Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4965: Temporarily lend your identity

Chapter 4965: Temporarily Lending Your Identity

This soul storm was suppressed by Zhao Yuande and turned into a fist-sized off-white bead.

"This is your strong support!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the fist-sized bead and looked at the stunned Heavenly God Race powerhouse.

"You... so possible!" The strong man of the Celestial Race was shocked and unspeakable.

This is the third strongest of the Celestial Clan, his grandmother, a wisp of spirit known as the Mother of Celestial Gods, unexpectedly was taken away by the opponent.

"Now let me see who you are."

Zhao Yuande clicked his finger again, and finally hit the other's forehead.

Although there are still many Guanghua blockings, it is of no use at all, and they are all shattered under this finger.

"That's it!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly after a long time.

This Celestial Clan powerhouse is called Shen Yuanqing, and he is the grandson of the third ancestor in the Celestial Clan.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, he was ordered to sneak into the human world, and finally mixed into the land of reincarnation under the supernatural power of his grandmother.

However, because of the appearance of the Hell Boat, he was ordered by his grandmother and had to return to the land of the Celestial Clan.

He is now in the clan land of the Celestial Clan!

A strange world that does not belong to the universe.

"Okay! In that case, then I will lend your identity temporarily!" Zhao Yuande's eyes showed an edge, "Since you broke into my land of reincarnation and made trouble, don't blame me for entering your clan to cause damage."

"This is the clan land of the Celestial Clan! It's really a magical place. There is no fairy aura required for cultivation, but a kind of vigorous vitality is constantly permeating from the earth." Void Gourd also nodded, "But You have to be careful if you want to pretend, because there is a powerful being that transcends the eternal's three!"

The voice of Void Calabash trembled suddenly, and it was full of incredible and horror.

"Three powerful existences beyond eternity? How could this be possible!" Zhao Yuande was also unbelievable.

"You feel it carefully, just in the west, three powerful auras are vaguely... entangled... not right... it seems something is wrong!"

"I can also feel that these three powerful auras seem to be constraining each other!" Zhao Yuande's face was strange, as if thinking of something.

"In that case, you really have a chance! As long as you can conceal this **** Yuanqing's grandmother, the third ancestor will do!

"There should be no problem. I didn't kill his soul just now, just to prevent the other party from noticing it." Zhao Yuande held the gray-white bead with excitement on his face, "This time I want to see what is hidden in the gods. What kind of secret is there."

"Everything must be careful."

Soon Shen Yuanqing reappeared in the hall, this is the real God Yuanqing.

However, his soul was controlled by Zhao Yuande, and at this time it had become Zhao Yuande's control.

"You look like this, as long as you don't exceed the eternal state, no one should see through you." Void Calabash nodded in satisfaction.

"I'm going out and shopping." Zhao Yuande couldn't wait, strode out of the palace.

After leaving the palace, I suddenly saw a number of powerful gods guarding here.

One of the leaders' cultivation reached the late stage of the eternal state, and this Celestial Clan was a strong man in a branch of the Celestial Clan.

He was extremely respectful to the **** Yuanqing, and when he saw him appear, he bowed deeply.

"Subordinates, see Young Master."

"Subordinates, see Young Master!"

The other strong celestial races are also all warriors, and their cultivation bases are all in the middle of the eternal realm.

This team was sent by the grandmother to protect him, which shows the high status of Shen Yuanqing.

"Well! I've been back for so long, I'm a little bored, let's go for a walk." Zhao Yuande waved his hand slightly and strode toward the street in a stride.

The gods are bustling on the street, there are countless shops, and countless treasures towering into the clouds. What shocked Zhao Yuande is that there are other races here, whether it is the White Tiger or the Black Hu... To many human races.

These races seem to have no malice towards the Celestial Race, and the Celestial Race does not despise them. All races live in harmony.

This makes Zhao Yuande feel a little strange. The Celestial Clan has occupied most of the territory of the Universe Sea. It is a powerful aggression and plunder for any race, but why is it such a scene here?

"These human races... it seems... the blood is the same as you!" The voice of Void Gourd rang in Zhao Yuande's ears.

"Is it really as I guessed it?" The strange color on Zhao Yuande's face became thicker.

He wandered aimlessly on the street, everything felt fresh.

Finally he entered a restaurant.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant is an individual. He bowed slightly when he saw Zhao Yuande's arrival.

"I have added the young master, I don't know who the young master is going to entertain today?" This person was slightly blessed and smiled.

"Oh! No guests, only myself, find me a quiet place upstairs." Zhao Yuande faintly ordered.

"Please follow me!" The shopkeeper's waist was slightly bent, leading him personally in front of him.

Brought Zhao Yuande to a window room on the third floor.

"Go down and wait!" Zhao Yuande waved to his guardian.

Seeing the wine and vegetables gradually served, Zhao Yuande sat down by the window and began to release his soul, listening to all the information coming and going around.

An hour later, there was also an incredible light in his eyes.

He learned a lot about the secrets here, and he also had a certain understanding of this clan land of the Celestial God Race.

There are legends that this world was built on a huge god, and the strength of this **** is beyond description.

At this moment, the **** was sleeping, his body floating aimlessly in the void.

And their gods and other races are just parasites on this god.

Zhao Yuande got the news and immediately sorted out all related legends.

He found that this was really not groundless, and he really felt that this world was a huge and unimaginable creature.

There are constantly powerful forces infiltrating the earth. Whether it is the gods or other races, they all rely on this power to cultivate. The name of parasite is still very appropriate.

There are also legends that this world was discovered by many races, and they built their home here together.

In the end, other races felt that this place was too dangerous. If this sleeping **** woke up, wouldn't they all be killed.

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