Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4929: Already so strong

Chapter 4929 is already so powerful

"Fuyunzi, hurry up and make a decision! If you want the Emperor's Gate to continue to exist, just do what we say." One of the strong gods cried coldly.

"It's okay for you to let me think about it!" Fu Yunzi repeatedly arched his hands to the three of them, showing a pleasing expression on his face.

"No! Only give you ten breaths, and after ten breaths we will do it ourselves! Don't blame me for not reminding you then!"


"You don't need to wait anymore! Just die now!" At this time, a stalwart figure appeared in the hall, crushing a finger towards the three strong gods.

The three Celestial God Race powerhouses are all in the late stage of the Eternal Realm, but at this time they do feel an unimaginable life and death crisis coming.

They wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape at all. They couldn't move at all if they wanted to dodge.

I could only watch that finger fall, exploding the bodies of the three directly.

"Little friend, you... are so powerful!" The moment Fuyunzi saw Zhao Yuande, his eyes lit up.

His face was full of incredible and unbelievable colors.

"Senior, this time I am here to take away the people from the Emperor's Gate and the Emperor's Gate, otherwise you will probably be destroyed!" Zhao Yuande solemnly looked at Fuyunzi.

"But... how do you take away the Yuan World so many times!" Fu Yunzi opened his eyes incredibly.

"Senior, as long as you tell me that dimensional world needs to be taken away." Zhao Yuande had already appeared in the universe with Fuyunzi momentarily.

He looked down at the huge dimensional worlds below, and then looked at Fuyunzi.

"This..." There was horror in Fuyunzi's eyes. The opponent's speed is really appalling. Even the few remaining ancestors who are in retreat may not have this speed, but he did not delay a lot of time because of this. Pointing to those dimensional worlds, "This is our Emperor's Gate, that's the Earth Emperor's Gate, that's..."

"Senior, please go to the underground gate to give a notice, and only give them three breathing time to consider." Zhao Yuande grabbed Fuyunzi and threw him into the void.

Fuyunzi disappeared completely.

And at this time in the earth emperor gate, the sect master of the earth emperor gate is also full of sadness at this time, because there is also a strong man of the gods in front of him who is letting him make a decision.

"Dao Yuanzi!" Fuyunzi saw the master of the Dihuang Sect at this time, and at the same time looked at the strong man of the Heavenly God Race.

"Fuyunzi! You..." Dao Yuanzi, the master of the royal gate, couldn't help being surprised when he saw that he broke into Fuyunzi.

"Fuyunzi, why are you here?" The strong man of the heavenly **** clan changed his expression when he saw Fuyunzi, and vaguely felt something wrong.

"Kill!" With an icy smile on his face, Fu Yunzi didn't hesitate to deal with the strong man of the Heavenly God Clan, and the first hand was the Emperor's Fist.

"You are crazy!" Dao Yuanzi's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what was happening before him.


The Heavenly God Race powerhouse never dreamed that Fu Yunzi would do anything to him, and the opponent's strength was so terrifying.

It was also in the late stage of the Eternal Realm, he had no power to fight back, and was directly hit by Fu Yunzi.

"Look at Daoyuanzi..."

Fu Yunzi didn't say anything about the other side, but with a touch of his finger, he suddenly saw the scene outside the dimension.

Zhao Yuande's palm became infinitely huge, and he squeezed a huge dimensional world that was slowly rotating, and put it into a huge black hole.

It's as simple as an ordinary person grabbing an egg.

"This..." Dao Yuanzi took a breath.

"This is Zhao Yuande. He wants to take away the dimensional world of our human race. Do you want to go or stay?" Fu Yunzi asked.

"Go!" Daoyuanzi's eyes gradually lit up.

Being able to get rid of the control of the Celestial Clan is something that the Royal Sect has longed for.

And he felt calluses on his ears when he heard the name Zhao Yuande.

The opponent's various achievements and various methods to deal with the gods made him happy and shocked.

He still needs to think about it if he changes to another person, but Zhao Yuande here... they haven't met each other, but he has an inexplicable trust.

"Then be prepared! Fully cooperate with him to receive your dimensional world." Fu Yunzi nodded, the other party's decision was already in his expectation.

The dimensional worlds were moved by Zhao Yuande's star-picking supernatural powers, and they were dragged into the main world from their original orbits.

This is simple to say, but Zhao Yuande has gone all out.

Now if Zhao Yuande destroys a dimensional world, it is countless times easier than before, but if he wants to take it away carefully without hurting the slightest, the difficulty is directly increased by more than ten times.

"I've already said it!" Fu Yunzi appeared next to Zhao Yuande and nodded slightly to him.

At this time, Zhao Yuande was already collecting the third dimensional world, and dozens of figures flew out of this dimensional world, all of whom were strong from the Celestial Race.

"Little friend, you don't need to do it, I will solve it!" Fu Yunzi stepped out at this time and blocked the strong men of the Celestial Race.

The shot was the mighty Heavenly Emperor Fist, and the Heavenly Emperor phantom walked out of the void, and the terrifying blow almost swept the entire space, covering all the powerful Heavenly Gods.

Seeing Fuyunzi's shot, even Zhao Yuande was shocked. Although the opponent's Tiandi Fist was not as powerful as his own, it was changing endlessly.

Among the opposing celestial **** race powerhouses, there are two late eternal states, a dozen mid-eternal states, and dozens of early eternal states.

They were actually blocked by Fu Yunzi with a punch, and there was no way to get close. They could only watch Zhao Yuande take the dimensional world into the world.

"You're done! I'm already in the family, and there will be ancestors coming soon!" One of the strong gods roared, but there was horror in his eyes.

He looked at the dimensional worlds, as if grabbing glass beads one by one, being taken away, knowing that the other party's methods were far beyond the late eternal stage, and they were not able to resist!

If it weren't for Zhao Yuande to collect their dimension, they wouldn't run out to stop it.

They wanted to stop it, but they were blocked by Fuyunzi, and what they didn't expect was that the low-key performance, Fuyunzi, who nodded and bowed at them, was so powerful!

With the help of Dao Yuanzi, the dimensional world where the Emperor of the Earth was located was more easily taken away by Zhao Yuande.

However, in just a dozen breaths, the dimensional world where the four human races in this large universe lived was taken away by Zhao Yuande.

Although just a dozen breaths, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his breathing was a bit short at this time.

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