Wei Mu and Guo Jiang didn't expect Chen Mo to doubt them. They had to know that they didn't show any flaws, and the clothes were seamless. How could Chen Mo know that they were not himself.

Facing Wei Mu’s question, Chen Mo calmly said: "I have met Wei Mu in the black market for a few days. Although I don’t know him very well, I know that he won’t do it himself like you, and you directly brought me to greedy wolf star. I'm afraid it was to kill me."

"Chen Mo, don't talk nonsense and talk nonsense, I'm the real Wei Mu, and you don't believe me, why do you want to covet the wolf star with me?" At the end, Wei Mu looked at Chen Mo with a sharp expression of irritation. , He did not expect that he would be wronged.

Guo Jiang on the side was fighting injustice for Wei Mu. Chen Mo didn't believe it. There was no evidence at all. It was just Chen Mo's random thoughts, but Guo Jiang did not speak.

Seeing Chen Mo not speaking, Wei Mu said again: "Chen Mo, since you don't want me, then I'm leaving."

With that said, Wei Mu turned and left, revealing his back without any hesitation.

Guo Jiang glanced at Chen Mo, then turned and left.

At this time, Chen Mo smiled and said: "Wei Mu, Guo Jiang, you still don't recognize your identities, so that's good, I will convince you."

With that, Chen Mo shouted into the air, "Wei Mu, come out!"


As soon as the voice fell, a gloomy light appeared in the space, filled with a middle-aged man in a black robe. After the opponent appeared, he immediately gave Chen Mo a fist, but Wei Mu's expression changed drastically, and he said coldly: "How is it possible? You? How could it be here?"

"Why can't I be here?" The person who came was the real Wei Mu. He knew that someone pretended to be himself, and he simply played tricks with Chen Mo and asked the fake Wei Mu to bring Chen Mo to the wolf star.

The real Wei Mu naturally followed.

At this moment, the real Wei Mu looked at the fake Wei Mu and said coldly: "Heishan ancestor, you really deserve to be a hero, you dare to pretend to be me and deal with Chen Mo."

"I didn't expect you to know that I was a fake."

The ancestor of Montenegro was a little bit self-deprecating, he had already covered it up well, and he was still seen through by Chen Mo.

The Black Mountain Transformation Technique, this is the magical power of the Black Mountain ancestors, which can be transformed into any person at will.

I don't know how many times, the ancestors of the Black Mountain relied on the Black Mountain Transformation Technique to kill a lot of monks.

But he didn't expect that he would be seen through by Chen Mo.

Thinking of this, the ancestor of the Black Mountain showed a sneer in his eyes, "I'm in vain as I am smart, but I didn't expect to be caught in your trap. That's good. I want to see how powerful the figure in the wind and cloud can actually be able to make Jianshanmen. The Lord is a little jealous."

For Chen Mo, the ancestors of Montenegro are like treacherous.

Therefore, he did not dare to underestimate Chen Mo.

His body changed, and the ancestor of Montenegro turned into his original body, his dark face was particularly gloomy, like a judge of the underworld, his eyes looked directly at Chen Mo, and shuddering gazes flashed.

"If I dare to bring you to Greed Wolfstar, there will naturally be a way to deal with you, Chen Mo, if you destroy my plan ahead of time, I will make you pay." The ancestor of Black Mountain looked at Chen Mo contemptuously, his eyes full of disdain.

And Chen Mo fearlessly said: "Black Mountain ancestor, since I dare to come, of course I can deal with you, but I don't understand, who is Guo Jiang?"

"Guo Jiang?"

The ancestor of Montenegro frowned, and then shot out with a palm. The terrifying power of transforming gods instantly locked Guo Jiang's body. In an instant, Guo Jiang's screams were heard. After all this was done, the ancestor of Montenegro looked at Chen Mo. Said: "A mere rubbish, if you can't do a little thing well, you will kill it if you kill it."

"Chen Mo, let you understand how good I am today."

The ancestor of Black Mountain slapped Chen Mo with a palm, and the energy in his body swept through his whole body. Dark elements flooded his palm, bursting out violent energy. From a distance, he looked like a dark messenger, extremely terrifying, accompanied by energy disaster, gradually Condensing the lifelike fierce beast, the breath exuding is extremely fierce.

"He has a terrible magical power." Chen Mo's eyes flickered, and he saw that the black mountain ancestor had displayed a magical power, which was extremely strange and invulnerable.

"Chen Mo, this person dares to pretend to be me, let me deal with him first." Wei Mu clenched his fists, and Chen Mo was deceived by the black mountain ancestor pretending to be him. This made him very angry.

If it weren't for exploded in advance, God knows how Wei Mu will kill Chen Mo in secret.

"The defeated generals still dare to deal with me without embarrassment, Wei Mu, you are so ridiculous!" Not long ago, the black mountain ancestor defeated Wei Mu, this matter is still in mind.

Now that the ancestors of Montenegro say so, Wei Mu suddenly loses face.

Looking at the ancestors of Montenegro, he said, "Stop talking nonsense, ancestors of Montenegro, if you die today, I live."

"Wishful abacus, one in hand, count today, the ancestors of Montenegro, you are all evil and do not tolerate God. I hold the wishful thinking and must kill you."

As soon as Wei Mu came up, he was performing magical powers. The brilliance in his hand was filled with vivid abacus. The abacus was transparent like light and sacred and extraordinary. With the rapid movement of Wei Mu's ten fingers, the mysterious light on the abacus came out brightly and turned into a gold. The bell shrouded towards the ancestors of Montenegro.


Guanghua is extremely strong, but the ancestor of Montenegro is fearless and said: "You dare to show your ugliness as a small skill of carving insects. Whatever, let you know the sharpness of my ancestor of Montenegro today."

With a cold shout, the black mountain ancestor slapped his right hand, and the ready beast swept out with fierce abilities, and the dark element was extremely cold wherever it passed.


In an instant, the dark element burst out a completely different power against Shang Wei Mu's profound light.

By looking at it, Chen Mo had already determined that Wei Mu was not the opponent of the ancestor of Montenegro.

Although Wei Mu controls the wishful thinking, his actual combat experience is not as good as the dark elements of the black mountain ancestors. The most important thing is that Chen Mo has an intuition that the black mountain ancestors are not as simple as the surface.

Next second!

Chen Mo fixed his eyes and saw that the black mountain ancestor's body stepped forward, with an extremely terrifying dark element all over his body, which seemed to be the ruler of darkness, which could change the color of the world and the earth.

"Wei Mu, forgot to tell you one thing, this is my territory, not your celestial star, and if you dare to come here, you will definitely die and give me suppression."

After saying this, the ancestor of Black Mountain suddenly raised his hands, and the dark elements all over his body soared up, rising up, emitting a monstrous glow, and instantly enveloping Wei Mu's body.

Wei Mu also wanted to resist, but he found that he could not move.

Suddenly, Wei Mu looked panicked and said, "Chen Mo, I am not the opponent of the ancestor of Black Mountain. This guy is like a fish in Black Wind Mountain. Only you can deal with him."

Originally, Wei Mu thought that even if he couldn't deal with the ancestors of Montenegro, he could still contend with dozens of moves.

Unexpectedly, for one round, Wei Mu was directly restrained by the ancestors of Montenegro.

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