Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 1314: Xuancheng Prefect

Du Qianzhou didn't expect that he would encounter Chen Mo's stubborn stubbornness and knock them all down with a single move. Such a possible ability, even if the Yuan Ying Consummation is strong, can't do it.

Could it be that Chen Mo's combat power has surpassed the realm of Nascent Soul and reached the realm of Transcendent God.

But no matter what, Chen Mo hitting him was equivalent to not taking him seriously.

As the son of the prefect, he was naturally angry.

Thinking of this question, Du Qianzhou’s eyes erupted in vain, as if he could see through Chen Mo, and Chen Mo was totally embarrassed, "Boy, today I will let you know how powerful the prefect’s son is. Everyone will step back and I will kill. Kill him."

After hearing the words, everyone backed away, ignoring their physical injuries, and then watched Du Qianzhou and Chen Mo draw their swords. The atmosphere at this time was extremely heavy and made people breathless.

"As the son of the prefect, without a guard, I have absolute confidence in myself."

"Dare to hit me, then you will pay a tragic price for me."

As he said, Du Qianzhou drew out the dark beads, and the dim light filled it, flashing the aura of a strong transforming god.

Everyone was surprised when they saw it.

"Oh my God! This bead won't be the legendary energy bead. Look at that terrible energy, it is definitely a masterpiece of a strong transgender, and it will surely be able to strangle this unaware boy."

The moment Du Qianzhou took out the beads, everyone's eyes were no longer peaceful.

In order to protect future generations, many powerful people will give them trump cards. The beads in Du Qianzhou's hands are just like energy beads, which are almost the same as the beads that Chen Mo had in the auction house last time.

Therefore, Chen Mo sneered coldly, "If you don't take this out, I forget that I also have a bead, and I don't know how powerful it is with yours."

"You too?" Du Qianzhou was stunned.

Originally thought that he had the energy beads of a powerful god, which should be something to be happy about, but Chen Mo also has it, and it is not so new.

However, Du Qianzhou still asked in a cold voice: "Boy, aren't your beads fake?"

"If this is the case, I will tell you with facts how powerful my beads are."

After saying this, Du Qianzhou was very energetic. He believed that his beads were absolutely genuine, while Chen Mo's beads were fakes. Due to the inferiority problem, Chen Mo was bound to be punished.

For a while, everyone looked at Chen Mo, waiting for him to take out the treasure, but Chen Mo didn't rush, a bead appeared in everyone's eyes.


The sword bead bloomed with sword intent, revealing its sharp edge, as if it could cut everything. Wherever the terrible sword aura went, it stirred the wind and the clouds, the world changed color, and that moment covered the audience.

"Wow, this is really a sword bead, and it is the sword bead of a strong transfiguration!" The moment Chen Mo took out the sword bead, many monks couldn't calm down, and the scene almost couldn't be suppressed.

They didn't expect that Chen Mo actually had a sword bead, and the sword aura that bloomed out was even more terrifying than the energy bead used by Du Qianzhou, and people couldn't help their heart beating wildly.

Du Qianzhou, who was the first to bear the brunt, naturally felt the benefits of sword aura, his eyes flickered slightly, unable to calm down, his face was dripping with cold sweat, full of fear.

"No...impossible, you can't be so powerful!" Du Qianzhou looked at Chen Mo in disbelief, but the facts told him that Chen Mo's sword beads were indeed powerful, not comparable to his energy beads.

The sword is a sharp weapon that kills decisively, while the energy bead is a source of energy for the powerful.

To a large extent, sword beads can destroy energy beads.

At this moment, Chen Mo seemed to be a mysterious figure, able to take out the sword beads, and with unparalleled fighting power, how could such a guy have no background, plus Ling Xuan and Yan Qingcheng.

They could see that Chen Mo must be a dude. He brought Ling Xuan and Yan Qingcheng out, just to have fun, Du Qianzhou jumped out, which made people feel that things were not easy.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, you can kill me." Du Qianzhou looked arrogant. Although the sword beads Chen Mo took out were very strong and surpassed the quality of his energy beads, there was the entire Longyang City behind him.

Once the transforming gods are dispatched, Chen Mo will undoubtedly die.

But now, if you want to deal with Chen Mo, you still need to crush him in the background. Du Qianzhou will do as soon as he thinks of it, put his hands on his chest, and the corners of his mouth raised: "Boy, you think you will be invincible if you take out the sword beads. In Longyang City, you They are all vulnerable little people."

"As the son of the prefect, I am not unreasonable. I will give you a chance to get out of Longyang City. As for the two women next to you, of course they are in my bag."

After Du Qianzhou finished speaking, he seemed to have seen the scene where Chen Yuhui was counseling, with a contemptuous smile on his face unnaturally. However, after waiting for a long time, Chen Mo didn't have any extra actions, and even his face was as calm as before, fearless and fearless towards Du Qianzhou.

"Damn it, you still hold on to death, wait for me, I will contact the prefect to arrest you now."

Du Qianzhou's face was angry, and he took out the transmission spar and injected his spiritual power. However, he hadn't started yet, and saw the devilish energy swept across the entire Longyang City in the distance.

In an instant, everyone felt the icy breath coming, as if it could swallow the life force, making everyone tremble, and it was the women who were particularly terrifying.

The smooth and clean skin of their bodies shrank and shrivelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's the matter?"

This scene made everyone feel that their heads couldn't think, and at the same time they opened their legs and ran away frantically. Even Du Qianzhou felt the danger was coming and unconsciously fled outside the city.

"Help...I don't want to die yet...!"

"Damn it, how could this happen to my body."

Compared with those men, the women in Longyang City were pale, and their dim eyes flashed with a struggling, however, the vitality in their bodies quickly dissipated.

Even if it is a woman who has the ability to cultivate, she has turned the tide at this moment.


Yan Qingcheng drank sweetly, her body erupted with a phoenix sacred fire, and competed with the oncoming demon energy. The flame was extraordinary and full of scorching aura. How could the demon energy cope.

"Chen Mo, in such a situation, the eight-clawed demon fish must have appeared." Ling Xuan is an innocent body, and she also has the power to restrain the devilish energy. She patted her jade hand lightly, bursting with mysterious light.

At the same time, she did not forget to say something to Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo also knew that the matter was serious.

"There are many women in Longyang City. Perhaps the Octopus Demon Fish wants to **** up the Yin Qi in their bodies. If so, you must find a hiding spot for the Octopus Demon Fish."

As Chen Mo said, his eyes opened, shining brightly, looking for the whereabouts of the Octopus Demon Fish, but at this moment, a destructive force filled the sky.

"The daring demons actually made trouble on the grounds of the prefect. The sin is unforgivable."

Looking up, the figure above the sky, covering all directions, the terrifying aura swept a thousand miles, and in an instant, the whole Longyang City was given a new light because of his appearance.

"Look, it's the prefect of Xuancheng." Some people recognized the origin of the figure in the sky, and smiled joyfully on their faces. In Longyang City, the prefect of Xuancheng was like a god.

With his appearance, Longyang City will surely be safe and sound.

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