Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4980: A group of chickens

Chapter 4980: A Group of Chihuahuas

An old woman walked out slowly, her eyes full of spitefulness.

"Yes! It's time for our six major races to get rid of the shackles!" A ghostly middle-aged man, his eyes seem to have no pupils, but the rays of light that make people feel chills.


The six people who came out one after another were all powerful auras, and within half a step they could be promoted to the eternal pinnacle.

At this time, they all stared at Zhao Yuande and Jiang family father and daughter, and they made no secret of the killing intent in their eyes.

Jiang Yu and his daughter were stared at by the six people at this time, and they suddenly felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and their bodies couldn't help shaking.

They complained incessantly. The momentum of these six people was too strong. If they hadn't had the old woman standing by their side at this time, they would have been unable to bear to collapse to the ground.

"You all ran out? It's so boring!" Zhao Yuande didn't feel it at all, but looked at the six people opposite with regret.

"Children, kill me! Behead the rebels who attacked our imperial city, and leave no one behind!" The old man with a craggy skin let out a loud roar.


There are hundreds of thousands of cultivators in the city!

They are all descendants of the six major races.

At this moment they roared and rushed out of the city, slaying them mightily.

Looking at these hundreds of thousands of people, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but show a sneer.

Among these hundreds of thousands, there are only more than forty late eternal realm, more than 300 mid-term, less than one thousand early stage, and all others are low-level cultivators who come to make up the number.

Many people onlookers saw this scene at this time, and they couldn't help but step back.

The terrorist battle of hundreds of thousands of people can almost destroy the world, and they don't want to be affected.

When Jiang Yu and his daughter saw this scene, they were also apprehensive and couldn't help but look at Zhao Yuande.

"Hey! A group of chickens and dogs." Zhao Yuande waved, all the 10,000 troops he prepared rushed out.

As soon as this 10,000-person team appeared, everyone's eyes widened.

Especially the six powerhouses on the city wall, at this time all breathed.

"One hundred late Eternal Stage! It's so possible!" The old man exclaimed, "Stop! Stop all!"

But it was too late for him, and suddenly 10,000 carefully selected strong men rushed into the army of hundreds of thousands.

As if a tiger entered the flock, the army of hundreds of thousands was divided in an instant.

I don't know how many people were beheaded in the blink of an eye.

The powerhouse in the late stage of the eternal realm can already destroy the world here, and the combination of a hundred people is enough to easily sweep everything.

If it were placed in the cosmic sea, this force could already be swept away, except for all forces with the eternal peak and the race beyond eternal power.

I could only hear howls all over the world, and countless six powerful people fleeing around crying.

They used to be proud of their last name, but now they prefer to be just ordinary people.

"Stop! All this is a misunderstanding! If there is anything to say, it is not impossible to discuss even if we let us out of the imperial city!" The old man with a stubborn hair yelled again at this time.

They didn't dare to go out, even if they added six of them, they weren't the opponents of the one hundred late-stage eternal realm powerhouses, and they went out just to die.

"Yeah! We can't do it if we admit it. You are up to everything here. Don't kill it again!"


The six people all pleaded, and they already regretted it.

"What misunderstandings are all nonsense! It's not impossible for you to survive!" Zhao Yuande sneered at the six people in the city.

"As long as we can stop the killing, we will promise you anything!" The old man gritted his teeth.

"I don't need anything, but they do need it!" Zhao Yuande pointed to Jiang Yu's father and daughter. "As long as you kneel down and repent and sign the master-servant contract again, I will leave you a way to survive!"

"This is impossible!" The old man roared, "We would rather die than surrender!"

"If that's the case, then die!" Zhao Yuande waved.

He originally planned to give the other party a chance, since the other party was not sure, he would kill them all!

Anyway, this kind of rebellious race left is also a scourge, it is better to kill them all.

Previously, most of Zhao Yuande's 10,000 men were captured, and then they would be sent into the main world to become slaves.

But now the other party makes him feel a little sick.

So he was too lazy to talk, just waved.

"Ah! Grandpa, save me..."

"No... I don't want to die, I still have a great youth!"

"Let me go, don't kill me, I am willing to succumb to become your slave..."

"As long as I live, I am willing to do anything..."


But in an instant a stern roar, begging echoed in the battlefield.

Almost everyone fell to their knees. They knew they were not opponents, and they didn't want to die.

"It's really a bunch of cartilage! The servility really hasn't changed!" Zhao Yuande scanned the six people in the city contemptuously.

Without Zhao Yuande's order, the ten thousand army would have no mercy at all.

No matter how these people beg for mercy, no matter how they scream, they will be killed.

"Can that..." Jiang Yu finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Although she hated these people deeply, when did she ever see such horrific killings?

In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of people have died.

Zhao Yuande ordered the killing of these people, and all the requirements were to be destroyed.

Don't let the souls of these people enter the Yin Realm and continue to cultivate into the evil yang realm.

"Yu'er! Don't be soft-hearted, think about how they treated us! Think about how your grandfather died, imagine how miserable your grandma died! Think about how much pain your brother suffered at the time!" Jiang Chendu There was crazy hatred in his eyes.

Almost all of their descendants were secretly killed by these six clans.

The cruelty of their methods is horrible.

Jiang Yu's younger brother had an amazing talent for returning to his ancestors, but he was promoted to the eternal state in just over two hundred years.

At that time, the entire world was shaken, and even the Celestial Clan, the White Tiger Clan were shocked.

Several strong people want to accept them as disciples.

It is a pity that he was killed overnight and his body was cut into countless pieces.

Everything in the sea of ​​knowledge is extracted by people.

But even so he was still alive, but he suffered from a terrible toxin, which made him feel bad every day.

At that time, Jiang Yu and his daughter were almost crazy, and the old woman was still cruel to end his life.

Since then, the old woman left the imperial city with their father and daughter and wandered around.

Later, Jiang Yu returned to his ancestors again and gradually gained fame outside.

They hide from the chase of the six major slaves, and then Jiang Chen is captured. They toss around and finally meet Zhao Yuande.

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