Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4992: I can not be reconciled

With every shot, a powerful opponent will be destroyed.

"Life and death, death and life! The illusion of thunder is life, and the powerful existence illusioned to fight with me is defeated is death! After being defeated, it will be transformed into thunder and life... , Life and death, endless reincarnation, endless endless..."

Zhao Yuande not only whispered in his mouth while performing various magical powers.

His voice grew louder and his eyes brightened.

The magical powers he displayed gradually began to merge, and in the end all the magical powers turned into a big hand that thoroughly penetrated the sky.

This big hand is half gray and half blood red, which contains majestic vitality, and also contains terrifying death.

This big hand covers the sky and the sun, covering the starry universe.

It seems that the origin of time can be traced back to fundamentally annihilate the past, present, and even future of a person, a star, a large universe.

"This kind of magical power has never been seen before, never heard of it, its power is terrifying, it is simply shocking!" At this time, even Void Calabash could not help but admire.

"It's just a bit! Only a bit!" Zhao Yuande withdrew his supernatural powers. Although there was joy on his face, there were more regrets.

"Not bad! Don't be dissatisfied! You have far exceeded my imagination, and you have embarked on a road that the previous generation of Guards Gourd has never walked!"

"Hey! No way, I need too much strength now!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"No matter how strong you are, it is useless. I can see that this **** boat is unstoppable even if you break through the eternal realm!" Void Calabash said.

"How can I know if I can reach that state without trying..."

"Forget it! Just look at the two powerhouses of the Celestial Clan. If they can, how can they watch the universe collapse, and the ancestors of the God-Eater Clan, how can they look at their homes willingly? Become ruins! To reach that level, you can only protect yourself at best!"

"I can not be reconciled!"

"If you are not reconciled at this time, you should go to the Well of Reincarnation and learn more! And more importantly, the Well of Reincarnation allows you to discover more human beings in the universe that have not yet left."

"Yes...being able to rescue more also made me feel at ease."

Zhao Yuande's body disappeared in a flash, and the next moment he returned to sit cross-legged beside the well of reincarnation.

Time is hurried, Zhao Yuande is practicing beside the well of reincarnation, and his soul follows countless souls into the well of reincarnation.

After experiencing reincarnation for a hundred generations, I quickly discovered multiple star dimensions with human races in the universe.

Some of them knew that the end of the world was about to come, but they had nowhere to go, and they were panicked all day long.

Some are the same as the previous relic star, do not know the danger is coming, and still live a carefree life.

Usually, those who are sensitive are cultivators with powerful forces. They have powerful feelings, while those who don’t know are weak.

Zhao Yuande rescued these human beings one by one and sent them all into the main world.

"The stronger the strength, the more acute the danger of the unknown. This is a good thing and a bad thing. They are shrouded in unknown threats all day long. Many people have mental breakdowns and perish by evil spirits! And those The weak, on the contrary, have a relaxed and happy life, carefree...what does this mean..."

"I didn't expect you to have some insights from this. I don't know, nor can I feel those people's feelings, but I know it must be a good thing!"

"This shows that things are divided into good and bad. It's like yin and yang coexist. When there is yin, there is yang, and when there is yang, there is yin. Only when yin and yang are combined can there be endless life..."

Time flies, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Zhao Yuande opened his eyes suddenly, because he felt the eye of the universe shaking.

"The ship of **** is back!" Zhao Yuande muttered in a low voice, "The disaster of this universe has finally passed!"

"Has it passed? I feel that it is the beginning of another cycle. The return of the ship of **** means it will return..."


At this moment, he heard a huge earth-shattering sound coming from his body.

His face suddenly became extremely excited, and he knew that his cultivation level had reached the eternal peak.

"What kind of terrifying force is this!" Sanshengshi couldn't help but tremble at this moment.

"I have never felt such a strong aura, I am afraid he has broken through!" Naiheqiao muttered.

"He has become stronger. This is a good thing for us. At least the human race has an extra guarantee."

"I hope he can go on and step into the final realm..."


As the Sanshengshi and Naihe Bridge sighed, Zhao Yuande's body disappeared beside the well of reincarnation.

The next moment, his body appeared in a vast starry sky.

The stars here are mostly broken, but many strange creatures have been born among the broken stars.

There are huge heavenly snakes cruising in the void, and there are terrifying giant frogs lying quietly on a huge meteorite fragment, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth.

Zhao Yuande had never seen these creatures before, and they seemed to appear out of thin air, but they were all unconscious.

After seeing Zhao Yuande's appearance, the giant frog showed a terrifying **** long tongue at him.


As soon as Zhao Yuande's breath of breakthrough was released, the void suddenly thundered like a sea.

The giant frog shivered in fright and fled directly into the distance.

Zhao Yuande didn't hurt any creatures that appeared, but drove all the creatures away.

Only then did he begin to open up his cultivation level with confidence.

The terrifying Thunder Sea was suppressed one by one, and countless illusory figures continued to emerge in it.

A venerable Thunder God man rushed out of the void, and instantly fought with Zhao Yuande.

The means of these thunder gods surpassed the sky, and they actually matched Zhao Yuande's fighting spirit.

Especially the first Thunder God-Man, looks exactly the same as Zhao Yuande himself.

The magical powers displayed by the other party were no different from his magical powers, which made him uncontrollably excited.

He fought with him for a full day and night, but he didn't even suppress the thunder god.

It wasn't until the Thunder God Man ran out of energy that it disappeared all at once.

He had some regrets and reluctance in his heart at this time. The more he fought against this thunder god-man, the more profound he had realized the magical powers he had realized.

Turning hands is a reincarnation, and in the blink of an eye, people can go from life to death at once.

Although he didn't know the second thunder god-man, he also felt its power.

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