Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 1358: The consequences of two minutes

Heaven and man are one!

As the master of the Danzong, Master Dao Xuan refined as many pills as feathers.

But he had never tried to enter the state of the unity of nature and man, watching Han Yinuo actually display the unity of nature and man under his eyes. This is definitely an irony to Master Daoxuan.

"The old man in vain calls himself a pill master, but now it seems that this is just a ridiculous idea."

Master Taoxuan sighed across his face, and his tone felt more vicissitudes of life.

The Sect Master of Jianshan on the side frowned and asked: "Master Dao Xuan, is it so difficult to understand the unity of nature and man, and enter the state?"

Hearing this, Master Dao Xuan shook his head feebly and said: "You don’t know that alchemy has the unity of heaven and man, and sword practicer has the unity of sword. This is the supreme magical power. That kid is young, but he can enter alchemy. The state of the unity of nature and man is really incredible!"

Man and sword are one!

Heaven and man are one!

The master of Jianshan Sect pursed his mouth, and suddenly realized that the sword-cultivation of humans and swords is not difficult to practice, because it is commonplace for the disciples of Jianshan.

This is because the ancestors of Jianshan continued to explore swordsmanship, and finally realized many sword moves that reached the peak. Therefore, Jianshan will be the strongest existence of the top ten forces.

Pill refining is different from sword training, the kind of pill refining that is the unity of nature and man requires one to touch.

Luck has been cultivated for several years, and if luck is not good, it will be difficult to cultivate successfully even in a lifetime. That’s why there is no magical power in the alchemy that is the unity of nature and man.

Only in legend!

"Huh, what about the unity of man and nature? My Dan Qingyang is still not afraid. As long as I refine the God-Transforming Pill, I will not only win the town of Luofeng, but also become famous in the world and become the Pill Emperor."

Dan Qingge snorted coldly.

Then, he stopped watching Han Yinuo's alchemy, and began to concentrate on refining the **** of alchemy.

In his spare time, Chen Mo sat motionless in the chair, but his eyes were staring at Dan Qingyang, but his eyes flashed with surprise from time to time.

Because Dan Qingyang has a lot of learning, the refining method of the God-Transforming Pill is almost the same as Chen Mo's. With this indication, Chen Mo somewhat believes that Dan Qingyang can refine the God-Transforming Pill.

An Keyue was not interested in alchemy. She stared at Chen Mo and said, "Brother Chen Mo, what do you think is the outcome of Dan Qingyang and Han Yinuo?"

After hearing this, Chen Mo stretched out five fingers.

"Five-five points?" An Keyue whispered.

The others couldn't help but look at Chen Mo, with a weird look on their faces, and Master Dao Xuan couldn't help but curiously asked: "Chen Mo, I don't know if I should say something?"

"But it's okay to say!"

After receiving Chen Mo's signal, Master Dao Xuan did not hesitate to ask: "I really want to know, what kind of pill he refines that can make you think that there is a five to five chance?"

God-Transforming Pill is a top-notch pill in the realm of cultivation, Chen Mo casually talked to Han Yinuo to refine a pill that was better than God-Transforming Pill, which made Master Tao Xuan absolutely unwilling to believe it.

And just now An Keyue and Chen Mo spoke with thoughts, but sometimes they spoke in front of everyone's faces, arousing everyone's curiosity.

Chen Mo didn't face to answer Master Dao Xuan's words, but instead asked, "Master Dao Xuan, have you ever heard of a pill called Zhuyan Pill?"

"Of course I have heard...!" Master Dao Xuan looked at Chen Mo, and suddenly he frowned.

"You won't let Han Yinuo refine the Zhanyan Pill?"

To add a word, Master Daoxuan stared at Chen Mo without blinking. He knew that the Zhuyan Pill naturally knew that the ordinary Zhuyan Pill was useless to the monks. It was only used by ordinary people, and the effect was very good. The Zhuyan Dan disappeared without a trace.

If Chen Mo asked Han Yinuo to refine the ordinary Zhanyan Dan, it would be the rhythm of death.

But Master Dao Xuan believed that Chen Mo would not be stupid, and he would definitely let Han Yinuo refine the rare Yan Yan Pill, which will be refined at that time, the effect will be very good, and the value will definitely surpass the Hua Shen Pill.

Because the Huashen Pill is limited to the use of the Yuan Ying Consummation monk, the person present is not a big man, and the Yuan Ying Consummation monk is not worthy to carry shoes for them, so relatively speaking, the use range of the Zhuyan Pill is even dreamed of by the Huashen powerhouse.

In this way, five to five points are really possible. The key lies in what level of Yan Yan Dan can be refined by Han Yinuo.

Thinking of this, Master Dao Xuan's originally relaxed heart hung up, his eyes focused on Han Yinuo, only to see that the herbs used by the other party were all about beauty.

Moreover, Han Yinuo's alchemy method is not arrogant or impetuous, and it is easier to refine a gentle Yanyan Pill.

Looking at it this way, Master Daoxuan was inexplicably frightened, and the others realized the seriousness of the problem at this time, and there was even a touch of sorrow between the master of Jianshan's brows.

"Damn Chen Mo, you really didn't let me look less, let Han Yinuo take control of the refining method of Zhanyan Pill in just two minutes, and even learned the alchemy skills of the harmony between man and nature."

"Damn Master Dao Xuan, you have to give Chen Mo two minutes, now it depends on how your Danzong can keep it."

The master of Jianshan cursed fiercely.

He had never thought that there would be such terrible consequences in two minutes, and Luo Fengzhen would have the opportunity to reverse the world, and Master Dao Xuan was simply digging his own grave.

On the side, Master Daoxuan was very regretful.

If he could, he didn't want to give Chen Mo two more minutes, and these two minutes caused him to panic, panic, and even face the consequences of the dissolution of Danzong.

"Hey, maybe this is God's will."

"However, Qing Ge still has a chance to win, and that kid may not be able to refine the Zhanyan Pill."

"So, I have to keep my breath, not to mess around with myself."

After saying these words, Master Dao Xuan's heart floated, trying to calm himself down.

And under the ring, Dan Qingge's alchemy has reached a fiery point, and the heavenly fire cauldron emits a roaring medicine scent, making everyone involuntarily take a breath.

"The scent of this medicine is extraordinary just by smelling it. If it goes on like this, it is very likely to be successfully refined."

When everyone was discussing, Dan Qingge frowned, and he faced the most difficult problem in refining God-Transforming Pill, that is, how to draw out the essence and blood of God-Transforming Power to refine the pill.

Dan Qingge has not yet transformed into a **** realm, but he has the essence and blood of a powerful person in transforming into a god.

With his strength, he could not completely strip the essence of blood.

"It seems that you can only go as far as you can and refining the God Pill."

Dan Qingge's face was ruthless, and he suppressed the troubles in his heart. Since there is no way to get rid of the essence of blood, it is better to put it directly into the pill furnace to try his luck.

As soon as he thought of it, Dan Qingge took out the jade bottle containing the blood of the powerful person, then opened the lid and poured it into the sky fire cauldron, with a crash, the blood melted when it met water.

The medicinal essence of the pill furnace was instantly fused and gathered into a group of medicinal liquid. At this time, the pill furnace also emitted the aura of a god-transforming powerhouse, extremely violent, and shocked everyone's expressions.

"Is this going to succeed?"

The layman only needs to breathe the air, and immediately feel the faint growth of the strength in the body.

However, Master Dao Xuan and other great figures, at a glance, knew that Dan Qingge had not been refined yet.

Therefore, they all stared at Dan Qingge, their expressions almost stiff.

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