He reached the depths of the Eye of the Universe very simply, passed through the huge indescribable eyeball, and headed for a deeper place.

Back then, he just came to this eyeball, and worked hard to refine it.

He can use the power of this eye to spy anywhere in the entire universe.

But now he doesn't need it anymore, his soul is extremely powerful, and he can already descend everywhere in the sea of ​​cosmos.


But just as he passed through this eyeball and continued forward, a cold voice came into his ears.

"who is it?"

Zhao Yuande looked at the source of the sound, only to find that it was a huge statue.

The statue is the image of a three-headed six-armed demon god, exuding an extremely powerful aura. If someone who transcends the realm comes here, he will be frightened by the statue's aura in an instant.

The breath of this statue is infinitely close to Transcendence, I am afraid it is basically invincible in this sea of ​​universe.

However, his footsteps did not stop, but went directly towards the huge statue.


The huge statue still made this sound, as if it was just a machine without emotion.

How could Zhao Yuande be frightened, and moved on and walked into the huge statue.


The huge statue shuddered, and a pair of eyes of the statue opened suddenly, and a golden sharp edge of terrifying light was transmitted from it, which pierced towards Zhao Yuande.

The speed of this golden light is simply indescribable. If it were changed to someone else, it might have been directly penetrated into the body without reacting at all.

But Zhao Yuande's strength at this time is far beyond imagination, he just casually probed and grabbed the golden edge.


The seemingly invincible golden edge cut into his palm, but there were bursts of cracking sound.

Instead of breaking Zhao Yuande's skin, all of them collapsed and shattered.

"When have I been so strong!" Even Zhao Yuande couldn't help being slightly surprised at this time.

"You... are not from this world!" The voice of the statue was full of horror, as if seeing something unbelievable.

"I am naturally a person from this world!" Zhao Yuande had already arrived in front of the statue at this time, and grabbed it towards the statue.

The palm of his hand keeps expanding, but the statue keeps shrinking.

In the blink of an eye, the statue seemed to be turned into a toy and fell directly into his palm.

"It's impossible...The people in this world can't be so powerful! Where did you come from?" The statue's voice trembled slightly, as if full of fear.

"You are my prisoner now, I need you to answer my questions, not you to ask me!" Zhao Yuande ignored the other party's inquiry, but continued to speak, "Talk about it! What is this place? Why are you? Will appear here? What the **** are you?"

"I won't say it! Don't waste your effort! If you break into this place, even if your cultivation base surpasses eternity, you will die in it." The statue seemed very stiff.

However, Zhao Yuande was able to hear the fear and anxiety from the words of the other party.

"Really? Since you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being rude..."

Zhao Yuande's palm gradually shrank, and cracks began to appear on the statue.

"No...Stop! Stop!" The statue soon couldn't bear it, and it opened its mouth wide.

His voice was already full of panic, obviously the fear was extreme.


Zhao Yuande only highlighted one word, with a powerful pressure in his voice.

"This is the depths of the Eye of the Universe. I am the watcher here... or a monitor! Because I am just a statue, and there is no way to move." The statue finally spoke at this time, with a bit of voice in it. Panic.

"This is the same as not saying it. Continue to tell what you know!"

"I... I was actually a cultivator who broke into here by mistake, and was turned into a statue by the great horror here, but it left my soul and allowed me to survive." The statue didn't care about it at this time. Just death, there is still a trace of life.

"Who turned you into a statue?"

"I don't know, I just saw a light coming and I became a statue! I only saw a dim shadow."


Zhao Yuande kept asking for various details until the statue had nothing to hide from him before it was included in the main world.

This statue is not simple. The cultivation base is the eternal peak. He has been sleepy here and I don't know how many years.

He is not a human race but a **** demon, and he even thinks that this **** demon may have been the demon king in hell.

He continued on, and within half a day, he found six more statues.

These statues are all standing on both sides, but none of the six statues have souls in them. It seems that after too long years, the souls in them have gradually collapsed.

Zhao Yuande put away all these statues and sent them into the main world.

These statues may have been powerful existences in this universe before they were alive, and they are very valuable for research.

Even if it is sent to the ordinary practice world, some geniuses can comprehend powerful magic spells from these statues.

He found that the world ahead was getting narrower and narrower, and he seemed to have entered an extremely wide passage of flesh and blood.

In this fleshy passage, there are all kinds of strange plants, but all these plants give Zhao Yuande a very dangerous feeling.

There are small trees with exotic fruits, vines clinging to the walls of flesh and blood, scarlet wormwood in the shape of various weapons, and exotic trees with leaves like a sword...

Zhao Yuande saw these plants and found that they have the same characteristic, that is, they are very aggressive.

He hadn't approached yet, the leaves of the strange tree with sharp swords, there were thousands of sword lights erupting, sweeping towards him.

He actually felt a bit of danger from these sword lights.

This shows that these sword lights have the ability to cause damage to themselves.

What kind of powerful plant is this that can hurt him!

This kind of offensive power is already comparable to a transcending powerhouse.

He gave birth to a finger and gently collided with a sword light.

Suddenly he saw the skin where the finger collided with the sword light, and a slight crack appeared.

This kind of sword light can break through his skin, and if it is cut on the body together, it will definitely be bloody.

Although it will not cause fatal damage to him, it can also make him embarrassed enough.

"How come there are such plants, here is more magical than the seventh kingdom of God." Zhao Yuande couldn't help showing a strange color on his face at this time.

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