Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5026: No secrets

Chapter 5th and 26th, there are no secrets

The middle-aged man in the yellow robe turned his head to look at the young man, with a bit of sadness in his voice.

They are all his descendants, but now he can give up all, which makes him feel very heavy.

However, he also knows the above rules that transcendants are absolutely not allowed to interfere with this kind of thing, otherwise he himself might be suppressed.

"What!" But at this moment, the face of the middle-aged man in the yellow robe showed a hint of uncertainty.

"What's wrong, father?" The young man couldn't help being surprised when he saw his father doing this.

"Unexpectedly, a strong man saved my Jinyicheng secretly! They are all right!" There was a touch of joy in the voice of the middle-aged man in the yellow robe.

"What! How is this possible, who is this person?" The young man couldn't believe it either.

"I don't know, but it should be a human race!" The yellow robe middle-aged humane said, "This person is powerful, not weaker than me, but it scared away the attacking insects at once!"

"Could it be Iwa-kun? He has a close relationship with his father, maybe he did it!" the young man guessed.

"Impossible! Iwa-kun can't take care of himself, how could he help me! It's definitely not him." The middle-aged man in the yellow robe shook his head slightly.

"Who would it be? Could it be Senior Samsara?" the young man asked again.

"Taoist Samsara... Nor is he possible. I am familiar with the breath of Taoist Samsara, and that person is definitely not him."


When the father and son were discussing, Zhao Yuande had already followed the army of insects to move forward.

Wherever the army of heavy insects went, all the rocks and trees were wiped out.

However, as long as they want to attack the human city, Zhao Yuande will be rogue.

The leader of the bug army almost directly commanded the army's return.

But after passing through five large human cities, they encountered a large alien city.

This time their attack was not hindered, and they finally successfully rushed into the big city, killing all the alien races in it.

The bug army waited here for ten days, and countless new bugs crawled out of the corpses of the powerful aliens.

The army of bugs expanded several times.

This is to raise war by war. If this continues, the army of bugs will become more and more. In the end, I am afraid that the entire world of low-level practitioners will be slaughtered.

Zhao Yuande didn't stop the bug army this time, but he witnessed all this happening, even he felt a little creepy.

The powerful reproduction ability of the female worm made him feel horrified.

"No, I have to discuss this matter with Senior Samsara." Zhao Yuande's body flickered, and he was in the Samsara Taoist palace in the blink of an eye.

"The city where you helped the Emperor Yan before?" When the Taoist Samsara saw Zhao Yuande, a scorching light appeared in his eyes.

"It's really me, is there any problem with this?" Zhao Yuande asked in confusion.

"No, there is no problem! It is great that you can do this!" The Samsara Taoist said with joy, "Your presence may not have been noticed by the above, so you can act in the dark. And those of us, have been Recorded, our every move is under the monitoring above, it is absolutely impossible to be allowed to intervene in such matters."

"I was not noticed by the above?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other strangely.

"Yes! That's it!" Samsara Taoist humane, "You can feel my body carefully."

"This is..." Zhao Yuande quickly became horrified.

Because he felt a strange power from the opponent's body, this power was not lost to the Samsara Taoist, but belonged to an extremely powerful existence.

It is as if the strong left a trace of soul on the weak to monitor.

Every move of the Taoist Samsara at this time, as long as the other party is willing to know.

"This...I simply lost any secrets!" Zhao Yuande felt that his back was cold, and he didn't want to be treated like this.

"There are indeed no secrets." The Taoist Samsara looked very ugly. "Fortunately, this one does not have his own desires and feelings, nor will he pry into any of your secrets. It is only used to maintain the balance and Order! So as long as you don’t violate his principles, he will never pay attention to you for the rest of his life!"

"In this way... it's like the way of heaven in the universe. The way of heaven monitors everything. If someone who is against the sky appears, it will fall into the sky." Zhao Yuande heard the other party say this, and he gradually understood.

"Yes! That's it! So we dare not move. As long as we violate its rules, we may be punished unimaginably. But you are different and you are not paid attention. As long as you are careful, don't make too much There is absolutely no problem with the movement." The excitement on the face of the Taoist Samsara could not be concealed, "By the way, how did you come to the Seventh Kingdom of God? Why weren't you monitored?"

"This...actually I came up by myself and didn't alarm anyone." Zhao Yuande said frankly.

"I came up by myself? How is this possible? The two great kingdoms of God are infinitely far apart, and even those who transcend may be lost in the turbulence of time and space. How can you come up by yourself!"

"I did come up by myself. I have cultivated a supernatural power that can be teleported, and it will arrive in an instant caused by the divine soul."


Hearing Zhao Yuande's explanation, the Taoist Samsara lost his voice in shock.

"This... I have never heard of this kind of magical powers. Where did you get this kind of magical powers?"

"Oh! This... was taught to me by my master." Zhao Yuande did not tell the truth. He felt that the other person's eyes were too blazing when he looked at him, and he felt a little uneasy.

"Can you teach it to me, I am willing to pay any price to exchange it." The Taoist Samsara looked at him eagerly, his voice trembling.

"I have to ask Master about this matter. Otherwise, I will deceive my master and destroy my ancestor. I don't want to recite this kind of title." Zhao Yuande shook his head repeatedly, "Senior has nothing to do.

Talking about Zhao Yuande's body disappeared in front of the Taoist Samsara.

"Hey! It's my gaffe!" It took a long time for Taoist Samsara to calm down, with a wry smile on his face.

Zhao Yuande followed the insect swarm again, and he tried to drive the insect swarm to the territory of the Celestial Race.

Although the insect swarm was strong, under his secret pressure, it actually moved towards the direction of the Celestial God Race.

At this time, in the city that had been invaded by the insect swarms, a mighty swarm of insects followed up.

These insect swarms follow the breath of their own clan, occupying cities one by one.

In less than half a day, the insect swarm has occupied dozens of big cities.

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