Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4948: Eye of the Void

Chapter 4948: Eye of the Void

Void Gourd couldn't help but nodded slightly at this time, showing a solemn color on his face.

"It really deserves to be the White Tiger Clan!" Zhao Yuande frowned.

At this time, in the other four directions of this Mercury, there appeared a huge god-eater, a huge ghost king's head, a huge black swan soaring to the sky, and a huge crocodile with scales all over the body. !

After these four-headed behemoths appeared, they all showed a sense of horror.

They were almost the same as the Baihu Ancestral Spirit, only the God-Eating Rat was slightly weaker.

However, Zhao Yuande did discover that the God Eater was not the summoned ancestor spirit at all, but a real eternal peak powerhouse of the God Eater family.

As soon as the five powerful beings appeared, their locations all burst out with brilliant light.

The dazzling divine light converged on the sky, and gradually formed a five-color canopy covering the entire Mercury.

A powerful force of the soul was continuously released on the five-color canopy, and began to continuously refine this Mercury.

"These guys actually set up a five-element soul refining array! What a big hand!" At this time, even Void Gourd was shocked.

"They really came prepared, it seems that this time I came in vain! If they control this eye of the universe, I am afraid I will be more honest in the future! I can only truly practice to the eternal peak before coming out. That's it!" Zhao Yuande was full of unwillingness.

"In this case, we will wait for the opportunity to wait until they are about to succeed in refining, we will pick peaches!" Void Gourd was a little excited at this time.

"This... isn't it good! I have friendship with the God-chewing Rats and the Xuanhu clan. Wouldn't it be too unjust to do this!" Zhao Yuande frowned.

"Hmph! These two races are big, you are the ones who have friendship with the little guys. I am afraid that their race has not put you in the eyes." Void Calabash said, "And this is your only chance, I missed it. But it will be lost forever!"

"I... did it!" Zhao Yuande is not an indecisive person either. After a little thought, he immediately understood the powerful relationship.

If Rathan and Baiyu were here at this time, he would not do it, but as Void Gourd said, these two groups are too large, and the relationship within the clan is intricate, and he cannot be polite to everyone of their race. plus.

It's not a friend but a kneeling lick.

More importantly, this thing means more to him, and he needs this Void Eye even more.

For these races, it can be said to be dispensable.

So he made a decision in an instant.

The Five Elements Soul Refining Array began to continuously refine this Mercury, causing the light blue droplet in the center of Mercury to tremble constantly.

There seemed to be a powerful creature hidden in it. At this time, it was refined by the Five Elements Soul Refining Array, and it suddenly began to gradually wake up.


The huge waves rolled, the tsunami shook the sky, and the endless terrifying waves continued to beat the five huge battleships.

But at this time, the five huge battleships seemed to be fixed by invisible power, and their character was not moved by the wind and waves.

At this time, the five huge monster phantoms also began to gradually release a terrifying aura, gradually calming the wave on the sea.

"It seems that they are really prepared. This time they must refine the eyes of the void!" Void Calabash said, "Even the ancestral spirits have been summoned, and they don't hesitate to consume the original energy to refine them. At the very least, their longevity has been reduced by millions of years."

"What do I do now? Is there still a chance to shoot?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Naturally there is a chance, they still look down on this Void Eye too much! Wait for a good show!" Void Gourd said.

Sure enough, between the words of Void Calabash, a loud noise suddenly came from the distant passage.

At this time, large groups of bats have swooped down from the depths of the tunnel, and there are huge indescribable monsters rushing out on the seabed, constantly hitting five huge battleships, and even more terrifying tentacles protruding from the void. Crazy attack on huge battleship...

Everything I encountered before, all rushed at this time.

However, the large array of a hundred strong men on the ship completely blocked these attacks.

"Everyone enters the home to transmit, and fully infuse mana into the great formation. As long as we persist for this period of time, this Void Eye is ours! After you return to the family, I will give you 100 Eternal Pills each ......" The strong white tiger clan issued an order to everyone.

When all the experts of the White Tiger tribe heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

A little bit of time passed, and soon three days passed.

No matter what kind of terrifying attack from the outside world was blocked by five huge battleships, the Five Elements Soul Refining Array kept refining the light blue water drop.

I don’t know if it’s about to succeed, or what, at this time, the waves on this Mercury gradually began to recede and quieted down.

"How about it, when will I shoot?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but anxiously asked when he saw this scene.

"Don't worry, this is just the last ray of sunshine before dawn, the last ray of reason before madness, that guy is going crazy! I hope this big formation can be stronger, otherwise we won't have any chance this time." Calabash Road.

Just as Void Calabash spoke, Zhao Yuande felt the shock of space.

In the void around this Mercury, there were patches of void cracks.

Huge stars squeezed out from these void cracks, more and more!

Until the end, Mercury was densely packed with stars and I didn't know how many stars appeared, and there were still creatures on these stars, but at this time, they all died suddenly in this kind of void shuttle.

"This...this is..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help being a little stunned at this time.

"This guy is so powerful that he has grabbed so many stars from the outside world. It seems that these five races are going to be bad!" Void Gourd was a little gloating at this time.

"Can they hold on?" Zhao Yuande was also a little nervous at this time.

"Persistence can be persisted, but I don't know how long it can last!"


At this time, huge stars were smashing toward the five huge battleships like raindrops.

"Fully open up the protective array, and each use the strongest magical powers to guard the battleship!" The white tiger clan expert let out a roar, and he rushed out of the huge battleship and stood in the void.

His body turned into a horrible white tiger of hundreds of thousands of feet, dozens of stars collapsed directly between his mouth and roaring, his huge claws waved continuously, and even the falling stars were directly shattered by it.

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