The fourth thousand nine hundred and eighty-three chapters I escape

"There really is a problem here, there is actually an ancestral vein below the dungeon!"

His figure disappeared in a flash, but when he appeared again, he appeared in a **** passage.

This passage was not artificially excavated, but formed naturally. The passage was rugged but it was filled with a powerful energy. Even Zhao Yuande felt the terrible energy.

He began to explore along the passage, looking for the end of this ancestral vein.

As a result, this ancestral vein was not known for hundreds of millions of miles. He walked for several days without reaching the end. On the contrary, countless powerful scarlet monsters appeared, constantly attacking him.

"This is not right, how could there be such a thing, and it is so powerful!" Zhao Yuande killed dozens of powerful scarlet monsters, and at this time he couldn't help but show shock.

Each of these scarlet monsters has the strength equivalent to the late stage of the Eternal Realm. According to his understanding, this world is the body of a huge creature.

Then this ancestral vein should be the blood of this creature, even the monsters born in the blood vessels are so powerful, how powerful is this creature?

Is it stronger than the strong beyond the eternal realm?

Thinking about it this way, he didn't dare to continue exploring.

He decided to return and returned to the imperial city.

But when he returned, there was a splendid brilliance flowing in the void of Human Imperial City, and powerful figures appeared in the void.

Countless terrifying rays of light descended, turning into a powerful cultivator.

Is the strong man of the Celestial Race!

They surrounded the entire human imperial city, and connected the horrible atmosphere. The human imperial city was completely blocked, and even an ant could not get out.

At a glance, Zhao Yuande saw several powerful Celestials at the peak of eternity, and their eyes were extremely cold.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in his heart.

"Zhao Yuande, I didn't expect you to dare to come to the land of my God Race, today you can't escape with your wings!" A voice rang like thunder, echoing in the entire void.

As soon as this voice appeared, Zhao Yuande's heart suddenly hung up. This was the third ancestor of the Celestial Clan and the grandmother of Shen Yuanqing.

Several eternal peak powerhouses joined forces to block here, he could hardly escape, and the third ancestor came down, it seems that today is really going to be desperate.

"Catch it with your hands! If you are willing to use it for my God Race, I promise you will be safe." The third ancestor scanned Zhao Yuande, his eyes also showed a touch of surprise.

The opponent has been besieged here, it is difficult to fly with wings, and he can still be so calm.

"How did you know that I am here?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking curiously.

"You are too high-profile, helping the descendants of the human empress, and showing your true face. There are countless eyeliners in the human imperial city, and your every move has been passed to me." The third ancestor said lightly.

"It seems to be too high-profile!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but smile. "It's been so smooth recently, I'm a bit forgetful!"

"It's a battle, you say it!" The third ancestor said.

"I... escape!" Zhao Yuande grinned, his body disappeared in an instant.

"Escape into the ground? Then you have entered a dead end!" The third ancestor sneered, "You two will go in with me and catch him!"

The third ancestor waved his hand and rushed into the underground world of the human imperial city with the two strong gods of the eternal realm.

Soon they found the ancestral vein that Zhao Yuande had entered before.

"It's no wonder that the human emperor will build the human emperor city here. It turns out that there is an ancestral vein here! After this time, the human emperor city will be ours!" The third ancestor had a light of excitement in his eyes.

"The third ancestor, why don't we give this imperial city to the warrior clan! Our warrior clan needs such an ancestral vein to train our soldiers."

"Why! Our Ziguang clan also lacks, why can't we give it to us!"

The two eternal peak powerhouses couldn't help but argue at this time.

"Well, whoever of you can catch that kid, who owns this imperial city!" The third ancestor snapped.

"In that case, let's show off our own magic!"

"Huh! I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

The three powerhouses pursued Zhao Yuande all the way, and soon they encountered a large number of scarlet monsters and started a crazy killing.

Because Zhao Yuande had been here before, he was familiar with the road all the way, avoided several groups of powerful monsters, and went deep all the way.

The blood-colored monster in this ancestral vein had obviously been killed before, but it was only after this time that all of them were reborn, which made him feel a little surprised.

There are endless monsters that can sharpen oneself, and the kind of aura filled here can easily arouse the fighting spirit in the human body, so it seems that this place is really a treasure.

He went all the way down, although the speed was very fast, but the speed of the third ancestors was still higher than him.

Although there are infinite blood monsters blocking them, they can't slow them down at all.

"They are getting closer, what should I do to fight with them!" Zhao Yuande's face was very ugly.

"You can't fight the three of you, create some trouble, continue to escape!" Void Calabash said.


Just as they spoke, the ancestral vein channel suddenly became wider, and the sound of rumbling water came from ahead.

It was as if a waterfall fell from the sky and fell on the ground.

He directly rushed into the broad ancestral veins, and suddenly found that this place was ten million times thicker than the previous ancestral veins, and there were countless branches and all directions.

These ancestral veins are high or low, and bright red liquid falls from the upper branch veins, forming a huge blood-colored waterfall.

Below this is a blood-colored lake, almost submerging half of the broad main vein.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuande couldn't help being overjoyed and found a small ancestral pulse casually and went in.

But as soon as he entered, Zhao Yuande felt something was wrong.

Because this ancestral vein is full of bright red liquid, this liquid is filled with endless weird monsters.

As soon as Zhao Yuande entered it, these monsters suddenly rushed over frantically.

These monster beasts are like big fishes with terrifying and sharp teeth. Their speed in the liquid is so fast that Zhao Yuande can't react. Those sharp teeth bite on his body and even shred his skin. But in the blink of an eye, his body was dripping with blood, full of wounds.

His blood flowed out, making these big fish crazy.

Zhao Yuande knew that if he didn't leave, he would be torn to pieces and eaten by these strange fishes!

He sighed, turned and rushed out of this ancestral vein.

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