Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 1367: Wei Mu's visit

Seeing that no one was speaking, Lu Bo, as the chief person in charge of Luofeng Town, took a step forward with his fat body and said: "My son, according to my investigation, in Longyang City that day, the reason why Yang Dingtian's whereabouts was unknown and the Octopus Demon It's related, but after you killed the Octopus Demon Fish, this matter didn't stop, but you thought of Yang Dingtian afterwards, if I guessed it right, Yang Dingtian should have been in an accident."

As Lu Bo said, he looked up at Chen Mo, "My son, this matter was obtained from intelligence personnel. The information is absolutely accurate. However, if you want to know the specific whereabouts of Yang Dingtian, you may have to wait for a while, maybe There are results."

Chen Mo frowned.

It is not difficult to guess from Lu Bo that Yang Dingtian did have an accident.

But Chen Mo didn't understand why a living Yang Dingtian would have an accident.

He couldn't help linking Yang Dingtian's identity to the Demon Race.

Yang Dingtian has demons in his body, and the appearance of the demons will inevitably cause changes in his body.

After all, no matter how you say everyone is the same demons.

Moreover, the stronger Yang Dingtian's strength, the more difficult it is to control the devilish energy on his body.

Both the Demon Flame and the Demon Lord had magical powers beyond this plane. Since Yang Dingtian couldn't find the source of the demon energy, it was difficult for him to improve his strength.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo frowned even harder. Looking at Lu Bo, Chen Mo suggested: "Send someone to investigate Tianyuan, where the devilish energy is so high. If Yang Dingtian is no longer there, I am afraid he will be in Longyang City. , And other places can't be spared either."

After a few words, Lu Bo understood what Chen Mo meant.

He immediately ordered the personnel to look for Yang Dingtian, and the other senior officials in Luofeng Town stood at a loss, looking at Chen Mo, still speechless. After all, their affairs were nothing but a trivial matter to Chen Mo.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Chen Mo remembered about Jianshan.

"Everyone, who volunteered to participate in Jianshan's Sword Conference?"

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Fengyang immediately took a step and said: "Brother, I have a stone sword in my hand. Swordsmanship does not lie under the disciples of Jianshan, so I am willing to participate."

After Mu Fengyang finished speaking, his eyes were firm, and the whole figure stood proudly like a uniquely isolated divine sword.

When Chen Mo saw this, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Since you are willing to participate, two more people will come to discuss the sword meeting, and you must seize the sword mountain."

For Jianshan, Chen Mo is bound to win.

Once Sword Mountain is obtained, it is equivalent to controlling the entire cultivation world. By the time the Great Forces such as the Shihan Tower and the Blazing Fire Sect will choose to surrender, Chen Mo can also rest assured of going to the Wind Town.

"Report, count the head of Tianmen Liang Feiyun coming to Luofeng Town to worship the mountain." Suddenly, there was a loud shout outside.

Chen Mo heard the words and was about to speak, but at this moment, there was another voice.

"Counting Tianxing Black Market Weimu came to worship the mountain, and sent a plant of Polygonum multiflorum for thousands of years."

As soon as he said this, even Chen Mo was dumbfounded.

Thousand-year Polygonum multiflorum, this is a divine object that is hard to see in the realm of comprehension. After taking it, monks can increase their talents and intelligence.

And Baishan means that the town of Luofeng is the top of the mountain, and the black market and Shutianmen are subordinate forces.

Therefore, when they came to see Chen Mo, they came naturally in the name of worshipping the mountain.

Immediately, Chen Mo waved his hand and said, "Let them in."

As soon as the voice fell, Liang Feiyun wore a black tights and outlined a flawless figure. Her flawless face was as calm as water, deep and bright, making it easy for people to ignore her appearance at a glance, thus paying special attention to her eyes.

Also accompanied by Wei Mu, he was dressed in ordinary clothes, but it was hard to ignore his existence.

