Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4987: God monument

The fourth thousand nine hundred and eighty-seventh chapter God monument

"I can give you a moment, but I'm afraid you won't be able to take this boulder away!" Void Calabash said.

"Life is still important!" Zhao Yuande can only choose life at this time.

"Give me a burst!" Void Calabash directly caused the main world to burst.

The main world is now stronger than the ordinary universe, and this burst of power directly suppresses the cosmic seal.

"Let's go! This kind of consumption is too huge, I can't maintain it for too long." Void Gourd burst out of the strongest power of the main world at this moment, and suddenly loosened the seal of the universe.

Zhao Yuande was about to take this opportunity to escape, but he saw the Scarlet Toad's eyes looking at him.

Those eyes were full of pleading, full of hope.

At this moment, his thoughts turned, he grabbed the Scarlet Toad with his palm and directly absorbed it into the main world, and his body disappeared here at the same time.

"What! Damn it!" The third ancestor let out an angry roar.

But it didn't help. Although the seal of the universe was powerful, it really couldn't suppress the main world.

Because the main world is already much stronger than the ordinary universe, the Guardian Gourd is even more powerful than anything else.

If Zhao Yuande were facing the third ancestor alone at this time, and the opponent's cultivation base was equal to him, the main world might still be able to suppress the seal of the universe.

However, Zhao Yuande was not as good as the other at this time, and more importantly, there was a clone of the second family in the seal of the universe.

Although it is only a clone, its strength is probably beyond the third ancestor, because the opponent is already a powerful existence beyond the eternal realm.

The third ancestor just wanted to chase after it, but a voice came from the Seal of the Universe.

"Stop chasing, he can't escape this world, he will be caught one day, and the most important thing now is that huge rock!"

"Yes! That's right! As long as I can be promoted, he can't escape a hundred!" A beautiful smile appeared on the face of the third ancestor.

If you don't know that she is an old woman, you will really be fascinated by her smile at this time.

But the old woman's complexion soon became very ugly, because although the huge rock was magical, it couldn't be removed.

No matter what they used to reach the sky, the boulder did not move.

It seems to be connected to this world, indivisible.

"If you want to use this stone to practice... you might not be able to do it! The gods can't lack you as a manager to sit here! The latter, if you can cultivate a successor, you can come here to retreat and practice." The second ancestor also issued The sound of a sigh.

"I see!" The third ancestor Kong was overjoyed, and finally sealed this place, waiting for the day when the gods do not need to sit in town before coming back to retreat.

Besides, Zhao Yuande had already escaped from birth.

He appeared in a human city and changed his appearance and breath. This was a long breath.

"That blood **** frog is a bit dishonest, come and suppress it with me!" Void Gourd said at this time.

"What!" Zhao Yuande's body disappeared in place and entered the main world.

At this time, on a huge star in the main world, the blood **** frog was croaking.

The surrounding emptiness shattered in its strange cries.

Let it go on doing things like this, it will consume the energy of the main world for no reason.

And the blood **** frog is really too powerful, and the power of the world consumed in an instant against the Seal of the Universe is too great.

Void Gourd mobilized the power of the world, but it was unable to suppress it in a short time.

"Okay! I rescued you, not for you to destroy my world." Zhao Yuande appeared in front of the blood **** frog and whispered.

The blood **** frog turned his head and saw Zhao Yuande, with a touch of gratitude in his eyes.


But it was still croaking non-stop.

But this time the cry was not terrifying.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Yuande frowned, knowing that the other party might want to use this method to meet him.

A **** light flew from the eyebrows of the blood **** frog opposite, and flew towards Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande felt what the blood light was, and did not dodge, allowing it to fly into his own sea of ​​knowledge.

Suddenly he felt that he had opened the door to a new world, and the croaking voice of the other party had become an ancient language.

"I want to go back, there is a monument I want to guard!" The blood **** frog looked at Zhao Yuande with anxious eyes.

"Go back? Are you going back to find death? The gods must have laid a net there!" Zhao Yuande was puzzled, "what the **** is the monument, why do you care so much?"

"I don't know what the **** monument is. Anyway, the purpose of my ancestors was to guard the **** monument and not let it suffer any damage!" said the blood **** frog, "I would rather die than let the **** monument. Damaged."

"The **** monument you are talking about is not the huge stone under you, right?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help saying.

"That's the top of the monument!" The blood **** frog said.

"Then you don't have to worry about it for the time being! Let's take care of the injury first!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand slightly, "They can't take the **** monument, they will practice on the **** monument for a period of time at most, and I will be with you after you recover. Go and see!"

"That's true, even my ancestors can't shake it. Legend has it that only after the cultivation base has surpassed eternity can it be able to take away the monument!" The blood **** frog nodded slightly.

"Okay! Don't make trouble, just rest here to recover from your injury! Here are some pills." He gave a large batch of pills to the blood **** frog.

"Thank you! If you can regain the monument, I allow you to comprehend and practice on the monument." The blood **** frog nodded to him.

"Thanks a lot then!"

The blood frog's injury is not light, even with those pills, it may take more than ten days to recover.

Zhao Yuande also didn't want to stay like this, fighting on multiple lines at the same time.

He sent a voice message to the guardian of Shen Yuanqing to inquire about the situation, and turned into a clone of thousands of people to explore the imperial city, and even went out to inquire about it.

In the end, he got a definite news that the third ancestor returned to the Celestial Clan.

Back to the Celestial Race!

Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning. What does it mean that the other party returned to the Celestial Clan? Either he took away the **** monument or gave up the **** monument.

At that time, the third ancestor had a second group of clones beside him, and he was worried that the other party would take the divine monument, so the clones quickly rushed into the underground of Human Imperial City.

But soon his complexion looked better, because he felt countless dense array restrictions in the underground of Human Imperial City.

The formation ban has sealed the underground thousands of times, not to mention the clone, even if Zhao Yuande's deity arrives, I am afraid it will not be able to break it.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Yuande was immediately relieved.

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