Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4769: The right choice

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Chapter 4767 The Right Choice

Well now, this black tiger suddenly became his sparring partner.

Each of these three supernatural powers can be earth-shattering, and each is a peerless supernatural power.

Although Zhao Yuande's performance is not pure, he still suppresses the black tiger to the disadvantage, so that it only has the power to resist and not the resistance.

"Black Tiger, I'm here!" The Lion King knew that he might continue to continue, so he left without hesitation.

Only Hu Tiansha was left standing, not leaving nor leaving.

The Lion King's golden hair danced wildly, joining the battle and suddenly turning the situation a bit. Under the joint of the two, it was comparable to Zhao Yuande's battle.

Instead of worrying, Zhao Yuande showed an excitement of excitement.

He still knows his combat effectiveness by now.

Both of these are eternal realm powerhouses who have realized the four eternal powers, but their cultivation behavior has just entered the eternal realm soon.

And Zhao Yuande's three kinds of supernatural powers are still not purely pure, especially that day when Emperor Boxing was the most aggressive, he only mastered the essence of one-tenth.

Even so, he can draw a tie with these two eternal realm powerhouses, and if he is fully in control... he is a little excited to think of it here.

"What should I do? This human being is too powerful!" The Black Tiger secretly transmitted a sound to the Lion King.

"If the man named Zhao Sheng turns back to attack, the young master is in danger, so let's leave the young master!" said the Lion King.

"Good! Find the right opportunity to take the young master and leave me to block him." Black Tiger Road.

"I'm here to stop him. You are not hurt badly. I'm afraid I can't stop it for much time." The Lion King said.


The two strong men of eternal realm are communicating in secret, and they have nothing on the surface.

However, Zhao Yuande's powerful spirit at this time can feel that the two opponents now seem to be a little absent-minded.

He immediately understood the other party's thoughts, and he was probably going to run away.

Finally, with such two sparring, how could he let them leave.

So a teleport without hesitation appeared in front of Hu Tiansha, a huge world in his palm slowly turned, and he grabbed it towards Hu Tiansha.

Hu Tiansha's original cultivation method should be able to resist one or two, but he was photographed by Zhao Yuande's powerful force just now. At this moment, he saw a huge world rolling towards himself.

He suddenly lost his mind and forgot to resist.

"No... don't kill me, kill me, you have no good ending!" Hu Tiansha roared desperately.

But how did Zhao Yuande listen to his barking, Qiankun sucked him in, and made him a tiger in the cage.

"Release Young Master!" Black Tiger saw this scene and suddenly changed his face.

Their responsibility is to protect Hu Tiansha. If Hu Tiansha is dead, they may be directly killed.

Now that Hu Tiansha was captured, they threw a mouse tab and lost their position for a while.

"Don't worry, as long as you obediently obey and continue to fight with me, I will not treat him!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other with a smile. "As long as you are satisfied with my fight, maybe I will let him go." "

"Does this really matter?" The Lion King asked as if seeing hope.

"Really!" Zhao Yuande nodded with a smile.

"Then continue to fight!" The Lion King and the Black Tiger looked at each other, all helpless.

Now the two guys have completely become Zhao Yuande's sparring, and they are fighting with Zhao Yuande here.

This vast wild jungle has been levelled.

The tens of thousands of miles around the place has been affected by their wars and appeared in huge potholes.

Even the void is broken everywhere.

At this time, their war flies around all the monsters and beasts around, and many inquiries from the strong are standing far away to watch the war.

"Go! Let's go to the extraterrestrial war." Zhao Yuande saw many strong men watching, knowing that this continued fighting might attract the attention of the white tiger strong men.

In case it is known that he has captured Hu Tiansha, I am afraid that the White Tigers will directly dispatch the strong to capture themselves.

At that time, it will not end.

Zhao Yuande jumped into the sky and appeared in the starry sky.

Numerous stars surround the surrounding area, and numerous bright lights shine.

Below is the vast earth, endless time and space, giving Zhao Yuande a feeling of overlooking the world.


Zhao Yuande shouted again, and once again exhibited Tiandiquan's **** style.

At this time, he began to urge Tiandiquan to do his best, to realize the essence of it, and the road contained in it.

Suddenly a venerable Emperor's phantom flew out of his body, and every phantom was casting the Emperor's fist.

The whole starry sky was shining with a golden light shining by the ghost images of these emperors.

"Not good! This human seems to be a lot more powerful at once." The black tiger was punched by a **** Emperor Xuying, and suddenly felt the strength of his body suffocated. He almost spurted blood.

"Hey! There is no way, the young master is arrested, we can only be beaten!" The Lion King's face was gray now, and his heart was very lost.

He was originally the leader of the Golden Lion tribe and a vassal tribe of the White Tiger tribe.

They were exploited and bullied by the White Tiger clan. In desperation, he could only walk out of the Golden Lion clan's territory and become a member of the White Tiger clan.

The purpose is to make yourself stronger and eventually lead the Golden Lions out of a path.

But when he arrived here, he was not taken seriously at all, and he became the guardian of Hu Tiansha. He endured the burden and wanted to wait for the opportunity to soar.

But now it is found that there is no hope for his future.

How to do? Throw away this waste young master and run away, take your own people and leave the world quickly to turn to other races?

Or is it a deadly battle with the other party, just continue like this?

But there is no chance of going on like this...

At this moment, the Emperor Xingying had reached thirty-six statues, and a single statue was not powerful, but the thirty-six statues combined to make heaven and earth bleak.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Thirty-six Heavenly Emperor Xingying revolved around the Lion King and the Black Tiger, and continued to form a variety of mysterious large arrays of joint attacks.

The two strong men of the eternal realm were beaten without even the power to fight back, and they all retreated.

Especially the Black Tiger, whose strands were broken and his blood was dripping all over his body.

"Surrendered! Surrendered!" Black Tiger knew that to continue, he was afraid that he would be killed alive.

"I've cast it too!" The Lion King was also decadent.

He has long lost his will to fight. If he was not stronger than Black Tiger himself, he would have been killed.

"Yes, you made the right choice." Zhao Yuande sucked in his mouth, and all thirty-six Emperor Xingying's shadows were taken into his mouth.

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