Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4952: Hell boat

Chapter 4952: Hell's Boat

"We have tried our best, even the Celestial God Race can't blame us!" The Tianlin Clan powerhouse said, "This time things are beyond our expectation, and even beyond our ability, we have nothing to do! "

"I have a secret technique here to search for souls, but it needs strong power of souls to support! Or we can have a joint soul search technique, where our three souls are united to start a soul search for everyone As long as they don’t resist, they can read the secrets of their gods and souls almost without loss.” The ten thousand ghost clan powerhouse said at this time.


Just when these three guys were carrying out the soul search secret technique at their own people, Zhao Yuande had already begun to try the control of the eye of the universe.

This huge Mercury is really like the pupil of the Eye of the Universe, and Zhao Yuande can really observe the intelligence of the Universe through the Eye of the Universe.

However, this kind of observation was too exhausting for the soul. He only observed the large universe closest to the Eye of the Universe, and felt the consumption of the soul.

Even if he possesses the soul of the eternal peak, he can't support this kind of mana consumption.

"This thing is not used like this!" Void Gourd couldn't help but reminded.

"Then how to use it?"

"I have a secret technique here, which can unite everyone's spirits and souls together, and will exert a hundred times more power! I need to train a team so that these people can practice controlling the eye of the universe!"

"But here, we are going to leave after all, should we keep these people here?"

"This is not a problem! You can completely refine this cosmic eye, and then you can build a teleportation gate here, which can be teleported to the main world at any time."

"Completely refining the Eye of the Universe... this project is really big!"

"Don't worry, I will let the maternal body help you..."

Just as Zhao Yuande conspired with Void Gourd, in the depths of the Eye of the Universe, a huge corpse slowly flew out of the dark sky.

The corpse was a human in appearance, but with huge wings growing behind it, a pair of curved unicorns on its forehead, and dense black lines on the exposed skin.

On this corpse, there were a thick chain bound, and there were no knowing how many layers were densely packed. There seemed to be a horrible roar on each chain.

If you carefully observe these chains, you can find that they are all refined from a dry corpse, and each chain is composed of hundreds of thousands of knots, which are hundreds of thousands of killed creatures.

"What is that!" The three eternal peak powerhouses who were performing the soul search secret technique also saw that huge corpse at this time.

They felt an unimaginable horror from the corpse in an instant. This horror was as if the prey had met the hunter, and there was a fear that originated from the depths of the soul.

"That's a corpse! A terrifying corpse!"

"What do we do? This corpse seems to be coming towards us, should we run away?"

"Escape? It's just a corpse. I don't believe that the three of us together can't stop a corpse!"

The three are the strong at this time, and they can't even bother to search for the soul, but jointly launched an attack on the huge corpse.


After a loud noise, the combined blow of the three powerful men could not shake the corpse, or even deflect its trajectory slightly.

"How is this possible!" The faces of the three powerhouses all showed incredible expressions.

But what followed was a deep fear, because this huge corpse easily broke into Mercury's gravitational range, and was not affected at all.

Even this huge corpse was even bigger than that of Mercury, and the crying and roaring from above made Mercury tremble slightly.


The three huge battleships were unsurprisingly hit by this huge corpse, and all the disciples of the three races on it were turned into mummy corpses in their wailing.

These mummified corpses actually formed a chain at this time, and they were purposefully attached to three chains by the huge corpse.

"This...that chain is all the corpses of my sky ghost clan! There are millions of them! How could this be...when were they killed?" The sky ghost clan powerhouse murmured, full of Panic and fear.

"I see! The legend is true... Let's run! We will be part of the chain too late!"

"This is the ship of hell! The source of all evil! The proof of the destruction of race! The greatest nightmare of the universe!"

The color of horror on the faces of the three powerhouses grew stronger and stronger, and in the end they all fled, not even daring to turn their heads.

Zhao Yuande was also stunned by the huge and terrifying corpse at this time. At this time, he refined Mercury and felt that Mercury was like a little ant in front of the corpse.

The vastness and vastness of the other party was still above his imagination, and the horror and magic of the other party made him extremely frightened.

It was also at this time that Mercury's core passed his vague thoughts.

Let him know the origin of this corpse instantly.

Originally, he just felt scared, but after knowing the origin of this corpse, he became a kind of panic, unbelievable!

His body was completely integrated into Mercury at once, and Mercury was trembling.

The huge corpse slowly passed Mercury and flew slowly out of the eye of the universe.

Zhao Yuande didn't know what kind of terrible catastrophe this huge corpse would bring to the entire universe after leaving the eye of the universe, but he couldn't stop it at all, nor could he imagine it.

Mercury is regarded as the core of the Eye of the Universe. He has refined Mercury now, and he can be regarded as controlling the Eye of the Universe.

But just as the void gourd said, if he wants to use the Eye of the Universe at will, he must completely refine it.

"Void Calabash, let's start refining!"

"Okay, let's start!"

Just when Zhao Yuande began to refine the entire Eye of the Universe, the huge corpse had already rushed out of the Eye of the Universe and entered the universe.

And the three powerhouses of the Baihu tribe, the Wangui tribe, and the Tianlin tribe, who fled in front of them, seemed to have reached their respective limits in speed, almost unbelievable.

But the speed of the huge corpse was faster than them, and it quickly caught up with the three of them.

These three are all powerful beings at the peak of eternity, and they are all characters who stomped half of the universe.

Their eyes were all blood red at this time, and the three of them joined forces to strike out a force that could easily destroy the dimensional world.

But this kind of terrifying attack fell on that corpse, but it didn't have any effect.

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