Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5024: Invasion of the Zerg

The fifth thousand and twenty-fourth chapter the Zerg comes


The scene was filled with an unspeakable emotion.

"Okay! Fight!"

At this moment, among the mountains, endless black clouds suddenly floated.

It was a black bug the size of a fist.

These insects are extremely hideous, half of their bodies are huge jaws, and all of their big eyes are crazy bloodthirsty.

Behind this black cloud and mist, there are huge monsters of monsters. They don't fly, but jump like a grasshopper, which is thousands of feet long.

It was these huge monsters that made terrifying roars.


I don't know who shouted.

The mighty army killed the bug army.

When the two sides were fighting, blood spattered and the stumps flew around.

The black worms in the sky shot out black rays between the chest and abdomen, flying like arrows, and a large army of cultivators was shot in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, these cultivators' army appeared dark brown, and all of them rolled to the ground.

"No, it's very toxic!"

It's a pity that it's too late to know!

And those huge monster insects, like mantis-like forelegs, are extremely sharp, and countless cultivators of various races who rushed up seemed to have seen cutting vegetables, and they were all easily slaughtered.


At this time, huge basalts rushed from a distance and joined the battle.

They turned into a huge shield, resisting countless terrible attacks.

Another flame bird descended from the sky, spewing terrifying flames, and squeaking the black bugs.

A huge white tiger spitting hurricanes swept everywhere.

A giant covered with sharp bone spurs...

However, the population of these powerful races is too small. They join the battlefield, although they can all be alone, but they are only a drop in the bucket.

Because there are endless black bugs rushing out of the mountains.

The army of insects is growing more and more, covering the sky and covering the whole sky, and no trace of light can be seen.

The whole world suddenly became dark, and the earth was full of rivers of blood.

The infinite resentment is roaring.

The coalition forces of cultivators of all races returned in a terrible defeat, basically leaving more than 70% of their lives, countless limbs and arms broken, and corpses piled like mountains.

I don't know how many bugs fell on these corpses, constantly absorbing flesh and blood.

There are also a large number of female insects rushing out of the ground, crawling on a corpse and laying eggs.

Let the flesh and blood of these corpses give birth to their offspring.

Zhao Yuande sighed in his heart when he saw it from a distance.

Neither the cultivator army nor the bug army has reached the eternal state, and the most powerful fighter among them is only half of the eternal state.

But these bugs are too many, and they don't seem to be afraid, they are all crazy and fearless.

Zhao Yuande knew that if the war continued, the army of cultivators would never win.

But he couldn't control this matter either. Obviously, both parties had agreed that the cultivators above the eternal realm would not participate in battle. As for transcending the eternal realm, I am afraid that he could only watch it silently.

He didn't know why the two races were fighting, but he was curious whether there was a huge insect nest in the mountains, or the other side of the mountains was the entrance to another vast world.

His spirit explored the past and found that as soon as he entered the mountains, layers of space appeared, and numerous void faults appeared.

He felt the breath of those insects in a space.

He hesitated for a moment, and didn't plunge the soul into that space, but quietly retracted it.

At this time, he was still following the retreating Celestial Clan army, following the second ancestor Shen Yuanzhi.

At this time, the Celestial Tribe army had almost lost 70%, and the Celestial Tribe members were downcast, and their faces showed horror and fear.

"Ancestor, why don't those humans come to participate in the war? Are they not part of this world?" At this time, a young man from the Celestial Race took the courage to look at the gods.

"Yeah! First ancestor, can we sacrifice for nothing."

"We don't want to die, we really don't want to die."


Now that someone had started, all the warriors of the Celestial Race immediately turned their eyes to the gods.

Shenyuanzhi was in a bad mood at first, but now being questioned by these descendants, he can't help but feel even more angry.

"Shut up!" He shouted angrily, "What do you know? You are not qualified to question what is decided by the high-level. You are now soldiers of the coalition army and you just need to execute the order!"

"We...we don't want to die, let alone dying unclearly! It's better to commit suicide if you are eaten alive by bugs." The Celestial Warrior gritted his teeth, still looking at Shen Yuanzhi.

"Yes! We don't want to die, the ancestors gave us life, but now life is ours..."



One of the gods slapped the warrior of the **** tribe into flesh.

"You understand, this is an order!" There was murderous intent in his voice.

All the gods warriors were silent, some looked at Shenyuanzhi in disbelief.

"Take a good rest and be ready to fight at any time." Shen Yuanzhi dropped a word, and his body disappeared suddenly.

"Fight... Why do I need to fight, I don't want to fight anymore."

One day the warrior of the gods saw this scene and immediately turned and left.

"Anyway, it's all death, there is still a trace of vitality to escape, but there is no doubt that you will die in battle, run away!"

But in the blink of an eye, the Celestial Warriors fled in all directions.

All the armies of all ethnic groups were fleeing at this time, and no one wanted to participate in this battle without hope of victory.

Especially when they all had grievances in their hearts, why didn't the human race send people to fight.

In the seventh kingdom of God, half of the territory is occupied by human races, and their population is even larger.

The armies of the various races are protecting the entire Seventh Kingdom from being invaded, so why didn't the human race send an army?

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The disintegrated army fled around, but no strong appeared to stop it.

But in just an hour, all the coalition forces fled without a trace.

At this time, the army of insects swept across.

Because there was no opponent, the army of insects drove straight in, but in just half a day, before a big city appeared in the distance.

This is a big human city, and there are countless human races living in it at this time.

"Not good! There are bugs... countless bugs... the zerg army is coming..."

Soon someone discovered the arrival of the Zerg army, and they couldn't help screaming in horror.

The speed of the army of bugs was incredible, but it was before the big city in a blink of an eye.

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