The 4944th chapter divides the pill

The other party didn't know where the bear was invited.

Otherwise, how could a powerful existence at the pinnacle of the eternal realm want any eternal pill!

This kind of thing has no effect on the realm of Eternal Peak.

But what he didn't know was that this kind of pill really had a huge effect on Zhao Yuande, because Zhao Yuande's realm was only in the middle of the eternal realm.

No one was found following him, Zhao Yuande happily left the land of the Celestial Clan, his body disappeared in an instant.

In his main world, he began to devour the eternal pill to retreat, attacking the realm of the late eternal realm.

Things are as he thought, eternal pill is really useful.

But... it's not very useful for him.

He only ate a hundred thousand pills before he felt his calmness was gradually broken through, and he was promoted to the late eternal stage.

And continue to eat, he wants to use the pill to be promoted to the top... It turns out that the pill has basically no effect on him.

Even if you eat all the eternal pills, you may not be able to succeed.

And if these eternal pills were sent to the human race, I don't know how many eternal powers would have been.

So he suppressed the helplessness and divided the remaining eternal pill into several parts.

One copy was delivered to the Emperor's Gate and handed to Fuyunzi.

When Fu Yunzi heard that these pills were eternal pills, her whole body trembled with excitement, and she almost didn't directly kneel in front of Zhao Yuande.

"Okay! Work hard and choose more geniuses. I believe that within a hundred years, our human race will have a leap-forward development!" Zhao Yuande patted Fuyunzi on the shoulder and then turned and disappeared.

With Zhao Yuande giving another copy to the Di Huang Sect, the Di Huang Sect master was also moved and almost weeped.

Zhao Yuande encouraged them again before leaving.

Finally, he returned to purgatory through the passage of the Dark Orb and sent a copy.

After passing through the Demon Tree of Purgatory, they returned to the eternal dimension, the dimension of origin, the dimension of darkness, and the dimension of light were all given to them.

Zhao Yuande can imagine what kind of huge changes these pills can bring to the human race.

The eternal realm powerhouse will probably spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

But soon he thought of the gods!

The two universes of the Celestial Race can accumulate so many eternal pills!

They occupy 37,200 large universes. How much wealth will they accumulate?

That kind of number is simply unimaginable, and Zhao Yuande feels dizzy just thinking about it.

He felt that the future of Human Race was really a long way to go, and it took time to accumulate.

He was promoted to the late stage of the Eternal Realm, and now his goal is the Eternal Peak.

However, according to what he knew, now that he wanted to be promoted to the top, the pill may no longer meet his needs.

It is a way to let the Guards gourd transform and promote yourself through the power of transforming.

However, the power of the source of the world required by this method is too huge, and it will be impossible to get it for a while.

If it is blindly plundering, I am afraid it will soon lead to the chase of the strong of the gods.

It may even draw the attention of the eternally powerful existence of the Celestial God Race, if it is really noticed.

I am afraid that my own end has come.

Another way is to enter some Jedi practice.

He heard that in this cosmic sea, there is a place where energy meets, which will play a great role in the cultivation of the eternal realm strong.

But once such a place is discovered, it will be occupied.

Legend has it that the Celestial Clan has more than a dozen such treasures, which are reserved for the genius of the Celestial Clan to break through the realm.

And the energy in these places is strong or weak, and some will collapse after one time and disappear forever.

And some places can be used repeatedly, after one use, after thousands of years of convergence, they can be used a second or even third time...

This kind of place is the most important place of the Celestial Clan. There are strong hands all the year round, and it is almost impossible for him to enter.

However, other races, such as the God-Eater Clan and the White Tiger Clan, also have such secret places.

Zhao Yuande thought for a long time, and felt that he could not get a place by virtue of his friendship with Rat Han...

Because Rathan's identity is only the young master, and has not yet grown up.

It will be embarrassing to make such excessive demands.

"Forget it! Let's try your luck in those dangerous places!" Zhao Yuande smiled helplessly.

He has recently inquired about a lot of news on the Central Continent, especially a place called the Eye of the Universe, which has been the hottest recently.

This place was originally just a huge cosmic black hole, constantly devouring the stars around it.

Because it looks like a huge eye, it was named the Eye of the Universe.

Just a few years ago, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in this cosmic black hole.

Some curious people went to investigate, but they heard a scream from the black hole.

This curious person didn't dare to directly enter it, but found a few companions and went in together.

However, only one of these strong men escaped in the end.

This person was blind, his whole body was broken, and he had completely lost his mind, but he kept repeating two words in his mouth.

"Eyes... eyes..."

Many people have doubts in their hearts and have a keen interest in this eye of the universe.

People began to enter it and explore.

Some explorers walked out of it, saying that they saw a huge sea of ​​origin, in which the energy is endless.

But some people said that it was a dead sea full of horrible corpses.

There is another place called the Well of Void.

It was a huge well floating in the depths of the universe, and from the head of the well, you could see a vast world below.

The underground seems to be another cosmic sea, in which various terrifying energies gush out from time to time, and even huge bodies and strange treasures have appeared.

Those corpses are obviously not the race of the universe, they are all made up of a strange energy, and if they are obtained, they can be refined into an energy bead.

And some people often enter the Void Well, but not many people can come back alive.

Each of these living people would become silent, and even the soul search could not detect what happened to them in the Void Well.

However, the cultivation of these people will advance by leaps and bounds, and quickly break through the current realm.

The Eye of the Universe was the closest to him, so he chose to go to the Eye of the Universe first, but it was really impossible to go to the Well of Void.

"This senior, the Eye of the Universe is really dangerous recently. It is constantly erupting cosmic energy. If you are not sure, don't try it! Or you can go again after a while." Zhao Yuande asked about the position of the Eye of the Universe. At that time, someone constantly began to persuade him.

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