Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5055: Dead body

The fifth thousand and fifty-fifth chapter corpse

Could it be that the power of the super strong was completely wiped out? Not alive?

Among these corpses, he found that there were also humans, they were very powerful, and some of them had golden divine light dazzling on them, a little stronger than him now.

The more he walked in, the more he felt the icy cold.

At this time, he saw the Three Corpse Flower in front of him and seemed to stop. It seemed very frightened and did not dare to move on.

This guy is also scared?

Even if Zhao Yuande's figure was not far from the Three Corpse Flower, it still didn't seem to notice it, and the whole body was trembling slightly.

"what happened?"

Zhao Yuande couldn't help being a little strange.

But he soon saw that there was a huge unimaginable corpse right in front of him.

At this time, the corpse was lying there quietly, and there was no horrible aura released from his body, but just lying there gave Zhao Yuande an unimaginable horrible pressure.

Zhao Yuande even had an urge to worship at this time, which was simply unimaginable.

This corpse is no different from the human race, but it is many times larger.

He resisted the fear in his heart and took a step forward.

The Three Corpse Flowers were still trembling, and their body seemed unable to move at all.

Zhao Yuande grabbed the Three Corpse Flower and grabbed it directly from the ground.

Even so, Sanshihua still did not dare to struggle, nor did she dare to make any noise.

Obviously San Shihua's fear of this corpse had reached an extreme.

Zhao Yuande was not polite, plucking his last red fruit.

"Void Gourd, how to deal with this Three Corpse Flower?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Give it to me, let the mother body swallow it. It has absorbed the power of the corpse of unknown gods, and it contains terrifying divine power." Void Gourd said.

Zhao Yuande didn't say much, and directly sent the Three Corpse Flower into the main world.

As soon as the Three Corpse Flower entered the world, the power that made it fear disappeared, and it suddenly began to struggle, trying to escape.

However, I felt that the entire void had solidified at this time, and it could not move at all.

An illusory mouth appeared in the void, swallowing the Three Corpse Flowers in it...

Zhao Yuande still looked at the corpse at this time. How could a human corpse be so huge, it was almost comparable to a big universe.

"Could it be...this is the boat of hell?" A crazy thought suddenly appeared in Zhao Yuande's mind, "Are all the corpses brought into this space by the boat of hell?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, otherwise how could there be so many corpses here.

But why did the ship of **** plunder so many corpses for?

What kind of secret is behind him?

And what kind of power is controlled by the ship of hell?

Is this **** boat like that sleeping powerful being?

There are countless questions in his mind, but no one can answer him.

"Why don't you go and take a look!" Void Calabash suggested at this time, "Although this corpse is now scary, it does not release a little bit of power. You can enter his body to check it. , The secret may be in his body."

"This... is it too risky?"

"If you want to get benefits, there is no reason not to pay..."


Zhao Yuande approached the corpse step by step.

He didn't feel how big or terrifying the corpse was at the beginning.

But the closer you get to him, the stronger it feels.

The corpse was like a piece of ice for ten thousand years, and the closer it got, the more cold it felt.

Even at his level of cultivation, he felt a bit stiff in his body, and the blood flow in his body began to slow down.

Powerful power erupted from his body, endless flames rushed out from his body, and began to get rid of the cold.

The closer you get to him, the more you feel the size of the corpse. When he gets to the corpse, it is like an ant crawling to the feet of an elephant.

He felt that he was too small, and he felt that he might be crushed at any time.

"This guy is really too big. It's the biggest body I've ever seen. This is not a secret magic, but a real body!" Void Gourd couldn't help but said, "I don't know how this guy appeared. Is it the bred of this world?"

"I don't know, anyway, I feel terrible now..."

"It seems to be dead, and there is no vitality. Why don't we enter its body and see?"

"This... go in like this?"

"Naturally get in from the mouth."

"Are you sure there will be nothing wrong?"

"There should be nothing..."

Now that they are all here, Zhao Yuande is also willing to go all out.

Close to this corpse, there was an invisible terror force that confined the surrounding void, even his cultivation strength could not fly.

It took several hours at his speed to reach the head of the corpse.

Followed the long hair that looked like a pillar of heaven and climbed to the top of the corpse.

He saw the corpse's eyes closed tightly, and there was a huge gap between them, like a huge gap.

He knew it might be the third eye of the corpse.

Continue down, finally reaching the mouth of the corpse.

The corpse's mouth was closed, and Zhao Yuande had no choice but to change the two black nostrils.

Seeing these two nostrils, Zhao Yuande thought of the two holes of Yin and Yang.

When he saw the second hole of Yin and Yang in the world of the Celestial Clan, it was said that the second hole of Yin and Yang was a super powerful nostril.

But now I think about it, I am afraid it is not, because the second hole of Yin and Yang is still too small.

"There won't be booger in the nostrils, right!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help feeling a little disgusted.

"Fart, the cultivation base has reached this point, the booger from there! How many years have you not shit..."

"Why so vulgar..."


Zhao Yuande had no choice but to enter one of the nostrils. There really was no nose in it, and it was not like ordinary people with nose hair, but a dark and dry passage.


But I just thought it was quiet here, and there were bursts of howling sounds from the depths of the darkness.

Black shadows rushed out of the darkness, and a terrifying breath came to make people feel horrified.

"There are still terrible creatures here!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help being a little curious.

However, when he saw these black shadows, his face was slightly stiff.

What kind of creature is there, but a corpse with green hair.

They jumped like flying, culling in Zhao Yuande's direction, and they kept making terrifying howls.


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