Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4952: ten years

Four thousand nine hundred and fifty-two chapters ten years

The ancestors of countless powerful races have received the voice of the ancestors of the God-Eating Rat clan.

The content of the sound transmission is very simple, the ship of **** is coming, and the universe is catastrophe!

In the entire universe, only the ancestor of the God-Eater Clan had broken through the eternal level, and only it was qualified to leave when the huge corpse descended.

As for the other races, there is no guardian beyond the eternal realm, and what awaits them is the way of extermination.

Unless they escaped from this universe, escaped from this fateful place.

At this time, the powerful ancestors of several tribes came to the clan land of the God-eater, wanting to meet the ancestor of the God-eater.

But they were told that there was no time to see them, but they were given a choice.

Either become a vassal of the God Eater Clan, or find another way out.

How can the ancestors of several tribes be willing to become vassals? Although they have also heard the legend of the ship of hell, they don't think it will be so evil.

Among them, the ancestor of the White Tiger tribe transmitted a voice to the Celestial God tribe, but there was no reply at all.

Under this situation, the ancestor of the Baihu tribe finally panicked.

Just when the White Tiger Clan wanted to agree to become a vassal of the God Eater Clan, the eternal peak powerhouse of the God Eater Clan returned from the eyes of the universe.

The ancestor of the God-Eater clan was furious after hearing what happened in the Eye of the Universe.

Immediately after shaking his hands, the ancestors of the Baihu tribe, the Wangui tribe, and the Tianlin tribe were swept out of the universe of the God-Eating Rat tribe.

The ancestors of the three tribes were immediately dumbfounded, but no matter how they begged, it was of no avail.

Seeing that the ancestors of other races came with the whole clan, they were all included in the body world by the ancestors of the God-Eating Rat race. The ancestors of the three races almost all regretted suicide.

"You have ten years left, so do it yourself!" said the ancestor of the God Eater Clan coldly. "After ten years, the entire universe will turn into hell, and all the creatures here will be destroyed."

The ancestors of the three tribes begged and made many promises, but the great universe of the God-Eating Rats had disappeared in place at this time.


The huge corpse is constantly moving forward in the universe, no matter where it goes, no matter what it encounters, it is all crushed all the way.

Large universes collapsed, the star seas turned into lifeless and gloomy spaces, and countless creatures all became part of the chains.

The entire universe is wailing, and there are weak and small races that can't fly out of the stars, fly out of the dimensional world, fly out of the universe, and they are all harvested one by one.

"Why is this! What did we do wrong!"

"It's not fair! It's not fair!"

"We don't want to die... We don't want to die!"


The countless wailing sounds resounded like a torrent in the universe.

Zhao Yuande was refining the Eye of the Universe, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

"No! It shouldn't be like this!" Zhao Yuande's soul merged into Mercury at this time, and the huge eye of the universe slowly turned in the void, constantly scanning all directions of the universe.

He saw that all the land passed by the huge corpse was completely destroyed, countless creatures were extinct, and countless worlds were shattered.

"This kind of thing shouldn't happen, these races are innocent!" There is a bit of compassion in Zhao Yuande's voice, "Isn't the Guardian Gourd World born to save the universe? Why are we looking at this now? Countless innocent creatures have been destroyed. No, I am going to save them!"

"But..." Void Calabash stopped talking.

"I know the measure, and I also know his purpose, but... as much as we can save! We have the eye of the universe, we can observe the danger, and just avoid the boat of **** in advance!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay! What you said is right! The universe without beings is not a universe, and the meaning of my mother body being created at the time is salvation!" Void Gourd nodded, "I will put it here right now. Teleported a large array in the void and left 10,000 people! Only ten years left!"

"okay, I get it!"

Three months later, he had successfully deployed the Void Teleportation Array, leaving ten thousand people here to control the Eye of the Universe.

And he left here through the Void Teleportation Array.

He didn't follow the trajectory of the huge corpse, but from another direction.

As long as he encounters stars with living beings, he will send all the gods into the main world.

At this time, all the creatures seem to feel the existence of the end of the world. The ignorant and ignorant are constantly bowing to the sky, while the wise and intelligent are trying to escape the siege of the stars and even the world.

This journey, in just one month, he saved thousands of races.

These races all have a strange feeling, as if they have encountered a savior.

They instantly felt that they had survived under the death god's sickle, and the horrible feeling of destruction disappeared.

So they have a deep gratitude and admiration for Zhao Yuande.

Many races spontaneously began to worship the statue of Zhao Yuande, praying to the statue every day.

The pure mind power of sentient beings was constantly blessed on Zhao Yuande's body, which made his cultivation level faintly improved.

This discovery made him happy, knowing that his efforts were not in vain.

Gradually deepening into the universe, he also discovered that the major races had evacuated at this time.

Countless large universes were completely evacuated at this time, and even a kind of decayed air came from the large universe.

It seems to be an old man, whose life is about to come to an end.

He knew why these races here took everything away when they moved out of the universe.

In this case, even without the appearance of the huge corpse, the universe will collapse soon.

Two months later, he saw a galaxy.

At this time, a human race was gathering in this galaxy, and the faces of all the tribesmen were full of panic and anxiety.

They have been waiting here for a long time, waiting to be picked up.

When Zhao Yuande saw these human beings, he felt extremely kind.

He couldn't help descending into this galaxy, appearing on the stars where the strongest humans were.

"Who are you? That one? Why have we never seen you?" An old woman in the late Human Race Eternity Realm stared at Zhao Yuande who appeared, with murderous flashes in her eyes.

"Do you want to mix in with us, want to leave with us?" An old man with a full face is also in the late eternal stage.

These two are the leaders of these human races, and their strength is quite strong.

Zhao Yuande couldn't tell which group they belonged to the three emperors of heaven, earth and man.

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