Chapter 4939: Creation

"No...something is wrong...this statue seems to...have a problem."

Zhao Yuande quickly cast his gaze on the statue's eyes. Just now, he felt that the statue's eyes seemed to be looking at him for a moment.

"Who is it?" Zhao Yuande screamed, and his body came in front of the statue's eyes.

The statue was ten thousand feet high, and its eyes were almost the size of a house. Zhao Yuande stood in front of his eyes and stared at the black eyes. At this moment, he felt the fluctuations of life in the black eyes.

"Could it be..." Zhao Yuande's heart moved, and his body rushed into the open mouth of the statue below.

He originally thought that there was pitch black in the mouth, but when he entered it, he found that the light was dazzling, and a bright brilliance shot out from the depth of the mouth of the mouth, which was falling on him.

"You are a human!" A slightly old voice came from it.

"Yes, I am a human race! Who are you?" Zhao Yuande did not put down his vigilance, and the power of his whole body was gathered in the palm of his hand. As long as the opponent attacks him, he can directly kill the opponent.

"Wait a minute, I will look for a respected elder, we can only trust you after being tested by his elder."

Zhao Yuande could see two figures at this time. One figure disappeared instantly, while the other figure was holding a mirror at this time, and that bright brilliance was shining from the mirror.

Zhao Yuande saw that the person holding the mirror seemed to be a young man. At this time, the other party seemed a little nervous, and the hands holding the mirror were trembling slightly.

"You don't need to be nervous." Zhao Yuande smiled at him.

"You're just nervous! I'm not nervous at all. I have experienced such scenes a lot! I have killed several invading alien races!" The man seemed to cheer himself up, and seemed to warn Zhao Yuande.

"Okay! Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded helplessly.

He simply sat cross-legged on the ground, making the other party feel that he was not hostile.

Soon several figures appeared in front of him. One of the old men's skin was dry and his body was already dead.

"Respect the old man, it's him!"

At this time, Zhao Yuande looked up, with a kind smile on his face.

"Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want to do?" The old man's voice was a little hoarse, and there was a grayish color in his eyes.

"I am the inheritor of the Three Emperors, this time I have come to seek the source." Zhao Yuande said.

"Inheritor of the Three Emperors? What evidence do you have?" There was a strange light in the old eyes.

"I can use the magical powers of the Three Emperors, but here..." Zhao Yuande stood up.

"Come with me!" The old man took a deep look at Zhao Yuande, as if he could see through his body.

Zhao Yuande followed these people and soon entered a small world.

This small world is not very big, it looks like a radius of thousands of miles, and there are tens of thousands of human races living in it.

Most of these human races are mortals, and only a few hundred are cultivators. They live and work here in peace and contentment and live a very happy life.

"Is it strange, why don't people here practice?" The old man in front saw the doubt in Zhao Yuande's eyes and couldn't help but speak.

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Because they are tired of fighting and don't want to allow their people to re-enter the cruel cultivation life." The old man said, "Although their lives are short, they live very well, and all kinds of urgency have their own. Everyone has their own family in their work and life..."

As the old man said, his eyes also showed longing.

"But, the ruins of the outside world...what's going on?" Zhao Yuande looked at the old man.

"The ruins of the outside world are the product of war. Countless powerful cultivators each have their own ambitions. They collude with foreign races outside and want to rule the entire world..." The old man's tone was a little sad.

"So it is!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

He thought it was an invasion by foreign enemies, it turned out to be a collusion between inside and outside, a catastrophe.

They entered a quiet valley.

"You don't need to show it, I can see the blood of the emperor flowing in your body." The old man waved his hand to Zhao Yuande.

"Ah..." Zhao Yuande's face was somewhat puzzled.

"What is your purpose here?" The old man looked at Zhao Yuande.

"I...actually...I want to know how to break through the realm of the eternal realm!" Zhao Yuande can see that the old man's cultivation is actually only the middle stage of the eternal realm, but this is his only purpose.

"Break through the eternal realm!" The old man took a deep look at Zhao Yuande, his eyes revealed a deep touch, "Therefore, it is said that if you want to break through the eternal realm, you need to create!"

"Need to create?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering, "What to create? Life or the world? Or the universe?"

"Create your own Tao!" the old man said, "This is only a word that has been passed down from generation to generation, and only your own Tao is qualified to take the last step!"

"Create your own way..." Zhao Yuande nodded silently, with a clear understanding in his heart.

"Okay, you can rest here for a while! Call me again if you need to." Seeing what Zhao Yuande looks like now, the old man nodded slightly, got up and walked away.

"My own way... my own way... what kind of way belongs to me?" Zhao Yuande frowned and kept thinking, "Golden, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder... These ways appeared when the world first opened, they They all belong to the Tao of Heaven and Earth. They can be learned, comprehended and cultivated, but even if they are proficient, they belong to others, and they can never break through the realm of eternity! And now my Tao...what is it?

He was thinking hard in this valley, racking his brains.

Time flew fast, and a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Yuande is still sitting cross-legged at this time, his beard and hair are already tens of meters long, spreading on the ground looks like a pile of weeds.

After a hundred years of retreat, Zhao Yuande can be said to have achieved nothing. At this time, he was already a little worried.

For him, a hundred years is very long, and he doesn't know what is happening outside.

"You... haven't realized it yet?" At this moment, the old man didn't know when he appeared in front of him.

"No! Please seniors for advice." Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly.

"I haven't realized it yet, that's because your cultivation is only in the middle of the eternal realm! You haven't reached the peak, you can't feel the thousands of avenues in the world." The old man said lightly.

"" Zhao Yuande was taken aback when he heard the old man's words.

"A hundred years is a kind of accumulation for you! You can leave now!" The old man waved.

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