhao Yuande knew that he did not get ten kinds of eternal power, so he would become the next generation's owner.

If you can get ten kinds, it will not be the owner of the house, but more than the owner of the house, it is almost the same as the ancestor of the God Eater family.

Everyone presented gifts one after another, and soon came to Zhao Yuande.

"This is my gift." Zhao Yuande presented the jade bottle.

He didn't get angry when facing Hu Tianjun, but smiled slightly.

This kind of person is not very annoying. There are no conspiracies and tricks going straight, much better than those who only like to play conspiracies.

For example, Hu Tiansha staring at himself not far away now, this guy doesn't know what he is thinking about.

Hu Tianjun took the Jade Bottle and frowned slightly.

The ordinary jade bottle like Xin Dao can have any great treasures in it.

But he didn't think about it but he was stunned, because he saw the dense panacea in the jade bottle... there are a total of 9,990!

Even as a young master of the White Tigers, he was still stunned on the spot.

This... this gift is too heavy.

It is even comparable to the gifts sent by some big clans, no... more precious than the gifts sent by most big clans.

This is strategic material, something that every big family, big power, and big family must store.

Now the other party has delivered 9,990!

If he knew that Zhao Yuande would present such a gift, even if he knelt down and begged, he asked to arrange the other party beside his seat.

With these immortals, his status will be determined instantly.

The old guys in the family will definitely be overwhelmed, and their future is boundless.

But it was so hard to miss, he wished he could hit the ground and die!

"What's the matter? The gift is so bad! Cousin Tianyou, you have to shout it again!" Hu Tiansha, who was not far away, saw this scene and suddenly wanted to be crooked.

Many people's eyes also looked at Tiger Sky, and their eyes showed curiosity.

Even Mouse Han couldn't help looking at Zhao Yuande at this time.

Zhao Yuande smiled slightly at him, revealing a reassuring expression.

"Worry-Free Pills are nine hundred and ninety!" Hu Tianjun said hardly the name and number of gifts.

"What the hell……"

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