Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 1331: Last night stars last night wind

The lone self burns the spiritual power in the body, and the strong person who transforms into a **** is inherently terrible. After the crazy burning spiritual power of the lone self, even the prison of the devil flame can not trap him.

Soon, with the solitary walking burning the last life essence in his body, his body was torn apart and turned into radiance flying all over the sky, as if the world collapsed.

The terrifying power slumped thousands of miles, mighty, and instantly spread in all directions.

Wherever you go, no grass grows.

The entire Longyang City ceased to exist, and everyone felt that the self-destruction of the solitary self-detonation carried unparalleled self-detonation power, even if their strength was strong, they were willing to retreat.

"Go, this is not something we can stop." The Sect Master of Jianshan took the lead to escape, followed by Master Dao Xuan and the rest of the realm of cultivation, Yan Qingcheng's face was helplessly pale.

"Hey, last night's stars and last night's wind, Guitang East on the west side of the painting building, is it really powerless to return to heaven?"

Thinking of this, Yan Qingcheng looked up at Chen Mo, only to see that Chen Mo was still struggling.

However, the arm strength of Demon Prison and Demon Sha was too strong, and Chen Mo couldn't break free of the restraints at all.

In this way, Chen Mo couldn't do anything. Facing Yan Qingcheng's gaze, Chen Mo's eyes flashed a little helplessly. Since his ability has not fully recovered, it is very difficult to escape from birth.

But Chen Mo has already started to use his power, as long as the time comes, he may not be able to kill Demon Flame, because Chen Mo is confident that he can try to break through the realm.


Between the heaven and the earth, the power of destruction by oneself is still spreading, as if to destroy the entire world, looking at it, the scene is like a mushroom cloud, spreading the waves of destruction.

Many monks were too late to escape and died in it.

"Damn it, it hurt the deity." Demon Flame was angry and attacked. As the first to bear the brunt, the power of the self-detonation exploded at him, causing him to be embarrassed all over his body. If it weren't for his powerful strength, I'm afraid he would die. Blew up.

Thinking of this, Demon Flame's killing intent looked at the audience. At this moment, everyone felt Demon Flame's anger. It was extremely terrifying, and it made people shudder as if they were about to kill.

Hua Yangyue was dressed in a snow-white dress, exquisitely dusty. She looked at the angry magic flame at this time, and her little mouth could not help but said: "Fate is impermanent, and heaven is unfair. Although Hua Yangyue is a defenseless little woman, I am willing to follow. Go alone, walk a dead end."

With that said, Hua Yangyue stepped towards the demon flame, she seemed to be Chang'e flying to the moon, the whole person was not beautiful, her appearance was outstanding, but the breath in her body was madly exuding.

Obviously, Huayangyue will also blew himself up.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions were a little bit self-confident. Huayangyue, as a woman, was willing to blew himself up, but their dignified men chose to surrender. Wouldn't it be that men are inferior to women?

"Hey, did we do something wrong?" Master Dao Xuan sighed. He has cultivated for countless years, knowing that life is precious, but Hua Yang Yue committed suicide, which made Master Dao Xuan's face a look of helplessness. , Even ashamed, can't wait to find a hole to go in.

The Sect Master of Jianshan was next to Master Daoxuan, looking at Huayangyue and said: "She is obviously moths to fight the fire, and she will perish herself. In the end, she will not bring any good news to the cultivation world, but will anger the devil flame. , Therefore, Huayangyue is a sinner through the ages."

As soon as this remark came out, Master Daoxuan's face became a little ugly.

He didn't expect that the Sect Master of Jianshan could be so shameless that the black could be said to be white.

Hua Yangyue paid the price of exploding her body to kill Demon Flame, and could only end up in the name of a sinner through the ages. This is so sad that even the Dao Xuan Master cannot accept this fact.

However, Master Taoist nodded and said: "Sword Mountain Sect Master, this is reasonable. Huayangyue's self-destructive body does not bring good news to the cultivation world. On the contrary, it will be self-defeating and anger the Demon Flame. At that time, the mess will still require us to come. pack."

"Master Dao Xuan, you just want to understand." Jianshan Sect Master smiled, and he was very proud, and continued: "We will bear the consequences of Huayangyue. In any case, she is a sinner of the ages and is unforgivable. I will intercede with the adults about this matter, and let them let us go as far as possible. As for the Red Sleeve Pavilion, there shouldn't be anymore."

"Of course, there are weak women under the door, presumably adults won't find them to settle accounts, so they are willing to leave the red sleeve pavilion, I think they can open the net."

After the Sect Master of Jianshan had said this, he had already thought in his heart that when all the women in the Hongxiu Pavilion surrendered, he would be able to get it in his pocket and enjoy the blessings of the people, and then Jianshan could dominate the world.

When the Sect Master of Jianshan communicated with Master Daoxuan, the other big figures stared at Huayangyue intently. They had regrets in their eyes. Huayangyue was the number one beauty in the realm of cultivation, regardless of strength and various aspects. They are all worthy of admiration.

If not, Huayangyue would not have been pursued by the solo for countless years, but at this time she actually exploded herself. Once destroyed, Huayangyue would be destroyed.

"My son, are we really powerless to return to heaven?" Lu Bo watched Hua Yangyue blew her dantian, feeling powerless in his heart, and he couldn't help looking at Chen Mo in the distance.

On Chen Mo, Lu Bo saw a calm look.

Only Lu Bo knew that at this time, no matter who it was, no one would deal with the Devil Flame, so that the sole purpose and Hua Yangyue blew their dantians in order to harm the Devil Flame.

But the self-detonation of the solitary line, there can be damage to the devil flame, the Huayangyue only suddenly transformed into the realm of the gods not long ago, and compared with the solitary line, the combat power is still much lacking.


With a loud noise, Huayangyue's body collapsed, a beautiful face with a beautiful smile, seeming to recall the scenes of the past, even if the body no longer exists, Huayangyue has no pain on her face. With the color, Meimu looked at Chen Mo who was caught, the corners of Huayangyue's mouth moved slightly, and no sound came out.

But Chen Mo could see clearly, Hua Yangyue was telling him, "We must kill Demon Flame...!"

"I understand your spoken language, understand what you mean, and watch you die in pain with my own eyes. The only thing I can do is to take revenge on you and return the world to life."

Chen Mo's pupils were bloodshot, and the deaths of the loneliness and Huayangyue made him extremely angry at Demon Flame. If he could, he could not wait for the Demon Flame to be broken into pieces and five horses divided into pieces.

But at this time, Chen Mo still couldn't break free, because he found that the two of Demon Prison and Demon Sha seemed to feel Chen Mo's anger, and the strength of his hands was also increasing.

And when Chen Mo was angry, the energy of Huayangyue's self-detonation spread in all directions, fleeting, but the power contained in it was extremely terrifying.

Even if Demon Flame is powerful, he has to shoot it out with both palms, defeating Huayangyue's self-destructive power, and after doing all this, Demon Flame's expression becomes even more angry.

"Who else does not know whether to live or die, stand up to the deity."

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