Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5066: That's it

"Junior Brother, did anything happen when you went out this time?" Just as the young man sat down, a ray of soul flew out of his body, and a voice rang.

The young man froze with fright, and hurriedly retracted into his body.

A beautiful woman slowly walked out of the darkness.

The woman's eyes were as bright as stars, and her whole body exuded a holy glow.

"Senior Sister!" When the young man saw this woman, he had let go of his heart. "Why did Senior Sister ask like this?"

The relationship between this world and the middle-aged scholar is not shallow, but why did the other party come to him?

"Don't worry, tell me everything that happened, don't miss anything!" The woman spoke lightly, seeming to have an orderly tone.

"Yes...Yes..." The young man nodded hurriedly, "This is how things are..."

He talked about this mission in detail from beginning to end, without missing any details.

"You mean you met someone else? It's probably a disciple of Xianqiong Palace?" The woman couldn't help frowning. "It stands to reason that Xianqiong Palace shouldn't go to that place. There is a secret agreement between us. It seems that we will not set foot in their outer world!"

"Senior Sister, could it be that the disciple of the Immortal Sky Palace secretly passed by?" the young man asked.

"No! That place should be classified. Nobody knows except the elders of the Immortal Palace! This matter was either instigated by the great figures of the Immortal Palace, or...other people were disguised." The woman's expression was extremely solemn. Tao.

"Who would dare to pretend to be the Immortal Palace? This is impossible!" The youth couldn't believe it.

"Hehe! Naturally the mother of war! Only this senior dare to be an enemy of our Sannomiya! And only she has this motive!" The woman seemed to think of something, her eyes showed melancholy, "If it is really a war Mother, I am afraid that war will start and we will never have peace in the future!"

"I didn't report this matter. Senior brother refused to let me say it! Do you want to report it now?" The young man was a little anxious when he heard the other party say this.

"No, I will go to the War Mother Palace secretly, if the other party really has a conspiracy, I will report it as soon as possible." The woman shook her head and her body disappeared into the void.

"It turned out to be just a projection!" The young man took a breath, with a relieved expression on his face.

"Xianqiong Palace...War Mother Palace..." At this time, in another palace, the woman slowly got up, her face showing dignity, "Senior brother behaved a bit abnormally just now, there must be hidden feelings in this. I'm going to go out for a walk!"

The middle-aged scholar had already flew away from his body and fell into a huge pool in his palace.

Of course, this pool is not real water, but a kind of soul fluid cultivated by the special secret method of Shenguang Palace.

Soaking the spirit in it can nourish the spirit and heal the injury.

"It's not bad here! You Shenguang Palace will really enjoy it!" Zhao Yuande's figure suddenly appeared in the palace, looking at the pool, there was a strange light in his eyes.

There is infinite soul power in the pool, although it is not of much use to him, but if it is used to cultivate disciples, it is a treasure against the sky.

"What... what do you... want to do!" The middle-aged scholar's soul business was a little trembling.

"Tell me how this liquid is made?" Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"This formula is actually very simple, but it requires a lot of spirits... I don't think you people in the fairy palace would do this!" The middle-aged scholar's spirit seems to know the fairy palace very well.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say it!" Zhao Yuande yelled coldly.

"Okay! In fact, it is necessary to collect infinite spirits and crush them... This is actually an imitation of the disc of reincarnation called Taoist Samsara..."

Zhao Yuande also didn't expect that the other party would say the Taoist Samsara, and he was slightly shocked in his heart.

"Do you know this reincarnation Taoist? Why pay attention to a weak human race?" Zhao Yuande asked again.

"Our palace lord likes to collect some special heavenly powers of the ten thousand realms. Although the human race is weak, their wisdom is the most powerful. The heavens they have created are all amazing and beautiful. Our palace lord is only The remaining 12 strong human races have all studied deeply."

"So..." Zhao Yuande suddenly appeared with a smile on his face.

"Tell me about the palace lord of your Shenguang Palace! What kind of existence is he?" Zhao Yuande asked again.

"This... can't be said, can't be said!" The middle-aged scholar shook his head again and again, "The palace lord's magical powers are vast and omnipotent! And as long as we talk about him, he will be aware of it, I am afraid that the two of us will be in the next moment. It fell directly here."

"So scary?" Even Zhao Yuande couldn't help being slightly shocked.

"Palace Master is a powerful existence in the third realm. It's just that he retreats all year round, otherwise his spirit is everywhere and omnipotent, you won't be able to get in!" The middle-aged scholar's voice revealed unconcealed worship .

"Well! Except for your palace lord, what about everyone else? Other strong men are not so terrifying, right? Let's listen to them one by one." Zhao Yuande retreated and asked for second place.

"People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and it's not a secret, I'll tell you, our Shenguang Palace..."

The middle-aged scholar told Zhao Yuande everything he knew.

He had heard of the two deputy palace masters and the three elders before, but he didn't know how powerful they were.

Zhao Yuande was shocked when he listened, but he was a little swayed when he listened.

This Shenguang Palace majored in divine souls, and each of these powerhouses had the top 100 incarnations, infinite incarnations.

Everyone in the palace may be their incarnation, and almost any corner of the palace may be monitored by them.

Even their current conversations are probably under surveillance.

Of course, Zhao Yuande knew that there was nothing spying on their conversation now, because his soul was watching all the movements around him.

"Why didn't you see the woman who came just now?" Zhao Yuande thought of the beautiful woman in white who had come before. "That woman has love for you, don't say you don't like him, I can feel what you like!"

"I...I'm just afraid that this matter will involve her!" The middle-aged scholar trembled, and there was a little fear in his voice, "You must never target her, as long as you don't attack her, I will agree to everything. you……"

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande nodded slightly, "As long as you cooperate with me, I promise not to move her."

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