As soon as he came in, Wei Mu took the lead and said: "Chen Mo, it has been a long time since I have seen you. Today, I came to meet you on behalf of the black market. By the way, I learned that you have become a man of the world. Here I am here to congratulate you and send a plant of Polygonum multiflorum for thousands of years."

With that said, Wei Mu took out a jade bottle with a black millennium fleece-flower root in it.

When Chen Mo saw this, he smiled and said: "Wei Mu, your black market should not be embarrassing to count the sky stars. As for the gifts, you are free, but you came to me this time. It shouldn't be that simple, right?"

As Wei Mu's status, although not as good as Chen Mo, he came to see Chen Mo in person like a younger brother and older brother. Even if Wei Mu had no dignity, he would not do this.

Moreover, Wei Mu also sent Polygonum multiflorum for a thousand years, and Chen Mo knew that he had another purpose.

Sure enough, when he heard Chen Mo’s question, Wei Mu said the truth: “Chen Mo, let’s tell you that since you left the star, the black market has developed well, but the ancestors of Montenegro are stubborn and often bring people to destroy the black market’s business. If it were not for fear of you, the black market would have fallen into the hands of the ancestors of Montenegro."

After saying this, Wei Mu looked sad.

When the ancestors of Montenegro were counting on Tianmen, their combat power was even stronger than Wei Mu.

At that time, Chen Mo could defeat the ancestors of Montenegro.

But the ancestors of Montenegro were so cunning and fled when they saw the situation.

Chen Mo didn't care about this incident, but he didn't expect that the ancestors of Montenegro would come out to do evil.

Looking at Liang Feiyun, Chen Mo asked: "Are you also here for the Black Mountain ancestor?"

Slipping off, Liang Feiyun shook her head and said: "Chen Mo, Wei Mu has already said that I am naturally not here for the Black Mountain ancestors, but I just want to tell you that I also want to participate in the sword conference, and I am considered to be the reputation of heaven."

Since the decline of Shoutianmen, Liang Feiyun has tried every means to make Shoutianmen glorious.

She has an intuition that she will be able to stand out in the battle for Luofeng Town.

Chen Mo listened to Liang Feiyun's words, his eyes condensed, and found that Liang Feiyun's cultivation was already in the late Yuan Ying stage. Such strength can participate in the Sword Conference, and Luofeng Town is just short of two people.

Therefore, Chen Mo nodded and promised: "In this case, you will fight for Luofeng Town in the Sword Contest."

Liang Feiyun's expression flashed, and then she said nothing.

At this time, everyone knew that Chen Mo was going to deal with the ancestors of Black Mountain. They couldn't help being cold for the ancestors of Montenegro. It was not good to offend Chen Mo. This was undoubtedly seeking death.

After all, the ancestors of Montenegro were too crazy.

Wei Mu looked secretly happy, no matter what, Chen Mo was willing to help him deal with the cancer of the black mountain ancestor. This has proved that Chen Mo is not taking advantage of his black market. If there are troubles in the future, the black market will still be supported by Chen Mo.

Before, Wei Mu had been dissatisfied with the control of the black market Guiluofengzhen, but at this time he was completely relieved, and even secretly rejoiced in his original decision to climb the big tree like Chen Mo.

You know, Chen Mo is a man in the world, who is Chen Mo's opponent in the world.

Even the master of Jianshan had to give Chen Mo a three-point courtesy.

Thinking of this, Wei Mu said: "Chen Mo, I don't know when you will leave? I have reached the specific location of the ancestor of Black Mountain. As long as I find him, I believe you will be able to kill him."

"It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, so let's go today!" Chen Mo finished speaking, leaving his body in one step.

Before Wei Mu could react, he saw Chen Mo flying over, "What are you still doing? Lead the way."

"Ah...Is it really going now?" Wei Mu was stunned.

After looking back, Chen Mo didn't seem to be lying, and Chen Mo and Chen Mo immediately disappeared from everyone's sight.

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