Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4908: Sifengdoin

Chapter 4908 Four Winds Daoyuan

Everyone on the entire star felt a terrifying crisis coming down at this time.

Even the star was trembling slightly, and it was obvious that the star had the spirit to feel that this palm could destroy itself.

Everyone around who saw this scene couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Can kill the Tianjiao of other races without any scruples, and they once again witnessed the dominance of the Celestial Race.

At this time, Huang Zhan's eyes shot indomitable light. Although he didn't have the slightest resistance, he would not bow his head under this palm.

He would rather stand to die than kneel to live.

Just when that palm came and was about to press on Huangzhan's body all at once, when everyone closed their eyes and thought that Huangzhan would definitely die.

A palm fell from the sky, and the terrifying force destroyed the sky, causing the stars of the universe to lose their color.

The powerhouse of the Celestial Clan in the late Eternal Realm only felt that an unimaginable terrifying force suddenly enveloped him.

His body trembled, and at this time he felt a ridiculous feeling, as if he and the ridiculous battle had suddenly reversed positions.

At this moment, he was like a weak ant under that palm, and the opponent could easily crush him.

"This is Broken World!" Na Huang Zhan's eyes widened at this time, and he couldn't believe everything he saw.

My own clan clearly did not send a strong person to protect myself, how could...

"Senior forgive me!" At this moment, the strong man in the late eternal stage of the Heavenly God Race finally couldn't help it, and directly asked for mercy.


The palm of his hand slapped the forehead of the strong man of the Celestial Race, and slapped him directly into the mud on the ground.

"For the time being, spare your life, remember not to be too arrogant, my Heavenly Desolate Clan must not be insulted!" A vague voice spread into everyone's ears, letting the strong **** Clan breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you senior for your life." He crawled out of the mud and bowed respectfully to the sky.


"Yes Yes……"

Seeing the people of the Celestial Race leave desperately, Huang Zhan was a little confused at this time.

He had a strange feeling that the person who saved him was not the strong within the clan, because the strong within the clan has never been so long-winded.

Those old guys will only kill opponents directly, even the Celestial Race is no exception.

And more importantly, when the opponent used the broken world, there were some differences from the inheritance of his own clan, the technique was slightly different, and there was another possibility that it had not been thoroughly studied.

Who is this strong man who saved himself?

This person is naturally Zhao Yuande, he knows that those from the Tianhuang tribe can be so domineering.

He pretends to be the strong man of the Tianhuang Clan, if he slaps to death the strong man of the Tiantian Clan in the late eternity stage, he may bring disaster to the Tianhuang Clan.

The dominance of the gods of the sky will never be let go easily, and it is like the emperor gate, it is a **** storm.

He would never allow that kind of thing to happen again, so he could only hold back the murderous intentions against the gods and let them leave.

Huang Zhan silently recovered his wounds cross-legged in the same place, and many people around also left.

Zhao Yuande did not stay either, but continued to inquire about the various intelligences of the Celestial Clan ruling the universe.

"You want to inquire about the Celestial Race Great Universe information, but we don't have any outsiders. If it is true, we still have to go to the Library of the Four Winds Daoyuan." When Zhao Yuande inquired about a human servant in a treasure building, he got it. This news.

"Why? Why does Four Winds Academy have such a thing?" Zhao Yuande handed a storage ring to the other party.

"That's because the Four Winds Academy is jointly built by the four forces. Among them, the genius disciples will enter the dangerous places in the surrounding eight universes from time to time, so you know..." The human waiter got The advantage is that the same clan immediately explained the matter carefully to Zhao Yuande.

"Oh! So that's it." Zhao Yuande nodded.

He originally wanted to dive directly into these large universes, but thinking carefully about this important place, there might be a Celestial Clan at the peak of the eternal realm.

You can disguise yourself in front of other powerhouses, but in front of eternal peak powerhouses, disguising is useless anyway.

If you expose yourself, I'm afraid it will bring killing to the human race again.

So he doesn't care about the time, he will only do it directly after inquiring clearly.

"Sifeng Daoyuan, then go there."

The Four Winds Daoyuan is not on this star, but on a huge floating continent called the Four Winds Continent in the starry sky.

Because this floating continent is adjacent to a void rift, terrifying cosmic storms often blow out, causing the entire floating continent to tremble in this terrifying hurricane.

However, the four powerhouses have arranged a huge formation to use this terrifying hurricane to accumulate infinite energy for the use of this floating continent.

Turn this floating continent into a treasure that can be moved in the void at any time.

If the disciples of the Taoist Academy need experience, there is no need for tens of millions of disciples, and the entire continent will move directly.

The eight large universes all around are within the moving range, which is simply incredibly convenient.

Zhao Yuande also came to this floating continent full of expectation, and felt the terrifying energy contained in the continent, even he felt shocked.

This floating continent does not prevent outsiders from coming. In addition to the Four Winds Daoyuan, it is also a huge trading center.

Merchants from the eight universes all gathered here to conduct business transactions.

Let this become a mecca of trade second only to White God.

Some strong people have combined these Four Winds Continent and White God Star into the brightest twin stars in the eight universes.

When Zhao Yuande came here, he immediately felt a powerful aura in the Four Wind Daoyuan on the other side of the mainland.

He instantly recognized that it was a powerful existence at the pinnacle of the eternal realm, and around this powerful existence, there were dozens of powerful men in the late eternal realm.

These people should be the masters of the Four Winds Dao Academy, or teachers.

As long as there is Universe Coin, there is almost omnipotence here, so he quickly got the answer he wanted.

It is not very troublesome to enter the Four Winds Academy. You can pay cosmic coins to enter it, you can become a teacher by virtue of your cultivation base, and you can also worship the Four Winds Academy as a student.

Of course, there are not only the Tianjiao of the four major races in the Four Winds Daoyuan, as long as you have the talent, no matter what race they are, they are very welcome.

Even Zhai Qiushui heard that there are many human geniuses in the Four Wind Dao Academy.

However, the Four Wind Dao Academy only charges half of the eternal realm for its disciples. As long as you successfully step into the eternal realm, you must leave the Daoyuan.

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