Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5084: God's favor

The second baby entered the War Mother Palace at this time, and worshipped at the door of the old man with white beard.

The old man with white beard is known as Jade Taoist and the principal of the War Mother Palace.

The War Mother Palace in this big city is actually just a branch of the War Mother Palace. The palace owner in this War Mother Palace is a powerful war mother palace who has transcended the first realm.

This strong man was already on the verge of being promoted to the second realm. It was at the most critical moment at this time, so he didn't have time to manage the War Mother Palace.

The War Mother Palace was handed over to the old man with white beard to manage.

This white-bearded old man was actually the father of the Palace Master of the War Mother Palace. He was not as talented as his daughter, so he was eventually overtaken by his daughter and became his daughter's subordinate.

Entering the War Mother Palace, the white-bearded old man checked Zhai Yunsheng's body immediately.

Going up and down carefully, and checking his body again, this is regarded as letting go of a heart.

"It's not that I was taken away, but by chance I got the heavenly way of the strong man's comprehension... Maybe when the strong man was comprehending, the child approached the past, and some fragments of the heavenly way of understanding entered the child's body and changed Because of his physique, he got a great opportunity!"

"Master, when will you hand over to the second child for cultivation?"

"I’ll teach you immediately... Today, the master taught you the cultivation technique. This is also the secret of my War Mother Palace. It’s called the Zhan Tian Jing! It’s said that the true master of our War Mother Palace, Lord War Mother is a natural **** of war, Zhantian battlefield, war gods and Buddhas, war demons and war demons, have never lost a single defeat! This created the Zhan Tianjing..."

"Master, when can I see this war mother?" Zhai Yunsheng listened to Taoist Yuji's account, with hope in his big eyes.

"When your cultivation base becomes stronger, I will take you to see Lord War Mother. If the Lord War Mother falls in love with you, I might give you some advice." Taoist Yuji touched Zhai Yunsheng's dotingly. Head.

"it is good……"


As time passed day by day, Zhai Yunsheng's cultivation realm improved like flying.

However, in just one month, he actually crossed a great realm.

And Zhao Yuande remained motionless during this month, but the second baby's every move, all the cultivation was in his heart.

In fact, Zhao Yuande's cultivation base has been promoted to the second realm at this time, but the realm is not stable.

He found that his yin and yang reincarnation two kinds of heaven and earth did not seem to be truly integrated into the world. It happened that the second baby crawled on him to play. He felt that the second baby's cultivation aptitude was very good, and could not help but came up with such a method.

By observing the other party's gradual understanding, perception, and fusion of these two kinds of heavenly realms, he may be inspired by them, so that these two kinds of heavenly realms can truly blend into the heaven and earth.

He did not seize Zhai Yunsheng's body, nor did he intend to control Zhai Yunsheng, but to observe him.

Observe his cultivation, observe his understanding and application of the way of heaven.

"Okay! Yun Sheng, your father and mother came to see you, hurry up!" Yuji said humanely.

"Thank you, Master!" Zhai Yunsheng was still a child and had not seen his parents for a month. At this time, he was very happy.

"Father! Mother! Brother!"

When Zhai Yunsheng saw his relatives, his joy was beyond words, and he rushed into the arms of his parents, enjoying the warmth of their relatives.

"Father and mother, I feel someone looking at me from the sky! Always looking at me!" Zhai Yunsheng said with a laugh in his parents' ears.

"I know, it should be the immortal master." Zhai Yunsheng's father lowered his voice, "follow us to see that immortal master."

"it is good!"

Before the family of four came to the main hall, there were already disciples from the War Mother's Palace guarding this place. Seeing their family of four came, they did not stop them.

"See the fairy!" A family of four entered the hall and bowed down to Zhao Yuande, who closed his eyes and meditated motionless.

"Very familiar! A very familiar feeling!" Zhai Yunsheng raised his head to look at Zhao Yuande, with a flash of excitement in his eyes, "Father... I can feel a magical power, I... seem to understand a lot at once. reason!"

"Good! Good!" Zhai Yunsheng's father had such an expression on his face.

"Father, mother, brother. The second baby wants to say a few words to this fairy master alone." Zhai Yunsheng looked at Zhao Yuande with a strange light in his eyes.

"Okay, you said, let's go home and wait for you, remember to go home for dinner." Zhai Yunsheng's father nodded hurriedly.

Seeing his family leave, little Zhai Yunsheng's face showed nostalgia, but this nostalgia quickly became a kind of helplessness.

Although he is a child, he is a sensible child. After a month of cultivation, he knew that he might not be able to be with his family in this life.

He cherishes the present time very much, but he wants to know exactly what happened to him.

"Second baby see the fairy teacher, what do you want the second baby to do?" Zhai Yunsheng bowed respectfully to Zhao Yuande, very pious.

He knew that he could become a genius and could enter the Palace of the Mother of War, which was all due to Zhao Yuande.

"Child! You just need to practice seriously, don't let down the chance I gave you!" Zhao Yuande's words sounded in his sea of ​​knowledge.

"Master Immortal won't want the second baby to die in the end!" Zhai Yunsheng's eyes showed horror, he didn't expect Zhao Yuande to actually answer him.

"Relax! I just want to observe your cultivation, and I will not interfere with your cultivation. As for your future destiny, it is entirely up to your own choice. As long as you can achieve my expected goals, I promise to let your family all Embark on a real path of cultivation and let your family become real cultivators!" Zhao Yuande replied.

"Isn't the immortal master lying to the second child?" Zhai Yunsheng couldn't help widening his eyes when he heard it. "Daddy, brother, can they also live forever?"

"Relax, I will never lie to you! Work hard!" Zhao Yuande's voice gradually disappeared.

"The second baby must work hard! Definitely work hard!" Zhai Yunsheng nodded his head again and again, his small face was full of determination.


At this time, Zhai Yunsheng's three members of the Zhai family were busy washing rice and cooking.

A majesty blew by, and the three of them only felt their body pores relax, and a strange force poured into their bodies.

The bodies of the three people changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon black mucus overflowed from the pores, and a pungent smell was exuded throughout the house.

"Father! What's the matter with us?" Erwa's elder brother was only eight or nine years old, and he couldn't help crying tears when he saw this scene.

"Good! Good thing, we are reborn! It must be God's favor, God's favor!" The second baby's father was full of excitement at this time.

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