The two of them were in a mess, but the two sides were in a mess.

Li Dong knew that he had made Ye Chen lose face, and compensating him with a new car was just to make up for the loss of the damaged car.

And compensating the beauty with a new car was to save the face of this young master Ye.

I understand.

Li Dong suddenly became clear-headed at this time.

He quickly said, "I am willing to accompany you, I am willing to accompany you."

Ye Chen also nodded, agreeing to this compensation plan.

But the matter was not so simple to solve.

This young master Zhang usually does things very arrogantly, how could it be possible that he just spent some money to get rid of the problem.

After all, Ye Chen almost lost his life because of this guy.

So Ye Chen said coldly: "Okay, the economic loss compensation has just been completed, and now we have to talk about the mental loss."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Li Dong was immediately confused.

What the hell, there is also mental compensation.

Just now he thought that the mental compensation was a car, but it turned out not to be.

"Are you ready?"

Ye Chen did not care about Li Dong's confused reaction and asked Zhang Qiang.

"Brother Ye is ready."

Ye Chen said lightly: "Then what are you waiting for, just do it."

I saw a little smile on Ye Chen's face, and he simply ordered.

"You two, do it."

Zhang Qiang also directly called the bodyguards over.

The two also lifted Zhang Qiang up.

Then walked directly to the river bank.

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do?"

"Didn't I just pay the money?"

"No, I don't want to fall into the river, let me go, Young Master Zhang, Young Master Ye, please forgive me."

Li Dong was completely confused and begged bitterly.

As a result, he couldn't hold his urine and it came out again.

The stench almost made Li Dong kick him out.

"Sink into the river, who said I'm going to sink you into the river?"

Ye Chen smiled, and didn't go up to help, but corrected Li Dong's mistake righteously.

"Don't worry, we are all law-abiding citizens, how could we do something that violates the law?"

At this time, Li Dong was also confused.

"Ah, it's not sinking into the river, then what are you going to do?"

Li Dong, who opened the gate to release the water, was in a state of confusion.

He still looked at Ye Chen and Zhang Qiang vigilantly.

Why did they drag him to the riverside if he didn't sink into the river?

But soon, Li Dong understood.

Because there was a speedboat parked by the river.

Ye Chen said calmly: "It's impossible to sink into the river."

"However, you caused me to experience a car accident and even almost lost my life. I can't just pretend that nothing happened just because you paid for two cars and said a few words."

"So, this punishment is also necessary for you."

Ye Chen stood by the river and said coldly to Li Dong.

At this time, Zhang Qiang also had a very long rope in his hand, which was still elastic.

Then, he tied Li Dong's hands tightly with the rope.

"You are going to..."

In Li Dong's confused state, he saw the bodyguard tied the other end of the rope to the speedboat.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qiang was stunned.

He was not a fool, and immediately understood what Ye Chen and Zhang Qiang were going to do.

"Master Ye, Master Ye, please forgive me, no... I don't want it."

"I will die if I do this, I can't swim, forgive me, I won't dare to do it again."

Because Zhang Qiang knew what kind of treatment he would face in a while, Zhang Qiang couldn't calm down anymore and cried and wailed.

He even drooled from crying.

"Let's start."

Ye Chen said coldly with a blank expression.

In his previous life, as a superior, Ye Chen knew that he had to be indifferent to his enemies.

Any kindness would bring greater disaster to himself.

Zhang Qiang nodded, made sure that the ropes at both ends were tied tightly, and said to the bodyguard: "It's OK."

"Master Ye, don't, I don't want to..."

Li Dong was already very scared at this moment, and when he saw that the bodyguard had started the speedboat, he cried even more.

He even held a pillar and didn't let go.

"You can choose to sink into the river now. I can guarantee that you will only suffer a little, but you will not die."


After hearing Ye Chen's words, Li Dong hesitated.

One is that sinking into the river will definitely lead to death.

The other is to fight and there is still hope of survival.

So after thinking for a moment, Li Dong made a decision.

The motorboat started, and then rushed directly to the center of the river.


The speed was not very fast, and it also took Li Dong's emotions into consideration.

But this was only a few seconds.

"Ah! Don't..."

With Li Dong's scream, his rope was also pulled, and the whole person floated in the river.

The speedboat pulled Zhang Qiang and sped on the river like an arrow from a string.

The speed of the speedboat continued to increase, pulling Li Dong's body and speeding on the river.

Li Dong's body also turned into a flying fish in the river.

However, Li Dong was very miserable. Due to the lack of protective measures, his head and body kept hitting, slapping, and rolling on the river...

That feeling was destined to be extremely ecstatic.

This feeling was like being punched and kicked all over the body, and it was the kind of critical hit without dead angles. It felt really uncomfortable.

Zhang Qiang asked worriedly on the side: "Brother Ye, this won't cause death, right?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qiang couldn't help but shiver and asked.

Although he was not the unlucky guy dragged by the speedboat on the river, he had played speedboat surfing before.

He knew what it was like to hit the water after losing balance.

Although the river surface was not as turbulent as the water surface.

But Li Dong's body was dragged and beaten by the river water, and the degree of tragedy was unknown.

Besides, the river surface was very wide, and there were some floating objects on it.

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's okay."

"He will definitely suffer this time, but it's just a close call, and his life will not be lost."

Ye Chen estimated that this guy was punished this time, and he would probably have a shadow on the water for the rest of his life.

As for the injuries on his body, he would not be able to get out of bed for two or three months.

"As long as he is fine."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhang Qiang was relieved.

Although he is not the kind of person who is afraid of things and has done many evil things, at most he just injured people.

He still didn't dare to do something like this that would cost someone's life.

He was rich, but that didn't mean he could do whatever he wanted.

Time passed by, and Li Dong was in the river, enjoying the feeling of flying fish.

There were screams before, but there was no sound later.

"Brother Ye, the Li family has asked someone to contact me."

Ye Chen said lightly: "Okay, let's do it."

Ye Chen also felt that it was about right.

Zhang Qiang asked the bodyguard to pull Li Dong back.

After all, the anger was vented, the compensation was negotiated, and the matter could come to an end!

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