Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5011: Danger has opportunity

The fifth thousand and eleventh chapter is danger only opportunity

This spider is pulling a long silk thread as if swinging on a swing.

All of a sudden, he swung in front of a strong celestial clan, and directly spit out a large white net, covering it.

"Help...Help!" The Heavenly God Clan expert let out a scream.

In the gaps of the white net, it can be seen that the body of the strong man of the Celestial Race is gradually melting, as if it is a mass of snow that has encountered a high temperature.

"Beast!" The third ancestor let out a roar, and the strange statue appeared in his hand, slamming against the purple spider.


The purple spider opened its mouth again, protruding a large white web, and directly enveloped the statue.

"not good!"

The third ancestor instantly found that he had lost contact with the statue, and his complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.


She didn't dare to delay anything anymore, turned around and ran.


At this moment, the purple spider opened its mouth again, spitting out a dozen large white webs one after another.

At the moment when the big net spit out, these strong men all felt a trance.

No one of them could avoid this kind of big net. Suddenly, more than a dozen strong people suffered and were shrouded in the net.

The strong bone ancestor of the Bone Realm just rushed here. He originally wanted to fight a battle with the third ancestor, but he turned pale when he saw this scene and turned around and fled.

But the purple spider was attracted by his roar, how could it let him go.

Suddenly spit out a big net one after another, wanting to leave the bone ancestors and them all.

But I don't know why, the big net seems to have lost its accuracy to the strong bones, and only one strong bone is accidentally shrouded in it.

The purple spider was willing to give up. After chasing it out, I don’t know how many miles. Hundreds of big webs were spewed out. I don’t know if it was because of tiredness or too far from the giant tree, and finally gave up the bone ancestors. .

The third ancestor was bad luck this time. Not only was he delayed by the bone ancestor, but also damaged the strange statue. At this time, the anger seemed to be the volcano about to erupt.

"Bone Ancestor! I am at odds with you!" the third ancestor roared.

At this time, there were only seven Celestial Gods powerhouses left behind, but she had lost most of the Celestial God Race powerhouses just now. Even if she succeeded in leaving here at last, I am afraid that there would be no way to explain them back.

"The third ancestor, let's hunt down the bone ancestors! They are being chased by purple spiders, we just took the opportunity to catch them all." A strong **** of the gods said with gritted teeth.

"Yes, don't let them go, take revenge for the brothers!"

"Kill... let the bone world know how good we are!"


"No, our current strength is greatly reduced, we can't be too reckless!" The third ancestor shook his head and said, "But we can follow behind them secretly and take the opportunity to take action when they encounter danger, so that they can taste this too!" The face of the third ancestor showed a hideous look.

The bone ancestors escaped from the pursuit of the purple spider, and they were also embarrassed.

"Master Bone Ancestor, what should we do now?" one of the strong bones asked cautiously.

"What can I do, leave soon! I really can't stay here anymore!"

"Danger has opportunity. In fact, the purple spider just now is not powerful, but the web that it spit out is more powerful. I think we have a chance to kill it..."

"What... Are you going to die? What if you do the bait?"


"Okay...Don't make a noise!" The bone ancestor looked at the few powerhouses left here, and his face was very ugly.

These guys are still not united at this time, it seems that this time they have to leave quickly.

"We walked around to the other side of the giant tree, waiting for the end of this opening." The bone ancestor finally made a decision.

Although there are a few strong bones who are not happy, this is the decision of the bone ancestors.

On the other side, the third ancestor had seen the bone ancestors and the strong bones from a distance.

"They don't have a few people left. Why don't we rush out to fight them!"

"Shut up, don't make a sound, lest you startle the snake..."

One of the two teams was cautiously ahead, and the other surreptitiously followed behind.

What they didn't find was that a black beetle with a monstrous look was protruding out of the dense canopy above their heads for hundreds of millions of miles.

The jaws of this beetle are extremely exaggerated, like a pair of huge pliers, there are countless sharp thorns in it, and the opening and closing are enough to cut anything in half at once.

The beetle's wings vibrated, buzzing, and swooping down.

"Why do I feel something is wrong!" Bone Ancestor looked up at the sky, his ears moved slightly.

"It seems there is a sound..." A strong bone world possesses a special talent, and he heard a buzzing sound, and he also looked at the sky.

"No! Hurry up, we are booked!" The bone ancestor's expression changed drastically.

Because in the blink of an eye, he saw a black shadow falling from the sky, and the speed made him feel horrified.

When he shouted these words and was about to turn around and escape, the black beetle had already reached the front of a strong bone world.

This strong bone world was cut off directly by him without the slightest resistance.

"I fuck...Skycracker!" Bone Lord saw the appearance of this black beetle, and suddenly let out a terrified roar.

His body suddenly curled up, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a bone ball covered with spikes.

The bone ball kept rolling forward, ploughing the ground into huge ravines.

Several other bone world experts saw this scene, and they all rushed to learn, all turned into bone balls.

Sure enough, after killing the two bone world powerhouses, the black beetle seemed to glance at the bone ball rolling in front of it in disgust, and ignored them, but suddenly turned its gaze in another direction.

"Broken! Run away!"

The third ancestor saw the black beetle turning his head in this direction, and his body shuddered in fright.

Suddenly, all the strong celestial gods fled in all directions.

At this time, the body of the third ancestor plunged into the mud all at once, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The black beetle didn't care about the third ancestor who got into the mud, flapping its wings and blinking, chased a strong **** of the gods.

However, in just a dozen breaths, the remaining strong men of the Celestial Race were all wiped out by the black beetles.

The black beetle took a last look at the direction of the third ancestor, and flew back to the sky-reaching giant tree unwillingly.

The third ancestor found that the danger had disappeared, and this was regarded as a halt.

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