Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5082: Second baby

"The second baby is smart, surely." The young man touched the second baby's head indulgently and picked him up.

At this time, a divine light was shining above the sky, and an old man with white beard came down in an instant.

Everyone on the scene felt as if the entire sky had collapsed directly, pressing them directly on the ground.

There was horror in their eyes.

"See the fairy!" Everyone kowtowed together.

"Hey! Forgot!" Seeing the mortal lying on the ground, the white-bearded old man couldn't help laughing wryly, swiping his sleeves and lifting everyone up, "Get up!"

"Thank you, Master..."

"What happened?" The white-bearded old man strode into the hall.

"Master! Look at this statue!" The middle-aged fairy master bowed to the white-bearded old man, and then pointed to the gradually splitting statue.

At this time, most of the statue has left, revealing a young man sitting cross-legged.

The youth's complexion was like jade, and his whole body exuded a faint radiance.

The spirit of the old man with white beard had just explored the youth's side, and suddenly felt that a terrible storm tide was brewing around him, and his spirit was suddenly shattered by the violent power.

"This person's cultivation has surpassed eternity, and the strength is still above your master!" The white-bearded old man's complexion changed drastically, his body receded again and again, and his eyes showed horror.

"Then...what should I do? Do you want to report this matter to Shizu to his old man?" When the middle-aged man heard Master say this, his expression changed.

"Go directly to the War Mother Palace! This matter is no longer something we can handle! Let's invite the strong from the War Mother Palace to come!" The white-bearded old man shook his head.

"it is good!"

The middle-aged man hurried away with his fellow juniors, but the old man stayed in the hall, looking at the young man who was still closed, his eyes showed worry.

The fragments of the statue gradually fell, exposing almost the entire youth. The aura around the youth became even more violent. The entire hall was shaking gently at this time, as if it was about to be shattered.

"You leave right away, otherwise we won't care if we die!" The old man snorted softly.

The group of mortals who were surrounded immediately retreated one after another, retreating thousands of feet away.

"Retreat again! Retreat again!" The old man shook his head again and again and whispered again.

"Crack! Click!"

The statue was completely split, and the young man's upper body was completely exposed.

But at this time he was still closing his eyes.

At this time, the old man felt as if bright circles appeared around the youth.

The ring has seven layers, like a rainbow in circles.

While chatting, I felt that these seven-layer rings seemed to correspond to the terrifying heavenly path, and the old man could only recognize the three yin and yang, reincarnation, life and death!

"Great opportunity! This is a great opportunity!" The old man felt the terrifying aura brewing in the seven-layer circle, and felt the seven kinds of heaven in the seven-layer circle, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Although he was under terrifying pressure at this time, he did not retreat, but fully urged his own strength to realize these seven heavenly realms.

Soon the old man's face showed ecstasy!

At this time, outside the hall, many mortals looked at the palace from a distance.

At this time, the seven divine lights in the palace were shining, breaking through the roof of the palace and rushing out of the clouds.

"Hurry up! This is a great opportunity!" Someone shouted loudly at this moment, and suddenly awakened the shocked crowd.

Everyone felt it silently at this time, and even some children who had just cultivated began to carefully understand the mystery.

For example, the child crawling around on the statue before, and I don’t know why at this time, the eyes are shining brightly. The pupil of one of the eyes is black, and the pupil of the other is gray, which looks very strange.

These mortals... are actually not mortals, because of the difference in the universe, the mortals in this world are born with what the real mortal world calls the fairyland.

Their children can be overwhelmed in the real mortal world as soon as they are born.

Of course, they don't actually understand any laws, heavenly ways, and the like. They were simply born in a high-level world, possessing a physique and flesh of this realm.

If this child was sent to the Eastern Emperor Realm where Zhao Yuande was speaking out at this time, I am afraid it would not take much time to push the Eastern Emperor Realm across.

At this time, the brilliance of the child's body became more and more bright, making his father feel a little burning in his eyes.

"Second baby! Second baby! What's wrong with you?" the child's father cried out in horror.

"The second baby is his father! Don't bark, your second baby has a great opportunity!" An old man hurriedly grabbed the young man.

"What..." The young man looked at his child in shock, with surprise in his eyes.

"Hurry up and notify the fairy!" The old man told the others.

But at this time the immortals were all cultivating, and no one dared to bother.

"Forget it! We guard the second baby, don't let him have any problems!" The old man also said helplessly.

Time hurried, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Yuande's brilliance gradually dissipated, and he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he felt that his body did not seem to have changed, but his single thought could affect the power of the heavenly Tao in the void, and use this power to fight.

However, he felt a little weird, this piece of emptiness and this piece of world, it was in the body of a supremely strong man.

Now that he integrates Heavenly Dao into it, isn't it to let his Heavenly Dao be shared with this supreme power?

If I leave the inner world of this supreme strong man now and come to the outside world, would this kind of heavenly power be unable to control and drive?

If this supreme strong man wants to kill himself, wouldn't it be easy?

Forget it! Originally, in front of the opponent, he might be like dust, like ants.

How can you need this method if you want to kill yourself.

Does the other party want to focus on the strengths of all the cultivators and let themselves take a different path?

No matter how powerful a person is, it is only one person, but if the power of infinite creatures can be concentrated and all their cultivation experience can be absorbed, is it possible...

Zhao Yuande's brain is extremely active. After his strength has improved, many questions that he didn't understand before are all understood at this time, but there are many more worries and thoughts.

"Second baby!"

At the same time when Zhao Yuande opened his eyes, the brilliance of the child named Erwa disappeared.

His body is now divided into Yin and Yang, half black and half gray, which makes people look very strange.

And at this time, the second baby seemed to lose her breath, and the whole person seemed to be dead.

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