Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4985: Seal of the universe

The corpse fell, and it fell to the ground and turned into a piece of fly ash.

"So powerful!"

Zhao Yuande was horrified.

At that moment, even he had a sense of imminent disaster and imminent destruction.

"No show! Even if the cultivation base reaches the eternal peak, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand this kind of attack, unless...the third ancestor is the kind of powerhouse who is infinitely close to the legendary realm!"

"I think the third ancestors should not give up, they will come back, you might as well wait slowly."

"Oh! Is that so?" Zhao Yuande's eyes suddenly lit up.

"The third ancestor is not a fool. She should have discovered the weirdness of Scarlet Toad. Even if she can't beat her opponent, she will find a way to draw it out."

"In that case... why didn't you just say it! I wasted so many slaves!"

"If she comes back, wouldn't you risk robbing her, wouldn't it be better if you could get it?"

"Okay! Then I will wait for her slowly!"

Zhao Yuande simply hid his breath and lurked here.

Ten days passed, and finally his spirit detected the arrival of the third ancestor.

The third ancestor did not come alone, but followed an old man in yellow.

This yellow-clothed old man seemed to be a little illusory and unreal, and should be a clone.

However, the third ancestor is still very polite and respectful.

Behind them, there was a group of strong men from the Celestial Race wearing weird armors, each with their eyes sluggish, as if the spirits were under control and lost themselves.

"It's really extraordinary here!" The yellow-clothed old man's voice was flat, "It seems that it really is your luck."

"Thank you second ancestor for coming to help. If I can really get the chance here, my gods will have a third powerful existence beyond eternity, and then our power will rise to a huge level." Third There was obviously some excitement in Zu's voice.

"Well! It's hard to say, if the blood-colored toad you are talking about is really the blood **** frog, we may not be able to succeed today!" The yellow-robed old man nodded slightly, his face solemn.

"I'll print it out first, Second Patriarch, take a look!" Third Patriarch nodded hurriedly.

Before she waved, the group of strong men of the Celestial Race wearing weird armor rushed to the depths of the passage to the big **** lake.

Zhao Yuande's God Realm space at this time has enveloped the blood-colored lake. As soon as the blood-colored toad rushes out to fight with them, he will sneak into it and steal the boulder.

But what made Zhao Yuande a little puzzled was why they didn't even mention themselves this time.

Could it be that the third ancestor was afraid of being robbed of credit? Or is there any conspiracy between them?

"Be careful, they may set up a strategy to deliberately target you!" Void Calabash also felt something was wrong at this time, and hurriedly reminded.

"I feel it too, but even if it's against me, I have to grab the boulder. This is the only way for me to quickly rise to the top. I can't give up." Zhao Yuande showed determination at this time.

"Okay! Since you think so, then I will help you."

At this time, the group of strong men of the Celestial Clan wearing weird armor had arrived in front of the Scarlet Great Lake and launched an attack on the Scarlet Great Lake.


The waves in the **** big lake soared to the sky, as if they were going to be directly steamed to dryness by these strong gods.


There was a croak of frogs, the blood-colored toad appeared, and a red light was spit out after opening his mouth.

Those strong gods wearing weird armors didn't evade at all, they just stiffly caught the red light.

Zhao Yuande was able to see clearly, the red light turned out to be a red electric light, and the set turned into dozens of rays, each of which hit the strong man of the Celestial Race wearing weird armor.

But what shocked Zhao Yuande was that these red lightnings could not harm these strong gods in the sky, and were absorbed by those weird armors.

After absorbing the red electric light, those weird armors all turned into blood red.

"It really succeeded!" The third ancestor's voice was full of excitement, "These **** thunder gods can really be absorbed and stored. If they can be extracted again, my **** clan will have more. A killer feature!"

"Don't be happy too early, this Blood Tribulation God Thunder is not as simple as you think, it is harder to extract it than to climb to the sky!" The yellow-clothed old man shook his head slightly.

At this moment, the Scarlet Toad seemed to be angry, and opened his mouth again, and a dark green cloud spewed out of it.

This dark green cloud and mist shrouded the entire blood-colored lake, and even those strong men of the Celestial race wearing weird armor were shrouded in it.

Zhao Yuande originally thought that these strong gods would turn into pus, but what happened before his eyes shocked him.

The strong gods of the gods opened their mouths and started to swallow the dark green clouds, but in the blink of an eye, the bodies of the strong gods of the gods swelled up and almost turned into balloons, and all their bodies turned dark green.

"Good! Good!" Seeing this scene, the third ancestor applauded again and again.

"It's time for you to play next, remember to close the five senses." The yellow-clothed old man said lightly.

"Okay!" The body of the third ancestor was trembling slightly at this time, and there was an indescribable light of excitement in his eyes.

At this time, she also had such a weird armor on her body, and she stepped forward to the Scarlet Toad.

The Scarlet Toad hadn't seen these strong gods in the eyes, even if they had collected their own thunder and poisonous mist, it was only slightly surprised.

At this time, the appearance of the third ancestor finally made its eyes show solemnity.

Its wisdom is much higher than that of ordinary people, and it naturally feels the taste of conspiracy all at once.

It opened its mouth without hesitation, and a thick tongue with countless blood-colored barbs stuck out, and swept directly toward those strong gods.

It is to destroy these strong gods, and let the third ancestor's bamboo basket catch the water.

But the third ancestor seemed to have thought that the other party would do this for a long time, and her palm turned over, and a small treasure seal appeared in her hand.

This treasure seal does not seem to be eye-catching, but it releases ten thousand divine light in the moment, and the treasure seal gradually enlarges in the divine light.

It can be vaguely seen that the treasure seal in the ten thousand divine light seems to have turned into a huge universe, slowly rotating.

Among them, there are infinite stars, several huge dimensions, and even a huge blood-colored figure standing majestic among them.

"This is a seal of the universe!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help showing a look of horror on his face. "A big universe where a true spirit was born has been alive and practiced into a treasure seal, and that true spirit turned into a tool spirit !"

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