Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4896: Kneel well

Chapter four thousand nine hundred and ninety-six

If at other times, he simply did not bother to care about this thin middle-aged man.

But at this time, in front of so many human beings.

He feels that he wants to behave like a real master. He wants these human races to see how great and magnanimous the Celestial Race is.

Allow them to truly surrender to the Celestial Clan, and also allow themselves to get their due status in the Celestial Clan.

He came to the thin middle-aged man in one step, and pressed his palm to the top of the middle-aged man's head.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a force of terror running down his palm and rushed into his body.

A crisis that made him tremble suddenly made him tremble, his legs did not know how to soften, and he fell to his knees directly.

And still kneeling side by side with the thin middle-aged man.


Everyone's eyes showed an inexplicable horror, and they all took a breath.

Countless people have stepped back and forth, wanting to stay away from here.

Because they knew the storm was coming.

Killing these human races willing to be dogs is not a big deal, and nothing serious will happen.

But this man, who is a **** of heaven, just knelt down on the ground!

This is the face of the Tianshen clan in the living, how could they stop.

Next I am afraid that the strong gods of the gods will appear, and a **** killing will begin.

"This is awful! This man must be stunned. He doesn't know the evil of the gods and can't let him die here." The tall man just now was secretly anxious.


At this time, the middle-aged Tianshen tribe kneeling on the ground made an angry roar.

He is a deity! How can a high race, a noble existence above these low-lying clan, kneel here!

His eyes instantly turned red, and the terror in his body was surging.

The magical powers of the gods are working in madness.

But... all of this is useless, nothing is useless!

No matter how he broke out, how to roar, how to roar, he could only kneel here.


Looking at the gloating light in the eyes of countless human races around him, and looking at the faces that disgusted him, he finally collapsed and began to roar wildly.

"Shut up!" Zhao Yuande sipped at this moment.

The middle-aged people of the Celestial Clan only felt that their mouth was sealed by an invisible force, and they could not even make a sound.

"Go away! It's too late if you don't go! There is a strong man in the middle of the eternal realm sitting here." At this time, a voice came from Zhai Qiushui's ear.

He looked up and saw that the tall man before him was constantly eyeing him.

Zhao Yuande smiled slightly and looked at the ninth floor of this treasure building.

A golden **** light fell from the ninth floor in an instant, and was actually a **** god clan with golden armor all over his body.

His whole body radiated a terrible golden light, and as soon as he descended on this street, an indescribable terror breathed out.

Everyone can't help but go backwards, horrified in the eyes, rolling in the chest and abdomen, and bleeding in the corners of the mouth.

"It's over! It's God Wuhuang! It's this Shaxing!" Many people's eyes showed horror, and their bodies continued to retreat back and forth.

At this time, there was no one in existence.

The tall man's complexion kept changing, and finally he sighed.

He came out in one step and came to Zhao Yuande.

"Hurry up! Don't waste your life in such a place!" Dahan's face showed a dignified dignity. At this time, his cultivation was also climbing all the way to the initial peak of eternal realm. "I'll block him! You go! "

"Hey! I didn't expect to be able to catch two big fish today!" On that day, the gold price of the Protoss raised his mouth, but his eyes were fierce, "You are the **** hunter who has become famous recently! I have noticed you already ."

Zhao Yuande looked weird, and he looked brighter in the eyes of the human race.

Before this big man, it was to cover up his identity, and he was able to get to know the enemy better among the enemies.

"Not yet fast!" The big man, who is called the **** hunter, looked in Zhao Yuande's eyes with anxiety that could not be concealed, "I can't stop him for too long, you go!"

"Why are you doing this?" Zhao Yuande was a little puzzled. "My cultivation base is not as high as you, and it's not as useful for you to survive. Why should you stand up?"

"Hi! You..." The God Hunter couldn't help but smile bitterly on his face, "I can't live much time, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Zhai Qiushui's powerful soul glanced at the other party, and suddenly discovered that the other party's body seemed to have three long nails.

These three nails are as dark as ink, and there is a constant flow of terror and corrosion on them.

The three nails nailed his sea of ​​blood, knowing the sea and the sea of ​​life.

Let him suffer from the kind of dark corrosive power from the nails anytime, anywhere, and suffer from inhuman torture.

Obviously, this big man originally didn't stop at the beginning of the eternal realm, he should be more powerful.

Seeing all this, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but show admiration on his face.

"Understood, don't hurry, don't let my sacrifice not be worth it!" God hunter roared, and he would pounce on the day to fight against the Protoss Dahan.

But at this time, he saw a look of horror on the face of the Protoss Dahan on the opposite day.

Because at this time, Zhao Yuande pointed at the void of the Protoss's Han that day.

Suddenly the world collapsed, and the void shattered.

An invisible finger suddenly descended from the sky dome, and directly suppressed toward the **** of the Celestial Clan.

The **** of the Celestial Clan only felt at this time that he had an indescribable force on his body, and his body trembling directly, unable to move at all.

And at this time, his legs seemed to be unable to hold on, so he had to kneel on the ground.


The **** god clan roared with anger.

The strength of his body exploded, and the endless golden light spewed out, and the golden armor on his body also emitted a terrifying god.

But all this has no effect at all.

It was as if a glowing firefly had been caught, unable to contend or fight.


The **** god clan fell to his knees directly.

And kneeling side by side with the previous two, the queue was very neat.

"You dare to treat me like this, my gods will inevitably let you die!" the **** gods roared, his eyes spitting fire, and there seemed to be a volcano in his body.

"Really?" Zhao Yuande smiled faintly. "Kneel for me, and keep your head on the ground!"

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