Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4902: History of blood and tears

Chapter 4902: A History of Blood and Tears


But at this moment, Zhao Yuande suddenly hummed slightly.

"Huh? What's the matter?" The strong man of the Celestial Race couldn't help frowning slightly.

He has completely blocked all Zhao Yuande's cultivation base, why does this happen.

Just between his doubts, Zhao Yuande in his hand suddenly began to blur, as if... it turned into a faint cloud.

A force of the void enveloped Zhao Yuande's body, and this force burst out in an instant, and disappeared before the strong man of the Celestial Race had not reacted.

"How is it possible! He... actually took control of the void teleportation! It was teleported away in my hands!" Even though this Celestial Clan powerhouse has lived for countless billions of years, he still has never encountered this kind of weirdness. Things.

"Flee there!" The next moment his body disappeared in place, chasing in one direction.

At this time, he could still feel the breath of Zhao Yuande, although it was very far away, it was still clear.

Zhao Yuande's vague figure appeared in a vast void, and there was a broken star field in front of him, and there were vortexes in the star field that were constantly rotating.

These void vortices are constantly devouring all the matter in the broken star field, but the speed of swallowing is very slow, as if it is a slow motion in progress.

"Okay! The power that I have accumulated for so many years is spent shopping all at once, and then it is all up to you!" Void Calabash's voice is extremely weak at this time, "Don't think it's safe, I'm afraid the other party can catch up with you soon. He is too powerful!"

"I see!" Zhao Yuande didn't dare to hesitate, and his body flew into this broken star field.

"Tiandi Fist."

He threw a punch, and the whole Broken Star Territory was shaking.

And it was this punch that seemed to make those void vortexes alive all at once.

The void vortex that was still swallowing slowly just now, the speed began to increase thousands of times.

He suddenly felt a terrifying force of suction, and wanted to pull himself into those void vortexes.

And it was at this moment that a phantom of the Heavenly Emperor came one step from the depths of the void, and Seta arrived in front of Zhao Yuande.

This phantom of heaven and earth seemed to be taken aback when he approached, and then a pair of eyes shot out incomparably bright light, and he seemed to come alive all at once.

"Inheritor, enter the gate of guidance to obtain my final inheritance. I hope you can lead the human race out of the predicament." An old voice entered Zhao Yuande's ears, making his body tremble.

Those eyes swept over the countless void vortex one by one, and finally landed on a void vortex.


The void vortex sent out a slight vibration, the speed was getting faster and faster, and an irresistible traction was faintly released from it.

Zhao Yuande felt that this kind of power was stronger than that of other void vortexes, and led him to fly to that void vortex.

Just before his body reached the void vortex, there was a thunderous boom in the distant void.

A huge golden figure arrived in an instant, and it caught Zhao Yuande who was flying into the void vortex.

At the moment when it was caught, all the void vortices around exploded.


Void vortex exploded one by one, blocking the big hand that had been caught.


Zhao Yuande took a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, and at the same time his body had already melted into the void vortex.


That day the Protoss powerhouse saw Zhao Yuande's figure merge into the void vortex, and he roared with a roar of golden light bursting out of his body, blocking all the void vortex explosions, and one step before the void vortex.

He exploded with unprecedented power, and slapped down towards the void vortex with a fierce palm.


The void instantly collapsed, and all matter in front of him was annihilated.

But the moment his terrifying power touched the void vortex, the void vortex suddenly disappeared.

Let his terrifying power continue to fall, crushing layers of void.

"Damn it! Damn it!" This powerful **** clan burst out a terrifying roar that it had never seen before.

His body was blurred in an instant, and he stepped out.

Immediately looking back in time around his body, those broken void vortices returned to normal little by little, and layers of space were restored to their original state!

But...the only thing that didn't appear was the void vortex that Zhao Yuande had disappeared before.

As if that void vortex did not belong to this void at all, it could not be restored by this void at all.

"The Emperor's Gate! You...damn it!" The strong man of the Celestial Race broke out a loud roar.

At the same time as the moment went away, a palm directly covered the broken star field, making the entire broken star field infinite void vortex annihilated instantly.

Zhao Yuande seemed to be walking through a long river of time at this time, and pictures appeared around him.

These pictures are all the glorious history of the human race, and they are all major events that have happened in the human race.

Among them, there are ancestors, there are three emperors divided into heaven, there are savage divisions, and there are battles in the world!

The human race conquered the universe and the powerful races, invincible in the entire universe.

It's a pity...they flourished and declined, and eventually there were conflicts within the human race.

Taking advantage of the ally of the gods, the three emperors fell, the genius withered, and the human race was instantly plunged into the abyss and became a vassal of the gods.

"Hey! Terran... is really a history of blood and tears!" Zhao Yuande sighed helplessly, "If it weren't for conflicts within the Terran and a crisis of trust between the three emperors, how could the Celestial Tribe take advantage of this void! The emperor still has a huge responsibility, and the three emperors will succeed and the three emperors will fail."

"Young man, you are right! We were wrong!" Just as Zhao Yuande sighed, an ancient voice of vicissitudes of life passed into Zhao Yuande's ears. This voice was full of sorrow and regret. It's not me, and the wild line will never leave! If it weren't for me to have a grudge against the Emperor, he would not be decadent because of it, and therefore betrayed us...Of course, without his betrayal, our human race would not have one to preserve. Now that I want to come, I still have to thank him!"

"Human Emperor betrayed?" Zhao Yuande was shocked by the news.

At this time, he finally understood why the gods did not dare to attack the human universe head-on, but slowly infiltrated and corroded.

It turned out to be the cause of the emperor!

It seems that Human Sovereign is still alive at this time, but should be living under the supervision of the Celestial Clan.

But the Celestial Clan did not dare to persecute him too much.

At the same time, a kind of bitterness was born in Zhao Yuande's heart, it turned out that he was a traitor.

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