Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5032: Star Bandit

Chapter 5th and 32nd Star Bandit

" are the Zhao Yuande! Your current cultivation base..." The more the ancestor of the God Eater clan looked at Zhao Yuande, the more frightened, the more he looked at him, the more frightened, and finally his eyes widened for a long time and he couldn't speak. , "You... have broken the last barrier..."

"Senior, don't talk for now, I'll help you heal first." Zhao Yuande put his hand on the ancestor of the God-Eater Clan, and a little undead force entered the opponent's body.

However, in just a few breaths, the body of the ancestor of the God-Eating Rat clan quickly inflated like an inflated balloon.

The black on his body gradually faded, revealing a pale gold color again, and an unconcealable sharpness appeared in his eyes.

"Thank you, little friend!" The ancestor of the God-Eating Rat clan deeply bowed to him, with an expression of gratitude that could not be concealed on his face.

"Senior, you don't have to be polite." Zhao Yuande waved his hand slightly.

"May I ask the current realm of my little friend... but has surpassed the eternal realm?" The ancestor of the God Eater rat clan stared at him unblinkingly, trying to get the answer he wanted from his mouth.

"Yes! I have surpassed the eternal state." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly.

"What! Brother Zhao, you have surpassed the eternal realm..." The Rat Han on the side couldn't help exclaiming at this time, with an incredible color in his eyes.

"Sure enough! Sure enough..." The ancestor of the God Devouring Rat race showed relief, "It really is beyond eternity!"

"There are transcendents in your God-eaters, right!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"Yes! But he has left here and never returned!" The ancestor of the God Eater clan smiled bitterly, "He is my brother, and we were born together. His talent is stronger than mine, and he eventually became Transcendence, and I... have been stuck in this state and cannot make progress."

"No wonder, I once saw a god-eating rat in the Seventh Kingdom of God." Zhao Yuande said.

"What! You... have been... Then how did you come back? If you go again, can you help me pass the message." The ancestor of God Eater could not help his eyes light up when he said this.

"This method is only suitable for me. It is a kind of magical power of mine. As for the transmission of information, there will be no problem!"

"Thank you, little friend!" The ancestor of God Eater Rat was not verbose, and directly began to imprint a lot of information in a jade symbol, and then handed it to Zhao Yuande.

"Senior don't worry, I will bring it." Zhao Yuande nodded solemnly, "By the way, Senior, how did you enter the underworld?"


"It's the Realm of Annihilation!"

"Oh! That was a wormhole in the void that our brother stumbled upon when he was traveling in the starry sky. It leads to a distant world. This time the ship of **** appears and destroys the world. I have no choice but to bring the race into it. Channel, arrived at the crisis-ridden world."

"So that's it..."

"Do you... know how my brother is now?"

"He is very good. Now he is aloof and has his own people, but recently he has encountered some troubles..."

Zhao Yuande told him roughly about the Seventh Kingdom of God.

"It turns out that the seventh kingdom of God is not the ideal kingdom we imagined, now..."


At this moment, there was a sudden roar from the outside world.

It seems that something terrifying is destroying this world.

"Ancestor, that guy is here again!" There was an anxious roar outside at this time.

"Damn it!" The ancestor of God Eater changed his expression, "Little friend, I'm sorry, I will come as soon as I go."

Although the ancestor of God Eater Rat had just recovered, he already had 70% to 80% combat effectiveness, and at this time a terrifying killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Let's take a look too!" Zhao Yuande was curious about what kind of changes made the ancestor of the God Eater Rat change color.

They and Rat Han also went outside and saw a group of powerful men with strange costumes.

They are all humanoids, with crazy and sturdy temperament on them, as if they were a group of vicious bandits.

They were confronting the ancestor of the God Eater Rat at this time, and a pair of eyes were constantly sweeping around the body of the God Eater Rat.

Especially when they saw some women of the God-Eater Clan, their eyes would release a terrible light.

That is not yin evil, but greed.

It's as if a stingy businessman sees his treasure coin.

"They are a group of wandering powerhouses. They don’t seem to be the powerhouses of our universe, but since the rebirth of our universe, they don’t know where to appear, burn, kill and loot everywhere. The wounded ancestors were not their opponents. This time, the ancestor can finally find his place."

"This is a bunch of **** guys." Zhao Yuande said.

"Damn it, they burn, kill, loot and do everything, especially they like to kidnap women and sell them out."

"Then let them stay here today!" Zhao Yuande felt that this kind of bandit had nothing to talk about, and strode forward.

At this time, the ancestor of the god-eater was confronting the leader of this group of bandits. This leader was full of horrible aura of violent killing, and he was not weaker than the ancestor of the god-eater.

And most of this group of bandits are late Eternal Realm, even peak power.

All of them were murderous, and if they really started fighting, the God-Eater Clan who had just experienced the catastrophe would really not be able to bear it.

"Senior, you don't need to be polite with them, just kill them!" Zhao Yuande strode forward, his voice clear and clear and shook the void of the universe.

The bandit leader who was confronting the ancestor of God Eater immediately cast his gaze.

When he saw Zhao Yuande, his expression suddenly changed.

"Mouse! You actually invited a helper, you are still a human race!" This leader is a humanoid with long nose and big ears, with two huge fangs sticking out of his mouth.

"No need to say more, go to hell!" A gray world in Zhao Yuande's palm rotates.

In an instant, the whole world was enveloped in his palm, and all the bandits felt an unimaginable terrifying force, and they were all unable to move at this moment.

" strength..." The bandit leader faced Zhao Yuande and felt the strongest. His eyes widened unbelievably, and his voice kept trembling, "Don't kill me, I have a big secret. Tell you!"

"Oh! You don't need to tell me, I just need to take it myself!" Zhao Yuande still pressed his palm.


The explosion sounded continuously.

These bandits are like balloons that have been punctured, their bodies exploded into pieces, as if they were blossoming blood-colored flowers.

After these bandits exploded, their spirits were attracted by a powerful force, and they all merged into Zhao Yuande's palm.

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