Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 1354: Nine is the ultimate

Watching Dan Qingge apologize, Yan Xin's thoughts floated. She never thought that Dan Qingge would apologize to her. The identities of the two were very different, and it was all because of Chen Mo.

Only now did Yan Xin understand that as long as there is Chen Mo in Luofeng Town, it is estimated that she does not need to win the alchemy meeting to be proud, because Chen Mo is enough.

The young man who once invited her to join the alchemy workshop, he not only cured the tormenting serious half-life of illness, but also did things he likes for them. Perhaps these things were a simple task for Chen Mo, but these things changed Yan Xin's life.

"Brother Chen Mo, you are the star that I will chase all my life. Before, I only wanted my father to be healthy and my mother could return to me. Now I just want to prove my ability, the alchemy conference...I will win anyway. This is the most wonderful moment in my life, because you are still there." Yan Xin pursed her lips, smiling extremely naively.

Even if she is serious, she has never seen it before, and one day Yan Xin will have such an innocent smile.

He remembered that since Yan Xinniang betrayed her, she was seriously poisoned, and life is worse than death every day. If she weren't paid for obsession, she would probably die.

Since Chen Mo appeared, everything has changed.

The young man used his inestimable talent to solve things that no one else could solve.

Today, Chen Mo has straightened his waist and is fearless in the face of the Danzong forces. He has set up a world for Luofeng Town. This Chen Mo is worthy of respect and admiration.

As time passed by in silence, Dan Qingge still looked at Yan Xin, and his eyes were about to erupt with anger.

He swears that he has never been treated like this.

The others also looked at Yan Xin, as if Yan Xin did not forgive Dan Qingge. The next alchemy meeting would not be able to proceed. Feeling the gaze around, Yan Xin immediately recovered, looking at Dan Qingge and said: "I didn't release it. In your heart, you don’t have to be like this."

As soon as this remark came out, Dan Qingge just couldn't figure it out. He couldn't guess whether Yan Xin forgave him, but Yan Xin didn't say much, and walked towards the location of the pill furnace.

Watching this scene, Dan Qingge straightened her body unwillingly, both fists left blood stains due to too much force, and a chill appeared at the corners of her mouth, and secretly said: "Dare to make me embarrassed, you will surely look good next time."

Immediately, Dan Qingge also moved towards the Dan furnace.

The two did not speak, waiting for Master Daoxuan to announce the start.

Master Dao Xuan waved his hand and said: "This game is to refine the pill. You must first refine the Qing Lingdan. This kind of pill is easy to understand. I believe Qing Ge and that girl have both refined this kind of pill. The pill, so this is to ensure absolute fairness."

Qing Ling Pill!

Dan Qingge smiled when he heard the name of the pill.

Maybe other medicines will be difficult, but Qingling Pill is not difficult for Dan Qingge at all.

Because only alchemists know how to refine this kind of pill, and this kind of pill is used to increase spiritual power, it is particularly difficult to temper the pill, so the grade is the most important issue.

Yan Xin's expression was slightly shocked when she heard the name of the Qingling Pill, but she quickly recovered. If the Qingling Pill could not be refined, she did not need to continue to be an alchemist.

Therefore, Yan Xin respected Master Daoxuan: "Senior, I am ready to refine the pill at any time."

Seeing Yan Xin so confident, Master Dao Xuan's eyes showed a smile.

"Start now!"

As soon as the words fell, Dan Qingge and Yan Xin each stepped into the pill furnace. With their hands urging, the pill fire quickly jumped, and the flames appeared, and instantly fell under the three feet of the pill furnace.


The pill furnace is an ordinary pill furnace. Under the control of Dan Qingge and Yan Xin, a scorching temperature quickly emerged. Then Dan Qingge lifted all the medicinal materials and threw it into the pill furnace.

This time, Dan Qingge must win, and Yan Xin needs to know how terrifying his alchemy is.

Pinching the fast sign with both hands, Dao Dao Xuanguang continued to pour into the pill furnace. Dan Qingge did not forget to look at Yan Xin, and said, "Alchemy is a complicated process, but to me it's like fried beans. It can be easily done. carry out."

After hearing Dan Qingge's words, Yan Xin was speechless, but she also began to put the medicinal materials in an orderly manner. At the same time, flames erupted from Yan Xin's jade hands.


The pill fire burned crazily, and the fragrance of medicine was quickly diffused under the blessing of Yan Xin's technique.

Time is running away in silence, and people are staring at Dan Qingge and Yan Xin at all times.

At the same time, discussions continued.

"Dan Qingge's alchemy is really unfathomable. Alchemy is like fried beans, and his skill is too much better than Yan Xin in any aspect. Looking at it this way, no accident will be Dan Qingge's victory."

"Yes! Yan Xin is still jerky, I don't know if she will be amazing!"

Although many people think Dan Qingge will win, the first game was because Yan Xin was too cautious.

Therefore, no one dares to be 100% sure that Yan Xin will lose.

The body of the Jianshan Sect Master sat on the chair, motionless, his eyes kept looking at Yan Xindu's body. In his opinion, Yan Xin's technique was not skilled enough, and he would naturally lose out to the Danqing singer.

If not, Dan Qingge will fail, and the tribute to Danzong will fail.

"Master Dao Xuan, how confident are you that Pill Qingge can win?" The master of Jianshan door communicated to Master Dao Xuan.

Master Dao Xuan's expression was shocked, and said: "Jianshan Sect Master, Qing Ge is an outstanding young man I have seen since I was a child. His alchemy attainments are not below mine, and he can completely defeat that little girl."

Master Dao Xuan exaggerated the truth, but his words did not exaggerate. Dan Qingge is only lacking in alchemy, and the rest have already obtained the true teachings of Danzong.

Upon hearing the affirmative words of Master Dao Xuan, Jianshan Sect Master's hanging heart was let go.

He wants Danzong to win more than anyone else.

In this way, Luofeng Town will explain, and Jianshan's dominance will be stabilized.

At this time, Chen Mo also looked at Yan Xin, his brows frowned, because he saw that Yan Xin was not as good as Dan Qingge in alchemy, but Chen Mo didn't want to help Yan Xin.

But I want Yan Xin to face all this alone.

With the passage of time, Dan Qingge's face bloomed with a smile, his hands suddenly sealed, and the essence of the medicinal materials was trapped in the pill furnace without losing its fragrance.

"Pill knot."

As soon as Dan Qingge's voice fell, the pill furnace rose with endless glow, dazzling.

"I don't know how many clear spirit pills are in the Pill Qingge furnace?" Someone couldn't help but say, "Usually nine is the ultimate. It is a genius to be able to refine eight pills in one pill furnace."

"Not long ago, Dan Qingge refined Rongyang Pill and released seven pills in one breath."

"Clearing Pills are more difficult to refine than Rongyang Pills, so if I guess it is correct, there will be nine Qingling Pills in the furnace of Pill Qingge."


Just as everyone was discussing, the lid of the pill furnace opened automatically, and the pill of brilliance contained in the pill rose into the sky, like nine twinkling stars, making everyone's expressions shocked.

"This...this is really nine clear spirit pills, my God! Dan Qingyang is too strong, and he actually refined nine clear spirit pills in one breath, which is equivalent to having the ultimate alchemy technique."

After the shock, the expressions of the people could hardly conceal the sense of shock.

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