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Chapter 4772: Treasures crush people

"Why would my genius be there! What the **** happened?" Xueyin Shengjun experienced some unknown years, and at a glance, Xueling saw apathy when she looked at the Xueyin tribe at this time. Heartbroken!

"Old ancestor this...this..." The middle-aged beautiful woman supported us, his face full of fear.


Xueyin Shengjun slapped **** the middle-aged beautiful woman's face and rolled her straight down to the ground.

The middle-aged beautiful woman knelt down on the ground in a hurry, her face pale.

All the strong men around me looked at this time, and they all looked at the Xueyin curiously.

"Say!" Xueyin Shengjun's voice was filled with endless ice and coldness, and his tone was also indifferent.

"It's all bosses..." The middle-aged beautiful woman is now the generation patriarch of the Xueyin tribe. She talked about the causes and consequences of the incident.

Suddenly, there was sarcasm on the face.

For the position of patriarch, the strongest genius in the clan was sold to Fengyuechang!

This is a big joke!

The most important thing is to be acquiesced by this generation patriarch!

"Is the boss coming?" Xueyin Shengjun looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman with all murderous eyes.

"Come, there!" The middle-aged beautiful woman dare to hide at this moment, pointing to a woman who was terrified and shivering.

"Damn it!" Xueyin Shengjun's palm moved, and the woman came to her.

She slapped the woman into puree with a slap.

"The old ancestors spared life!" Seeing this scene, the middle-aged beautiful woman was so scared that she was dead, and her whole body was shaking like sieve.

"You are so stupid, my Xueyin tribe will perish sooner or later, and today I won't kill you Nanping. My heart is angry." Xueyin Shengjun then slapped the middle-aged beautiful woman to death.

Then she looked at Xue Ling beside Zhao Yuande.

"Child! If you are willing to come back, the head of the Xueyin tribe is yours." Xueyin Shengjun looked at Xueling with expectation.

Because the other party was in the Divine Eater family at this time, she really didn't dare to do anything beyond the boundary.

Xueling stood up and bowed slightly to Xueyin Shengjun.

"Old ancestor, when I was betrayed by my own people, my heart died! Those indifferent eyes made me never want to look back!" Xue Ling shook his head slightly, "And I promised Brother Zhao, neither Probably backfired!"

"But you are needed in the family!" Xueyin Shengjun was a little unwilling.

"I don't need me in the family! You look at their eyes, and you only have resentment when you see me! You don't have to worry about it anymore! When Xueling was sold, it had nothing to do with the family." Xueling Yaoyao salutes then Sit down and no longer go to see the snowy prince.

Xueyin Shengjun heard Xueling's words and turned to look at it and found that everyone in his family was resentful and vicious.

In fact, this can't be blamed. They can only be brought by the patriarch's cronies. The patriarchs were killed because of Xue Ling. These patriarchs' cronies will fall even if they return to the status of the clan.

They did not dare to resent the ancestors, but they resented Xueling very much.

"Hey!" Xueyin Shengjun sat down on his seat, his face pale.

"Haha! What a great show! Even such a race would dare to compete with my gods. It's a joke!" That day, the **** woman Shenyue looked at Xueyin's eyes full of contempt.

Xueyin Shengjun did not say anything at this time, just let the protoss woman say that day.

"Fine! Shenyue, don't talk nonsense, this is someone's housework." Shenge reprimanded.

"Yes!" Shenyue nodded, looking at the Xueyin tribe even more disdainfully.

Xueyin Saint bowed his head, his heart was ashamed.

As the Goddess woman said, the Xueyin tribe sucks!

She felt very regretful in her heart. If she hadn't closed her door all the year round and would let her power go out, what's the point now?

Let such a genius disciple leave the family, how many years will this genius appear in their family!

Next, the genius woman Shenyue of the Celestial Clan passed through all the way, and the geniuses of all the ethnic groups killed directly were frightened.


Mouse Han sighed, but in desperation he could only shoot himself.

Although the woman is strong, she is a little more careful in the face of rat cold.

"You are Rat Han, the Rat Han who killed my cousin Shenhui!" Shenyue watched Rat Han come forward, his eyes sharp.

"Yes!" Mouse Han just nodded.

"Then today I will take your life to honor my cousin's heroic spirit." Shenyue's body was dazzling with golden light, and there was a set of powerful golden armor. In his hand, he controlled a heavenly treasure sword.

At this time, Shenyue was armed to the teeth, and all over the body were terrible treasures.

This is a place to test magical powers. It is obviously more powerful than who to test.

"Since that's the case, I'm welcome!" Mouse Han just smiled coldly, with a scornful look on his face.

A yellow orb appeared on the top of his head, a faint figure appeared in the orb, and a horrible supernatural power was released from it.

As soon as this orb appeared, the void began to collapse all around, and the terrifying supernatural power was released, so that the bodies of some nearby bystanders could not help staggering backwards.

"That's...that's a strong man who controls eight kinds of eternal power! How could he be imprisoned in the orb!" At this time, many people watching around the world widened their eyes at the same time.

"This kind of treasure... is too cruel! This is equivalent to having a strong man who controls eight kinds of eternal powers helping the fight, and this strong man is still in the late stage of eternal realm!"

"Ancestral God Eater is so stable! Only this kind of treasure can qualify him to be refined, and only he can give this kind of treasure generously!"

"Hey! I really envy and hate! If I had this talent, if I could get this kind of treasure..."

"Go on your dreams! There are several geniuses in this large universe who understand the nine eternal forces."


That Shenyue was still confident, but when she saw the yellow orb, she was stunned on the spot.

How do you fight this? What's the use of more treasures on my body?

An eight-time powerhouse of the eternal realm of the lasting power can easily shoot itself to death with a slap.

It's that simple, it's so direct, it's so popular!

"It's a bit bad! This kind of treasures are out, how can we do a fair fight!" Shenge could not help but coughed a little, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"Hum! Allowing you gods treasures to add body, it will not allow us to eat a treasure with the God Rats! What kind of truth this is!" No treasures, just empty-handed wars, otherwise no one can control us!"

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