Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5037: Domination Palace

The 5th and 37th chapter dominates the palace

"Please do it quickly, otherwise my Yunlu City will be destroyed!" Seeing them coming, a transcendant with antlers immediately cast his gaze on Han, his eyes lit up.

The Taoist Samsara nodded slightly to Han, and Han's figure fell on the city wall like a huge meteor.

A trembling breath of terror swept through hundreds of millions of miles, Han's palm turned into a huge roulette, and the force of terror directly involved the Infinite Zerg into the roulette.


The roulette wheel spins, and the terrible worm tide is crushed into dust.


There were screams after the insect infestation.

The tide-like insect swarm gradually receded, and the insects that were huge, like praying mantis magnified countless times appeared in the sight of everyone.

"I didn't expect the insect swarm to have evolved such a powerful existence." Seeing these giant insects, the transcendant with antlers couldn't help but change his expression slightly, "Their strength is close to the eternal peak, can this person overcome it? "

"It's okay, you just watch it!" The Taoist Samsara smiled lightly and didn't care.

Because Zhao Yuande is here, even if it is cold, Zhao Yuande can deter the opponent.

"Damn bug." Han roared, his whole body screamed, his body swelled continuously, but in the blink of an eye he turned into a horrible **** of billions.

He strode forward, every step was hundreds of millions of miles, and the whole world trembled when he fell.

Thousands of huge bugs below were trampled to death by him.

Just two steps down, his big feet made the insect swarm scream again.

The insect swarm retreated, and the female insect hiding in the insect swarm was already in a panic.

Because it has felt that the cold has locked it.

But no matter it goes to the sky, it can't escape Han's palm.

Han's big hand grabbed at the insect swarm, and the infinite zerg was crushed alive by him.

When he raised his hand again, there was already a white and fat bug between his fingers.

It wriggled and struggled desperately, but to no avail.

The female insect was captured, the insect swarm instantly lost its backbone, and a terrible riot began.

Countless insects began to swallow each other, bite each other, but they made a mess in the blink of an eye.

Han regained its original size, and threw the female worm into the city, in front of everyone.

"Good! Good! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The old man with antlers was full of excitement at this time.

"Go, Lao Lu!" The Samsara Taoist smiled and nodded at the old man with antlers, then turned and left with Zhao Yuande and Han.

They then went to seventeen big cities in a row, and rescued the crisis of the seventeen races, all of which were strong races that had just joined the human race.

The number of insect swarms is now endless, occupying one third of the seventh kingdom of God, and there are hundreds of female insects.

The zergs they wiped out were just a drop in the bucket.

However, these seventeen tribes have already seen the power of Han, in this seventh kingdom of God, I am afraid that Han is the strongest person under the transcendence.

After receiving this news, several transcendents who didn't believe in it also found the Taoist Samsara at this time.

Reincarnation Taoist signed a more demanding chaos covenant with these guys.

The three of them continue to kill the insect swarm in the seventh kingdom of God, and the development of the insect swarm has been restricted.

However, those solid allies of the Celestial Race were besieged by the insect swarm at this time, and they were all in danger.

They don't care about the life and death of their own ethnic group, as long as they exist, they can create more ethnic groups.

In the huge city of bones of the old demon of bones, there was not a single living person, all of them were giants of bones shining with blue fire crows.

They didn't care about the insect swarm's attack, the insect swarm seemed to hate them very much, and didn't attack them.

"Human race has united with most transcendents this time. This is to squeeze us out of the seventh kingdom of God!" Shen Yuan's voice was filled with a trace of anger, and his face was always ruthless. .

"There is no way, who will let our descendants not have such a powerful genius." The old bone demon smiled bitterly. "Even my bone guard has only recovered to the late eternal stage at most, but it is only a dozen. I can’t stop this terrible insect swarm at all. Don’t see if the insect swarm is not attacking us right now, but in the end they will come again!"

"Are we kicked out of the Seventh Kingdom of God like this?" Shen Yuanzhi was unwilling to do so.

"Unless you have a way to retreat the insect swarm, otherwise this is certain, we are just delaying time now!" Old Bone Demon said.

"Why don't I take the shot! The big deal is to lower the punishment, it's better than being forced out of the seventh kingdom." Shenyuanzhi gritted his teeth.

"You have to know that it is not an ordinary punishment. Your realm will be taken back. You may not be able to surpass eternity in your life! For a group of insignificant guys, for this little land, this is simply not worth it! "Shen Yuan together.

"It's really not worth it! The big deal is that we join the Domination Palace and become the guards of the Domination Palace. As long as we are promoted to the next level, we can jump into the dominion waiter, and we can sit in a place like the Seventh Kingdom of God!" Old Bone Demon said.

"Can you really make us the guards of the Domination Palace?" Shen Yuanyi seemed very interested in this.

"Yes! But there is a big price to pay, such as freedom! Only if one day can be promoted again, it is possible to regain freedom!" Old Bone Demon said.

"This is the next best thing, let's consider the long-term plan!" When Shen Yuan heard that he was about to lose his freedom, he shook his head again and again.

What they want now is to be free and cultivate for themselves. Once they lose freedom, what's the point of cultivation?

Moreover, at this time his spirit has already begun to reach a state of perfection, and he only needs to go further to advance to the next state, so why bother to become a guard.

Even the guards who dominate the palace cannot imprison their freedom.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you can figure it out any time." The old bone demon didn't want to see the other party, and didn't go on talking, but chatted with them about the swarm.

Zhao Yuande and the others kept rushing in the Seventh Kingdom of God, killing infinite bugs, and gradually driving the swarm to the powerhouses who did not sign the Chaos Covenant.

The insect swarms were already on the verge of madness. They swept the Seventh Kingdom of God at the same time they were destroyed from behind.

All this is the credit of Han, and the land of the Seventh Kingdom of God was redistributed by the powerful who signed the Chaos Covenant.

And the group of those who did not sign the Chaos Covenant, all gathered together at this time.

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