Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5095: Cruel world

Compared with the Domination Palace, the Shenguang Palace, and the Immortal Vault, the three of them are countless times larger.

Of course, the disciples here are uneven, and most of them are under the eternal state.

Their golden boat stopped on a huge square.

When all the disciples got off the boat, they suddenly saw huge battleships, boats, and monsters falling down on this square.

A cultivator with a peculiar appearance flew down. Just as Murong Qing said, the race was very strange. Many disciples saw this situation for the first time and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Zhai Yunsheng was the same. He saw the flame elves he had seen in Huyanjie before, and he saw the huge dragons, golden-winged rocs, kunpeng, and even unicorns and phoenixes. There are also half-human and half-demon races with human heads and horses ...

Almost all of them were dazzled, and they had long forgotten Murong Qing's instructions.

When Murong Qing saw this scene, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly. These young people still had too little knowledge, and they should be brought out to see more.

"Senior, those dragons and phoenixes, unicorns, and Kunpeng are extremely powerful, and they contain terrifying power. How can our human race compete with them?" At this time, Zhai Yunsheng was a little worried.

He saw too many powerful cultivators. Although the realm was the same, each one gave him a strong sense of oppression.

"Monsters are inherently strong in physical bodies. This is their advantage, but they also have their own shortcomings, that is, their perception of Dao is vague, and the initial cultivation is fairly fast, but the higher the level, the slower their cultivation speed, such as You got my guidance and were promoted to the dominance in just seven or eight years! But these races you mentioned, it takes at least a thousand years to reach the dominance. They are useless except for the flesh, they can only spend time slowly! They have only a half-knowledge of Tao, so there is no need to be afraid of them. It is very simple to defeat them. Use their own strengths to attack their weaknesses!


"It's okay, I will guide you during the battle and ensure that you can master this method as soon as possible."

"Thank you senior!"

They entered a palace under the leadership of a woman in Tsing Yi.

In the front, the long hairy tail under the skirt of the Tsing Yi woman appeared from time to time, and all the disciples walked in the back with a strange color in their eyes.

But walking through the palace group, they soon discovered that most of them here are half-human and half-demon existence.

There are few pure human races, and those half-human and half-demon cultivators are all looking at them curiously.

It seems that they are the real rare species.

"Okay! We will rest here today, and tomorrow's competition will be the kick off. I hope some of you can win a good ranking for my Tianwai Tianfen Palace!" Murong Qing cast his eyes on Zhai Yunsheng. With a faint smile.

"Palace Master, don't worry, we will do our best!" Many disciples nodded hurriedly.

"Senior brother, let me tell you about tomorrow's test!" When Zhai Yunsheng came to the residence assigned to him, Senior Sister Murong Qing had already found him.

"Senior Sister, please tell me." Zhai Yunsheng knew that the other party was worried about him, and he was a little grateful.

"Yeah! No wonder the master likes you, you are really good! No arrogance or rashness, peace of mind!" Murong nodded slightly, "You must not be merciful in tomorrow's competition! No woman's benevolence! Say it is a competition In fact, it is also a kind of screening. The higher the ranking, the more abundant resources will be provided. This kind of resource supply is not only for the top few, but based on your ranking. As long as you can enter the top 100, there will be very A considerable reward! So everyone will work hard, even if the disciples of the Tianwaitian Branch meet, you should not be merciful! Otherwise, the loss will be small, if someone accidentally beheaded it, it will be over!"

"Senior Sister! Is it necessary for our War Mother Palace?" Zhai Yunsheng was slightly confused.

"It is necessary, and very necessary!" Murong said with a nodded focus, "It looks like our War Mother Palace is extremely powerful, but we are not as good as the three major palaces of the Domination Palace, the Shenguang Palace, and the Immortal Vault! , I am afraid that one person can slaughter our mother-of-war palace, and even people don’t even have to take action. We will die directly with a thought."

"So we have to use more cruel methods to urge you to progress and let you grow! I hope that one day there will be a peerless strong man who will rise up and let us get out of the predicament in the palace of the mother of war!"

"That's it!" Zhai Yunsheng nodded slightly, "Senior Sister, I know! I will do my best tomorrow!"

"Okay! Senior sister is waiting for your words, don't let the master down!"


Murong left lightly, but Zhai Yunsheng was a little dazed.

"Senior, is this world so cruel?" There was a trace of lowness in Zhai Yunsheng's voice.

"This world is a thousand times more cruel than you think!" Zhao Yuande said, "Humans are actually the strongest and the weakest among all races! We have the strongest talents for cultivation, and we also have the weakest. The flesh! We have been surrounded and suppressed time and time again, but we have survived time and time again! Back then I was born in a mortal world. Although cruel, I eventually walked out of my world, but the stronger the cultivation base, the more I saw The cruelty of the world, seeing the tragic fate of mankind, I rose up to resist, broke the shackles of fate again and again, and stepped into the new world again and again! But in the end I saw a more cruel status quo! I am very strong...and Becoming more and more powerful, but there is always a stronger existence to become my enemy! This time I really encountered an invincible enemy... This time I can’t, I can only choose you, let me go again My way! I hope my appearance will not make you feel painful..."

Zhao Yuande said that the voice seemed to be full of confusion, a kind of confusion about the future.

Even if he succeeded in fully integrating the path of Yin and Yang reincarnation into the Dao of Heaven, what if he was perfectly promoted to the second realm, he was still not invincible.

He still needs to work hard!

And even if he reaches the third state!

At this time he was living in the inner world of a supreme horrible existence.

And this supreme powerhouse has 72 trillion huge worlds in his body!

When will he be able to defeat the palace lord of the third house, when will he truly stand on the pinnacle of this world.

Sometimes he has already started to be a little confused. Why is he going to cultivate?

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