Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4899: Play a play

Chapter 4989 acts a play

"I'll say it again, the dog dog willing to stay here, the others back away! Otherwise..." Zhao Yuande's eyes suddenly became cold.

The old man who had just spoken backed away first, and several others left without hesitation.

They are all forced to follow this Luo killing, they are very grateful to Zhao Yuande, this is to vent the human race, embarrassing the emperor.

It's a pity that he was too reckless, which caused many people to suffer.

"You dare to go!" Luo killed Roar, and turned to look at the group of Cultivators behind him.

Amidst Roaring's roar, there were a few people who wanted to leave but stopped.

There was a struggling look on their faces. If they backed up today, it would mean that they would be estranged from this Luosuo Taishang elder...and even have hatred.

This is unacceptable and unimaginable.

In the end, only seven people retreated, and although the rest of them felt uneasy, they hesitated and stayed.

"Okay! This is not suitable for us to fight, let's go to heaven!" Zhao Yuande also sighed slightly at this scene, looking at this Luoshang Taishang elder.

"Okay!" Luo Kill stared fiercely at Zhao Yuande, as if he was a angry tiger.

Zhao Yuande first flew into the starry sky, Luo Luo followed.

At this time, many people below could not help but look full of anticipation.

Especially looking at the group of strong human races standing on the spot without retreating, their eyes are full of contempt.

"Let the young master and the two strong gods get up first!" An old man strode forward at this time, and directly grabbed the young man's shoulder to support him.

But when he touched the young man with his palm, he suddenly felt a force of terror rushed into his body along the palm of his hand.


The strength of this force made him spur blood in a flash.


The crowd heard only a crisp crack.

At the next moment, the old man kneeled directly on the ground with his legs soft.

And kneeling very neatly, five people lined up.


Everyone around saw this scene and couldn't help but take a breath.

Most people have deserved expressions on their faces.

"Ah... save me!" The old man screamed, looking at his companions, his face begging.

He is the high-level of the Emperor Gate, although it is the dog of the Emperor Gate, but he is still majestic in front of his own people. I am afraid that I can't lift my head when I kneel here today.

No one dared to come over to rescue him, and all of them were so scared that they stepped back quickly, and their faces were bloodless.

They were secretly rejoicing in their hearts at this time, they did not step forward stupidly.

And at this time, there was a scream from the sky.

A tall body fell from the sky dome, and the speed of the fall was almost too fast to burn.


The tall body fell directly on the ground. The buildings with hundreds of miles away from the terrifying impact force completely shattered, and an invisible ripple continued to spread all around. Almost all the buildings in the whole city showed cracks.

"Yes...Luo killed the elders too!" Someone saw the old man with white hair in the big pit that was smashed.

"Come here too!" Zhao Yuande descended slowly from the sky dome at this time, and grabbed Luo killing the void in the big pit.

Luo Luo was struggling and his eyes were full of anger, but his body still flew to Zhao Yuande involuntarily.

None of the onlookers responded at this time.

This is the most obedient dog-legged elder of the Emperor's Gate, the highest decision maker, and the gods.

Now it's just been taken away in a few breaths?

Everyone held their breath at this time, staring at the dying old man with both eyes, fearing that he would be dazzled.


At this time, Lord Luo Shao kneeling on the ground couldn't help but stunned. He looked straight at his grandfather and was caught in his hands like this.

He knew it was over! Really finished!

"Will Xiaoyou give some face to the old man!" Luo Zun whispered at this moment, his voice full of fear and weakness.

"No!" Zhao Yuande sneered. "If you dare to come out, you must be determined to kneel here and confess. Please kneel together! Let me see who else will appear."

Zhao Yuande was simply too lazy to ignore the other party, and directly lost it.

It is now six people standing side by side, kneeling down and confessing.

"Hi! This little guy's growing fast... has far exceeded my imagination." At this time, Fu Yunzi couldn't help but take a breath.

He originally thought that this battle will take some time. Even if Zhao Yuande can win, it will take a lot of effort, but he did not expect that there will be a victory or defeat between several breaths.

And Na Luo killing the elders has no power to resist!

The old monstrous emperor of the emperor's gate burst into golden light in his eyes.

"This son is really powerful! It seems that I am too worried!" The ancestor shivered, and the old face with folds piled up showed inexpressible excitement. In the palm of your hand, one of the four supernatural powers of the Lord of the Barrens is a star-picking method. It seems that he has already inherited the Lord of Barbarians."

"Uncle Master, look at us..." Fu Yunzi looked at the ancestor.

"According to our plan immediately." The ancestor nodded.

"Good to come..." Fu Yunzi's body flashed out of the Emperor's Gate.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's spirit had completely enveloped the entire dimension. He saw the appearance of Fu Yunzi, and there was a touch of joy in his eyes.

"Young man, you are finally here!" There was a little excitement in Fu Yunzi's voice.

"Senior, don't know what my gift is?" Zhao Yuande responded.

"It's good, but you did make the gods of the gods pay attention to you! I'm afraid the old gods of the gods are already on the way!" Fuyunzi said, "You will act as I said, we will play play!"

"Senior arrangement is just right!" Zhao Yuande nodded hurriedly.

"it is good!"

At this time, Zhao Yuande had already felt that there was a danger that was gradually approaching. There should really be a horror existence at the peak of eternal realm that was approaching himself.

When Xiuwei reached this level, he became more sensitive to danger.

Countless powerhouses are converging in this direction. They have all heard of what is happening here, and almost all the powerhouses of the Emperor Gate are shocked.

"Who is so bold to dare to be wild in my Emperor's Gate!" At this time in the Emperor's Gate, there was a cry of anger.

There are three figures who are almost here.

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