Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5020: Seventh Kingdom

The fifth thousand and twentieth chapter, the seventh kingdom of God

"Ancestor, this time I brought a friend to see you. He wants to know about the power beyond the eternal realm." Long Qingkong respectfully let out Zhao Yuande by his side.

"Your friend? A human, he..." The eyes of the cyan dragon fell on Zhao Yuande's body, but in an instant its complexion changed drastically, and its huge body trembled, revealing unbelievable horror in its eyes. Lulu, " are a transcender..."

"I don't know if I'm a transcendent, but I do feel that my realm has broken through the eternal barrier." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly, "What I want to ask you is, in this world, why is there no The existence of the transcendence, where are the two transcendents of the Celestial Race?"

"You are already a transcender! The transcender does not have any specific plan of the realm, but only creates his own way, and the cultivation strength is far beyond the eternal peak power." The blue dragon replied respectfully, "As for why the transcender is not This world seems to be because they can no longer make progress in this world, and the strength of transcendors cannot be displayed. They went to the seventh kingdom of God."

"The seventh kingdom of God?" Zhao Yuande looked confused.

"Yes, the seventh kingdom of God! It is said that our vast world is just a small kingdom of God in the body of an indescribable horrible existence, and this horrible existence has 7.2 billion kingdoms of God, which is seventy. Two hundred million vast and vast worlds. And these 7.2 billion vast and vast worlds are divided into nine kingdoms of Gods. We are now in the sixth kingdom of Gods. We want to enter the seventh kingdom of Gods and we want to travel through endless time and space. It takes a year for this kind of cultivation to arrive." The cyan dragon replied.

Even Long Qingkong next to him couldn't help being a little dumbfounded at this time, with an incredible light in his eyes.

"How to get to the Seventh Kingdom of God?" Zhao Yuande asked again.

"Since you are already a transcendence, you can feel calmly and sense the infinite kingdom of God in the void. If you feel that there is a breath in the kingdom of God that makes your cultivation sense, that is the direction of the seventh kingdom of God. Legend has it that only after reaching the seventh kingdom of God, will the transcendence's cultivation level be improved again."

"So that's it, thank you!" Zhao Yuande nodded, turned and left the Azure Dragon clan.

"Human race is going to be happy!" The cyan dragon's eyes revealed an uncontrollable color of envy.

"Ancestor, are we going to do this?" Long Qingkong couldn't help asking.

"How did you meet this human race?" the cyan dragon asked

"We are..." Long Qingkong carefully said everything that had happened, without any omission.

" are doing well!" The blue dragon exclaimed again and again. "From now on, the relationship between our Azure Dragon and Humans will improve. We must make friends with Humans. This Humans is definitely not easy. It's definitely not easy!"

"Why did the ancestor say that?" Long Qingkong was puzzled.

"Do you know what the name Zhao Yuande represents? I have a document from the Celestial Clan. Come and see..."

"What... he is only this young... how could this be... I can't believe it..."

"So you know what a genius is! You know what to do next!"

"I know! I know..."

Zhao Yuande left the Azure Dragon clan, he was not interested in anything at this time, but his body flashed above the extremely high sky.

He began to sit cross-legged, according to what the ancestors of the Qinglong clan said, the huge soul traveled through the layers of void, exploring the inexplicable world.

Layers of emptiness, layers of vast worlds, all appeared in front of him.

Among these vast worlds, some are icy and snowy, some are blazing, some are filled with black water, some are flying sand and rocks, and there are no creatures in bad conditions.

Very few are the same as the world he is in now, and have an environment suitable for all kinds of creatures to multiply and survive.

However, in this very few worlds, there are very few that can evolve a powerful cultivator civilization.

He saw several other peculiar civilization forms, such as a technological civilization full of steel buildings, a magical civilization coexisting with steam and magic, a barbaric and destructive desert civilization, a **** conquered marauder civilization...

There are also powerful existences in these civilizations, and he senses a powerful and extraordinary aura, but there is no strong person who transcends eternity.

His spirit is traveling through layers of void world. After traveling for three days and three nights, I felt a bright world ahead.

This world seems to be entirely composed of light, and a powerful force spreads out from this world, as if this world is the source of all light, just like the sun in the solar system.

"Who is visiting my Divine Light Realm?" Zhao Yuande's soul had just explored this bright world when he heard a loud rumbling noise.

"It's me!" Zhao Yuande passed out a voice.

"A human race that has just surpassed eternity?" The voice was a little weird, but then he spoke again, "The Divine Light Realm does not belong to your human race, you can leave!"

"Where is the human transcendence?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but ask.

"Human does not belong to your world, you are now vassals of the **** race, in that direction..." The voice didn't know what kind of mentality he was in, and actually gave Zhao Yuande a direction.

"Thank you!" Although Zhao Yuande didn't know what the other party meant, he was still grateful to him and continued to explore in the direction the other party had directed.

"Human...You haven't seen a transcendant for a long time, I don't know this time..." The voice in the Divine Light Realm was full of expectation.

Zhao Yuande was puzzled. What the other party said there is no right now. That means he had it before. Could it be that he had it before the fall of the Three Emperors?

Isn't the Celestial Clan counted as the three emperors because of the distribution of the universe?

One question after another popped out of his mind, and he couldn't help but fall into contemplation for a while.

As he was meditating, his soul had already seen a vast world.

There is a special breath here that makes Zhao Yuande feel familiar.

He instantly remembered that this was the breath of the chaotic ancestor root that the tree spirit gave him.

Now this world exudes such a breath, he can hardly believe his perception.

This world is very empty, and the breath of life in the huge world is very small, just like an empty desert.

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