Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4961: Involuntary

Chapter 4961: Involuntary

But seeing Zhao Yuande slap the Naihe bridge, he immediately knew that there was no hope at all this time.

" have grown to this level!" Nai Heqiao's voice trembled, and his emotions could not be calmed for a long time.

"I'm asking you! Why did the land of reincarnation become like this!" Zhao Yuande yelled.

"We can't be blamed, it's all the master's disciples, we..." Naiheqiao felt a guilty conscience inexplicably at this time.

Over the years, he has also seen the chaos in the land of reincarnation, but he is only a tool spirit, and he has only the obligation to protect the little master.

As for the Sanshengshi, he fell asleep long ago, and only he is still awake here.

"Bring me the disciple of the Taoist Samsara, I want to see who is sacred, dare to interfere with the operation of the land of Samsara so unscrupulously." Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"This...I'm afraid this won't work! The little master is practicing in retreat, I...I can't let you disturb him!" When Naiheqiao said this, his mouth was full of bitterness.

Faced with the disciple that was once the master's most optimistic, this terrifying existence that is now so powerful that it trembles, Niheqiao still has to perform his guardianship responsibility.

"Oh! It seems that you have forgotten my personality! If you don't call him today, I will ruin the land of reincarnation. Since the chaos is the chaos, let it be chaos to the end!" Zhao Yuande said lightly, his expression indifferent.

"'t force me..." Naiheqiao's voice trembled.

"I'm not forcing you. For the sake of our previous acquaintance, I will give you time. Call him in three days, and I will wait here!"

Zhao Yuande swept away his sleeves, and the world suddenly changed color. All the spirits in the entire land of reincarnation flew into his cuffs involuntarily.

All human cultivators were swept out of the land of reincarnation by an irresistible force.

Only four people were left kneeling in front of him, and the spirits of those four people were trembling in the sky.

They only know who they have provoke at this time. A person who has given up the inheritance of the land of reincarnation, now what he is going to do after returning strongly, do he want to regain control of this land of reincarnation?

"You... hey..." Naihe Bridge's voice was filled with surprise, and disappeared in an instant with a helpless body.

Zhao Yuande coldly looked at the Sanshengshi in the center of the land of reincarnation. He knew that the other party had attributes and saw his arrival. At this time, he was silent, which was really amazing.

Three days passed by, Zhao Yuande, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes.

"It seems that you didn't bring my words to Naiheqiao, so don't blame me for intruding." He stepped forward and reached the center of the land of reincarnation in the blink of an eye.

Only seeing a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the Sanshengshi at this time, he seemed to have noticed and opened his eyes. When he saw Zhao Yuande, there was a touch of sorrow in his eyes.

"You are Zhao Yuande! The inheritor of the former land of reincarnation?" The middle-aged man's tone was light, and there seemed to be no emotion in his voice.

It seems that he doesn't care about everything in the world, and doesn't care about everything.

"Sanshengshi, don't you come out to meet old friends?" Zhao Yuande ignored the middle-aged man, but looked at Sanshengshi. "You and I have always met each other, and once helped me, don't you even have to face each other now? Dare to meet?"

"I'm asking you something!" The middle-aged man saw that Zhao Yuande seemed to be air, and his voice suddenly became severe, with a bit of anger in his voice.

Sanshengshi did not speak, nor did he respond.

"Hey! It makes me a little sad, it seems that this time I really have to do it!" Zhao Yuande shook his head.

"You are too much! This is the place of my reincarnation, my world, dare you to ignore me here, I will let you die here!" The middle-aged man finally couldn't keep it, and finally broke out after being ignored twice , "Naiheqiao, suppress him! I want to put his soul into..."

"I'm sorry!" Naiheqiao's voice came, "I can't resist the little master's order!"

At this time, a stone bridge covering the sky and the sun descended, and the terrifying coercion made the entire land of reincarnation tremble.

"The power is not bad! It's a pity that your opponent chose the wrong one!" Zhao Yuande looked at the suppressed Naihe Bridge in the sky, just giving directions from the sky.


The world changed color, and the entire land of reincarnation seemed to be lifted at this moment, revealing the vast starry sky.

In the starry sky, a huge finger slowly descended.

This finger is bigger than the land of reincarnation, and the whole land of reincarnation is like a little ant, constantly rustling under this finger.

But that finger didn't directly point to the land of reincarnation, but stopped at a distance of less than ten feet on the land of reincarnation.

The terrifying breath was overwhelming, and the entire land of reincarnation was enveloped all at once.

The Naihe Bridge, which was still powerful just now, seemed to have lost all of its power at once, and fell directly to the ground with a bang.

"This...impossible! You...have your cultivation reached the eternal state!" Naiheqiao's voice trembled.

Zhao Yuande did just use the power of the initial stage of the Eternal Realm just now. If he tried his best to use it as a place of reincarnation, even ten of them would be annihilated together.

"Have you reached the eternal state?" The middle-aged man did not panic at this time, but his face showed a dignity that had never been before. "Even if you reach the eternal state, this place of reincarnation is not something you can handle at will. of!"

At this time, his palm was pressed on the Sanshengshi, and his face gradually paled.

"I can't help myself!" Sanshengshi finally made a voice.

At this time, the Sanshengshi expanded in the distance, and infinite brilliance was released from it.

In any radiance, you can see countless scenes of human life and death.

Among them is a miniature of a person's life, birth, old age, sickness and death, past and present lives, three lives and three lives.

The whole land of reincarnation seems to be a huge world of light and shadow at this time.

"The Three Life Stone controls the three lives of people, and you are also in control. I want you to live and you will live, I want you to die and you will die!" The middle-aged man's fingers slapped on the three life stones one after another.

Suddenly Zhao Yuande appeared in front of pictures, showing the glorious life of his previous life, Yuande God Emperor...and also has his own ups and downs in this life. He has gone through endless difficulties and experienced countless battles to grow up...and even his next life. He turned out to be a mortal farmer who tilled the fields all day, facing the loess and back to the sky.

"Haha! Sanshengshi destroys this person's three lives and makes him disappear in front of me." The middle-aged man saw this with a hint of joy in his voice.

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