Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4774: In the palm of your hand

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Chapter Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Four

Such a peerless treasure, a horror killer, so Tsing Yi handed over to others.

Is this rat cold crazy?

If this treasure is sacrificed at this time, I am afraid that few people present are his opponents.

Seeing this scene, Shenguang suddenly felt cold in his heart.

You can’t use all the treasures, you can only use your power and magic to fight, it seems that your plan is going to fail.

The Divine Song is also a terrible color, and he never dreamed that Rathan would lend this treasure.

Even this treasure is so exciting that its value is simply inestimable.

How did he think about it when he lent it to others so easily?

Zhao Yuande didn't care what other people thought, but just smiled slightly at Shenguang.

"Come on! Let's be really fair! As long as you don't use the treasure, I will never take out that bead!"

The meaning of the words everyone understands naturally, as long as you don't understand the rules, then I will take out this bead and crush you.

"Humph! Human race! Synonymous with humble, you belong to that group, why don't you see the owner do not kneel down to worship." Shenguang has adjusted his form at this time, making a high expression.

He wanted to provoke Zhao Yuande so that he could find some flaws in it.

"Don't waste your time, I'm not the kind of human race you said, I'm a descendant of the human emperor!" Zhao Yuande said in a word, and was shocked in four games.

Even some strong men stood up directly, with an incredible light in their eyes.

"Isn't it said that the emperor's veins haven't come down? It can only be hidden in the far depths of the cosmic sea and dare not come out."

"It's not that, every time the Five Elements Land opens, they will participate, but there has never been any genius."

"Hey! If the big universe they lived in was not protected by a strong presence, I'm afraid it would have been won by the gods!"

"Is that legendary powerful existence alive or dead now?"

"No one knows, but I think it's more likely to be born, otherwise the big universe will not be guaranteed for a long time. How could the Tenjin Race give up such a piece of fat."

"This is also..."

Many of the comments around the four got into Zhao Yuande's ears, giving him a deeper understanding of the human universe.

It turned out to be guarded by a strong man. The strong man should have been a member of the Tenjin Palace, and later created the human universe.

Just when these emotions came together, the opposite **** finally couldn't help but start first.

The Divine Light is indeed very powerful, stronger than Divine Moon.

But Zhao Yuande didn't take him seriously.

His strength has now surpassed each other.

But with such a sparring partner, he was very happy.

Therefore, he was also polite, directly launched the Tiandi fist and Shenguang fight.

"This is Heavenly Emperor Boxing!" Shen Ge recognized this boxing technique at a glance, and the murderous sight was violent.

If not among the white tigers, he has already started.

The heir to the emperor, the gods will kill it.

"This is Heavenly Emperor's Fist!" Fu Yunzi's body could not help shaking slightly at this moment.

Whether it is the Emperor Gate or the Emperor Gate, their heritage is incomplete.

Emperor Di Huang's peerless supernatural powers are seriously missing. At this time, when he saw Zhao Yuan De Shi exhibiting Heavenly Emperor boxing, how could he not be excited?

This is one of the three magical powers of the emperor's fame, and its power can be opened up.

"Kill him! At all costs! Kill him even if you die!" Shen Ge's voice sounded in the ear of Shen Guang at this time.

But it is not easy to kill Zhao Yuande.

Because Shenguang has fallen into the shadow of the terrifying power of Heavenly Emperor Boxing.

If he knew that Zhao Yuande's Heavenly Emperor Boxing only exerted 70% of his strength, how would he feel in his heart.


Shenguang was ordered to know that his life would probably stay here. He simply gave up his defense.

He turned into a horrible golden god-man, and the magical power he exhibited was even more powerful.

More importantly, he is now using the fighting method of fighting with life.

Zhao Yuande felt the pressure that the other party put on himself and couldn't help but feel happy.

He didn't want the other party to be killed early by himself. He also had to use his opponent's hand to get familiar with Heavenly Emperor's fist.

He raised the power he exhibited once again to a grade, reaching 80% of the power.

Feeling the power of Zhao Yuande, Shenguang felt ashamed at this time, knowing that if he wanted to kill the other party, he would have to die.

"Unlock the seal!" Shenguang shouted.

Shenguang's whole body released a dazzling golden firelight, and at this time his whole body began to burn in exchange for temporary strong power.

The power of Shenguang is rising, and the strength is multiplying.


Zhao Yuande was not able to adapt to this change of the other party for a while, so he was blown away.


Shenguang had fallen into a semi-crazy state at this time, the golden flame on his body getting stronger and stronger.

The temperature in the air has risen sharply, but in an instant some cultivators who have cultivated to a lower level can no longer bear this horrible temperature and begin to retreat continuously.

"Haha! Happy!"

Zhao Yuande was blown away by a boxing, but he was not injured, just a punch in the chest.

And under the repair of the undead force, this injury was recovered in an instant.

Facing the increasingly powerful divine light, Zhao Yuande was more and more excited at this time.

Under this pressure, he felt his Tiandi boxing became more and more pure.

Although he was suppressed at this time, his smile continued.

"Haha! Thank you!" Zhao Yuande's fist of Heavenly Emperor changed into a palm of his hand.

Because he feels that Tiandiquan has reached a bottleneck, he wants to move on unless he can improve his cultivation base.

"This is the palm of the world! How is this possible! He actually learned two kinds of human supernatural powers!" At this time, Fu Yunzi almost screamed, his body trembling in excitement.

"This is the universe in the palm! What a mysterious magical power!" Many people were also observing the universe in the palm exhibited by Zhao Yuande at this time.

If the previous Emperor Tianquan fought fiercely, he went forward.

The heaven and earth in this palm is a feminine continuity, and a huge world of heaven and earth continuously rotates in the palm.

The power is not strong, but a medium to yin to soft power is constantly pulling the opponent, dividing the opponent's powerful power, and letting the attack fall has lost most of its power.

This is both a powerful means of assault and a powerful defense.

The Emperor of the People's Republic of China relied on this move in the past. He was seriously injured and persisted for a long time under the powerful attacks of several sneak attackers, and finally he could hide his own soul in the broken palace and leave it to the heritage.

But Zhao Yuande was very jerky at the moment, because he only used it once or twice.

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