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Chapter four hundred and twelve Shake it

"No... no... Patriarch, I just went out..." The black octopus didn't dare to hide, and told the story carefully, even more praised his wits.

"There is such a thing, they have such strength! It seems that this world is really rich in products!" The huge purple octopus did not feel angry when he heard it, and the greedy light flashed in his eyes.

"Ancestor, what should we do? Are we really going to negotiate with them?" the black octopus asked.

"Stop repairing the channel immediately, negotiate with them, and promise them whatever the conditions are." The huge purple octopus said.

"Any conditions are promised? Then... don't we... want to pay so much material and time in vain." The black octopus thought he had heard it wrong.

"Fool! As long as the tunnel is completely repaired and our army is stationed, they must not obey and bow down. All the previous conditions have become nonsense... Hey!" The huge colored octopus laughed proudly.

"The ancestors were brilliant and clever, and they were admirable!"

"Haha... you go talk to them again, talk slowly, and talk about their satisfaction."


The black octopus has formulated a set of cooperation clauses in detail, and most of the benefits are given to the dark world.

When he walked through the passage to the negotiation, he was shocked by the lion's big opening.

The two sides are fighting for their own reasons, but they refuse to give in...

This negotiation is half a year.

Finally one day, the black great ape nodded.

"Okay! Our king agreed to all your conditions. This negotiation is over, and your promises will be fulfilled immediately!" The black great ape threw away a skin full of articles.

"Okay! We are settled. I will go back and sue my king." The black octopus let out a breath.

In fact, he was almost blown away by the other party's greed, and he demanded a lot of treasures from the Evil Moon Clan without cooperation. Is this the sincerity of cooperation?

You just wait!

Waiting for the passage to repair the day when our army is coming, you will know what is called remorse.

"Prepare all treasures, you send them over! Let them be proud for a few days!" The huge purple octopus sneered.

After receiving a large number of treasures, the passage began to be restored again.

"Oh! This group of fools thought we were determined! We don't know what kind of expression they will look after they know the truth." Even the Void Gourd began to grin.


Time rushed by, and the Xieyue clan held back to speed up the repair speed.

Two months later, the channel has been repaired.

"Haha! It's time for the passage to be repaired, it's our army's turn!" The huge purple octopus body shrank and rushed into the passage with the vast octopus legion.

"Welcome allies!" The black giant ape led the two monsters in the eternal realm to greet them outside the channel, showing very enthusiastic.

"Haha! After so long, the channel has finally been repaired. It is time for our two families to form an alliance!" After the huge purple octopus rushed out of the channel, he nodded and smiled at the black giant ape and the two monsters in the eternal realm. .

It did not directly cause trouble. He wanted to let his army come in completely. He had to sweep the whole world directly, and he had to occupy the whole world with a speed of thunder and no anxiety.

But he soon felt something was wrong, because this world is too barren!

Wherever the soul is, it is all dark, it is simply an abandoned world.

He was angry in his heart at this time, feeling that he had been deceived.

"The king of my family is underground." The black giant ape said at the right moment.

The huge purple octopus swept down the ground.

Suddenly felt the unimaginable huge power deep underground.

He was immediately overjoyed.

It turns out that the surface world is just a cover up, and the real resources are buried in the underground world!

"Haha! Don't know your Wang Kerou welcomes me to visit underground?" The huge black octopus laughed.

"Naturally welcome, but are you sure to go now?" The black giant ape looked at the evil moon clan strongman who was pouring in continuously in the passage.

"No... wait until all my people are in. Let's talk about it! Your land is extremely barren and needs my family to help reclaim it." The huge purple octopus said lightly.

"Alright!" The black great ape nodded.

The Xieyue clan army has hundreds of thousands, and each head is very large. It took half an hour to fully pull it in.

"Okay! My army is here! This little world is shaking for me!" The huge purple octopus revealed its gritty fangs, and it was necessary to order the eight tentacles to wave immediately.

But at this time, the whole world began to tremble.

The black giant ape and the two monster clan strongmen in the eternal realm suddenly disappeared in place.

The void channel closed at once, as if it had never existed.

At the same time, the rules of the whole world changed suddenly, and the world contracted sharply.

But in the blink of an eye, the vast dark world shrank hundreds of millions of times.

Hundreds of thousands of evil moon clan are crowded in this tiny space as if they were Latin canned fish.

"What's going on? Why is this? This is not the script I want!" The huge purple octopus urged all of his strength to open up the dark world, but found himself squeezing thousands of clan suddenly, But this small space is immobile.

You know that it is a strong man in the late period of eternal realm. Although the flesh is not strong, the power exerted by it can also directly burst a world.

"What script do you want? Come to my world and become the master of my world?" A faint voice came into its ears.

"Who are you? Who is secretly calculating me! To know that our evil moon clan has nine peak powers who have realized the eternal power, let me go quickly, otherwise you will regret it for life." The huge purple claws The fish let out an angry roar.

"Oh! Don't threaten me, this is useless! I dare to kill even the gods, let alone your evil moon clan! Save some energy to fight me!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Who are you?" Hearing Zhao Yuande's words, the huge purple octopus felt a tremor.

"You don't need to know who I am." Zhao Yuande didn't say much, and began to urge a dark ball in his palm.

This ball is the dark world, which has now been completely refined into his own world.

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