Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4784: Steal the origin

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Chapter 4774 The Origin of Theft

The three of them realized in detail that they immediately felt an eternal force surging in their bodies.

Tianxi Taoist's cultivation behavior was loosened at this time.

"I'm about to break through!" Heaven Eater Taoist was overjoyed, his face showing a very excited expression.

"I... got the sixth kind of eternal power...the breakthrough is hopeful!" The invincible Saint's eyes flashed finely, his fists clenched tightly.

Only Chaosheng Shenglian said nothing, but there was also rejoicing in her eyes.

At this time, Zhao Yuande opened his eyes suddenly.

"What happened just now?" he asked, somewhat bewildered.

"Just now... there is a galaxy above your head!" Heaven eats Dao humanity, "A peerless strongman who came out of that star and even the will of the big universe was shocked."

"A galaxy overhead, a strong man coming out?" Zhao Yuande felt a little inexplicable.

However, at this time, he felt that his Heavenly Emperor Boxing seemed to be improving again. It seemed that a powerful idea had just poured into his body, so that his understanding of Heavenly Emperor Boxing reached a new level.

Even because of this battle, his cultivation performance has been slightly improved, which is considered to have reached the middle of the half-step eternal realm.

I have to say that this is a great opportunity.

Fighting a super powerhouse, although dangerous, gets more.

"Okay! Go back and say more!" Chaos Saint Lotus said.

Everyone flew into the domain of the Holy Lotus, and in the Holy City they began to discuss **** the Heavenly King.

"This Heavenly Heavenly King is powerful and extremely slippery. I will run away if things are not good. Just now I can't leave him with all my strength." Invincible Saint Road said.

"We'll destroy his men first, and we don't believe that he will not appear." Zhao Yuande said.

"It's a bit reckless. I'm afraid he already knew that we would do this, and that we would attack our place anti-sneakly. We will not save at that time!" Chaos Saint Lotus said.

"In this way, Shenglian, you don’t have to participate in this pursuit. You are still guarding the Holy Lotus, and the three of us went to kill his men." Invincible Shengjun said, "I believe that the three of us should have nothing to do. The problem, if the sky appears, then you can help Shenglian again."

"Cough! Just now I got some important information from that guy's mind, it might be useful." Tianchi Taoist said at this time.

"What information?" Invincible Saint said.

"In the Heaven of the Heavens, they opened a road to the outside of the big universe. The man was the shadow clan and came down from that road!" said Tian Chi Taoist. "But according to his memory, that one The road can only be used by people in eternal realm."

"Can only bear people under eternal realm... this should be useless!" Invincible Saint ruled frowned.

"It's really useless. The other side of the road must be the shadow clan. Even if we go in, we'll be sheep." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly, and he was shocked when he wasn't enough, "No, the shadow of this road shouldn't be opened, and They cost a lot, what is the purpose of opening this path? Absolutely not to let a certain person come to us, but may want to take something from us!"

"Something?" Everyone was shocked, and there was a horrified expression on their faces.

"Does it want to steal the origin of our dimensional world?" Chao Chao Shenglian Huo Ran stood up, his face very ugly.

Even her indifferent and quiet people suddenly lost their gaze at this time.

The origin dimension of this film is to give birth to her parents, her parents' lives were stolen, how could she sit the winner.

"How can the origin of this world be stolen?" Zhao Yuande puzzled.

"Yes, as long as the eternal realm can control the Heavenly Dao, you can extract the power of this world's source for your own use." Invincible vitality, "If it is a normal battle, it will be ok, no matter how painful, but if it is specially drawn. ..."

He barely dared to go any further, and his face even became a little pale.

"I want to communicate the origin of the world, you help me protect the law!" Chaos Shenglian said anxiously.

"Good!" Everyone nodded their heads together, knowing that the chaotic holy lotus was born naturally, and had a very keen insight into the origin of heaven and earth.

Half an hour later, Chaos Shenglian opened her eyes.

"Sure enough, a part of the source was stolen, we have to kill him as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." For the first time in her eyes, there was a terrible killing intention.

"What's the use of stealing the source?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"Stealing the source can create our own big universe! We guessed wrong. The Shadow Clan didn't want our big universe. They wanted to drain our big universe and create their own big universe!" Wudi The monarch gritted his teeth.

"What! How is this possible!" The stunned Dark Dimensional Powerman shook his head again and again, "The Shadow Clan should not do this, and definitely will not do so."

"You should know the shadow clan better than us. You should know what kind of race the shadow clan is. Do you really think it is impossible?" Invincible Shengjun sneered.

"This...I..." The powerhouse of the dark dimension suddenly became speechless and his face pale, but in the end he still gritted his teeth, "They will really do it!"

"At that time, your dark dimension will probably collapse directly. According to your reaction, the shadow clan probably doesn't care about the life and death of your descendants, you are just some cannon fodder!" Invincible Saint Road.

"It's true." The dark dimensional powerhouse seemed to be a deflated ball, with a deep despair in his eyes.

"Although you have the blood of the Shadow Clan, but there are also the blood of the Human Clan, you... forget it... you can no longer control the dimension of darkness!" Invincible Saint Road said.

"I... I might be able to try it." The Dark Dimension Strong said.

"How to try? Do you want us to let you go?" Invincible Saint said.

"Senior, we can let him go! This is no problem." Zhao Yuande smiled, "Just control his soul!"

"Yes, I can control my soul, but it is to give me freedom, I want to go back and see! I believe that my other strong members of the Dark Dimension are not aware of it, and if they know that the Dark Dimension will also be big this time. The smoke disappeared during the robbery, and I am afraid that they would not sit still." The dark dimensional powerful nodded dignifiedly.

"Okay! Just say what you said." Invincible Saint looked at Chaos Saint Lotus Road, "We only have your strongest strength here, you can control him!"

"No... let Zhao Yuande take control." Chao Chao Shenglian said, "He has the anti-sky hoist in his body, which is more pleasant than our control, and there is no hidden worry."

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