Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5071: who are you

This person doesn't know how to enter the dominion palace, and what is the relationship with this Shen Yuan Yi?

"The two Taoists who dominate the palace, don't know if they are satisfied with my Shenguang Palace?" The middle-aged scholar came to the two of them, nodded slightly at them, and smiled.

"It turns out to be the big brother of the Shenguang Palace!" When Shenyuan saw the middle-aged scholar, he was a little surprised, and his eyes seemed to be panic.

"I have seen fellow Daoists!" The Medicine Emperor was not abnormal, only slightly saluting the middle-aged scholar.

Zhao Yuande approached Shen Yuanyi and Yaohuang, and he was aware of it.

Both of them understood the second kind of heaven. Of course, this second kind of heaven was not created by them, but the result of understanding others.

It seems that the standard of income disciples dominating the palace is to comprehend the second kind of heaven.

"Yeah! I think this fellow Taoist is very face-to-face. I don't know if he just joined the Domination Palace?" The middle-aged scholar did not pay attention to Shen Yuanyi, but focused on Yao Huang, "And I I feel that Fellow Daoist has a kind of medicinal energy on his body, is it a master alchemy?"

"Oh! Didn't think that fellow Taoists also studied pill?" Yao Huang heard the middle-aged scholar say this, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It was as if the fans talked about the ball at once, and there was a sense of excitement all over their faces.

"Yes! Our Shenguang Palace really has something to do with pill. I just happened to study a kind of medicinal liquid that can be soaked in it to stimulate the vitality of the soul and increase the potential of the soul! Unfortunately, it encountered some obstacles..." The young scholar looked sorry.

"What! Stimulate the vitality of the soul and increase the potential of the soul!" Hearing the middle-aged scholar say this, Yao Huang's body couldn't help shaking slightly with excitement.

"Yes, if fellow daoists are interested, why don't we go there to talk?" The middle-aged scholar made a gesture of invitation.

"Okay...Okay!" Yao Huang nodded again and again, and at this moment even forgot Shen Yuanyi beside him, and left with the middle-aged scholar.

When Shenyuan saw this scene, he was not disappointed or angry, but he let out a long breath.

"That Shen Yuan Yi seems to be something wrong, I think he came to Shen Guang Palace seems to have a plot! You'd better find someone to stare at her, you should gain something!" At this time the middle-aged scholar's ear Think of Zhao Yuande's voice.

"Oh! Is that true?" The middle-aged scholar couldn't help being taken aback.

"Absolutely! I'm not fooling you. I took advantage of you for such a long time, and now it is my reward to you!" Zhao Yuande said.

"I see!" The middle-aged scholar nodded.

During the walk, the middle-aged scholar secretly gave a few words to a disciple of the Shenguang Palace.

The disciple of the Shenguang Palace showed a gleam in his eyes, bowed slightly to the middle-aged scholar, and then walked in the direction of Shen Yuanyi.

Soon the middle-aged scholar brought the Emperor Yao to a palace, which was really a place of alchemy in the Shenguang Palace.

However, all the pills in the Shenguang Palace were aimed at the spirits, and most of them were liquid medicines.

Seeing a pool of medicinal liquids exuding various scents, Yaohuang's eyes reflected light, and he constantly used his soul to distinguish the various components of these medicinal liquids.

There was uncontrollable joy on his face, it seemed that he was really obsessed with alchemy.

"Friends, how do you feel?" The middle-aged scholar looked at the Emperor Yao and couldn't help laughing.

"Shenguang Palace is really extraordinary, many of these medicinal liquids are beyond my cognition, and it is worthy of being one of the three major palaces..." Yao Huang nodded repeatedly.

"Friends of Daoist come here." The middle-aged scholar sent a small jade bottle to the other side.

The Emperor Yao took it, opened it preciously, and drew his soul into it.

He immediately felt that a strange fragrance spread all over his body, and his whole body began to become sore and weak. Even the spirits were a little wandering at this time, as if they were going to wander into the sky.

" the **** is this! What do you want to do!" Yao Huang felt bad at this time and turned to look at the middle-aged scholar.

"Hello, Yao Huang, we meet again!" At this time, he saw a person who was smiling at himself.

"Who...who are you!" Yaohuang's voice trembled, and he felt that he was being held hostage by two powerful forces. If he dared to make a difference, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

And this is the Shenguang Palace, the big brother of the Shenguang Palace wants to start with himself, I am afraid it is the instruction of the Shenguang Palace.

Even if he had great abilities, he couldn't escape from Shenguang Palace.

Yao Huang saw Zhao Yuande naturally, but he did not know Zhao Yuande.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is whether you want to survive!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Yes! Naturally! For endless years of cultivation, isn't it the pursuit of immortality? I don't want to die." Yao Huang was very simple, "I can do whatever I want."

"Haha! Anything is fine? What about the people who betrayed you?" Zhao Yuande looked at Yaohuang mockingly.

"This..." Yao Huang couldn't help frowning.

He felt that the other party seemed to have a point. Did the other party know his identity and wanted to use this to subdue himself?

"Don't think you are the Emperor of Medicine, but this is indeed the soul liquid deployed in the Shenguang Palace, which can make your soul fall into deep fatigue. Although it is only a coma for some time, it is enough for us to kill you!" Zhao Yuande Leng Coldly threatened.

"I am willing! As long as I am alive, I am willing to do anything!" Yao Huang couldn't help but nod what else could he say at this time.

"Okay! I get it! That's easy. Let go of your knowledge of the sea, I want to impose a restriction on the knowledge of the sea." Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay!" The Emperor Yao really obediently let go of the sea of ​​knowledge, letting Zhao Yuande plant heavy restrictions.

As long as Zhao Yuande's thoughts move, Yao Huang's sea of ​​consciousness will collapse, and even if he cultivates to be able to master the spirit, he will die.

"Who are you? This method doesn't seem to belong to Shenguang Palace!" Yao Huang looked at Zhao Yuande, with a complicated light in his eyes.

"You will know soon!" Zhao Yuande's soul turned into a filament and entered the sea of ​​knowledge of the Medicine Emperor.

"Hey! Another one! Bad luck for you!" The middle-aged scholar looked at all this silently, with a wry smile on his face.

"So you..." Seeing the middle-aged scholar's expression, Yao Huang seemed to understand all of this at once, with an incredible color on his face.

"Okay! Don't talk too much, someone is coming!" The middle-aged scholar couldn't help but change his complexion slightly at this time, and put the medicine bottle back into the opponent's hand.

"This kind of liquid medicine is really magical, and it gives me a feeling that I can take off all the burdens!" Yao Huang is also an old-fashioned figure, holding the medicine bottle in front of him and swaying slightly, his face is slightly The color of intoxication.

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