Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1020: : Chenyao Jianzong settled in

"Why are there stone dragons in front of this section of the palace? Are they all stone lions?" Xiaoya asked in surprise.

Hearing that, the scholar folded the fan together, and smiled lightly: "The stone lion is actually taking auspicious meaning, and the dragon is the true **** of the ancient times, and it is not suitable for people to look after the home. Fortunately, the dragon clan has long been extinct in the ancient times, otherwise they would do it. , Will definitely die in the hands of the dragon."

"You are knowledgeable! Let's go!" Yang Qiuyu rolled his eyes and walked towards Duan Mansion first.

At this moment, the gate of the mansion opened wide, and then, a rich and graceful woman, accompanied by two maidservants, walked out.

"Miss Murong, look at this...?" The guards pointed at the pedestrian in the middle of the road.

If it hadn't been for Ling Can's strong physique like a giant bear, these guards would be jealous, they would have come to drive these people long ago.

Murong Hong raised his eyes and glanced at those people, and then with a touch of disdain, he looked at Yang Qiuyu who was approaching: "My Duan's family will not see guests today, so come back another day."

"Well, your master went far away, so of course you won't see any guests." Yang Qiuyu said with a grin.

Hearing this, Murong Hongyu had a full meal and was immediately shocked: "How do you know?!"

"Well..." Yang Qiuyu turned around and winked at Guo Fatty.

Upon seeing this, Guo Fatty smiled, carrying a wooden box, and walked over.

"Then, a gift for you!"

Fatty Guo put the wooden box on the ground at will, and then kicked forward, which happened to be at Murong Hong's feet.

This rude behavior shocked Murong Hong.

"What are you doing! Do you know what this place is!" In front of so many people, he was frightened in front of Duan's mansion, which made Murong Hong feel very shameless and furious on the spot.

With her anger, ten guards behind her were armed with guns, and the guns were all in the direction of Yang Qiuyu.

Seeing this raging scene, the people hurriedly backed away for fear of being hit.

They can only sympathize with Yang Qiuyu and his group, and sympathize deeply.

In Zhengzhou, no one dared to provoke the Duan family.

Facing the strength of the Duan family, the people behind Yang Qiuyu also came over.

There was a touch of disdain on each of them, and the look of jealousy made Murong Hong feel a little worried.

"Don't you look at the present we gave you?" Yang Qiuyu smiled mysteriously.

Hearing this, Murong Hong frowned and snorted coldly, "Open it to me!"


A guard squatted down quickly and drew the iron on the wooden box.

As soon as the wooden box opened, the scene inside stunned everyone in Duan Palace.


Murong Hong's face was pale, his eyes fixed on the three blood-stained clothes in the wooden box. After a while, he suddenly woke up, "This is...!"

"Ah~ This is Duan Wude, Duan Ziliang, and another one?" Fatty Guo scratched his head.

"There is also Murong Che." Cuiying reminded from the side.

"Oh yes, there is also Murong Che! Hey, look at my memory." Guo Fatty smiled awkwardly.


Murong Hong was terrified when he said this.

"Brother... You killed your brother, ah—"

Murong Hong grabbed the guard's spear like crazy, and stabbed Yang Qiuyu desperately.

A woman who doesn't know how to martial arts, just holding a gun is already very difficult, not to mention the strength of her stabbing.

With a speechless sigh, Yang Qiuyu slowly raised his finger, and with a single tap, it hit the tip of the gun.

Suddenly, the terrifying power shook Murong Hong's face suddenly pale, and his delicate body flew out directly, hitting the stone wall with one head, and slumped.

"Kill, kill!"

After seeing this scene, the onlookers fled in panic.

Those guards even lost their helmets and armor, running faster than rabbits.

For a time, Yang Qiuyu and others were left in the spacious streets.

"Let's go, occupy Duan Mansion!" Xiao Ya raised her fist and walked forward.

"The Sect Master explained that those who don't resist, let them live a life, remember." The scholar looked at the excited figures rushing in and reminded helplessly.

Their Chenyao Sword Sect is not considered a decent sect, but it is definitely not an evil sect.

Because here, most people have a chivalrous heart, and the same is true of evil as the lord Bai Chen!

After almost half an hour of expulsion, now more than 70,000 people in Duan Mansion have been expelled. The Duan Mansion of Nuo Da has changed its dynasty, and even the lintel has been changed to the "Chen Yao Jianzong" plaque.


Three days later.

A carriage stopped in front of Chenyao Jianzong's door.

"Ha~ It's finally here." Xia Daotian bounced off the wagon, alive like a crazy old man.

Bai Chen held Lin Mengyao's hand and walked down from the carriage. The two raised their eyes and glanced at the four characters "Chenyao Jianzong", and couldn't help but smile at each other.

"See Sect Master! Deputy Sect Master! Venerable Medicine!"

The two guards in front of the door said with solemn eyes.

"Huh?" Xia Daotian heard the name that made him secretly cool, turning around, his old eyes smiled and said, "Boss, have you heard that? They call me Yao Yao!"

"You are the medicine sage of my Chenyao Jianzong." Lin Mengyao shook his head helplessly.

"Come on, let's go in."

Bai Chen smiled faintly, and first walked up the steps.

When the backs of the three of them disappeared in front of the door, the people in the distance started talking.

"Look, the two guards just now called the black-robed man the Sect Master!"

"Yeah, I heard it too. I didn't expect the Sect Master of Chenyao Sword Sect to be so young."

"The hero is a boy! It is said that the Chenyao Jianzong just replaced the Duan family in controlling Zhengzhou, and ordered the reduction of taxes for the people. The arrival of such a justice is really our blessing."

"Yeah, yeah, but they don't hire people anymore, alas, I regret it."

"Cut, what were you doing when they recruited family members, guards, and shopkeepers the other day?"

"Well, I am a little scared, who knows that Chenyao Sword Sect is so good."

"That's it."


Chenyao Jianzong Hall.

"Welcome to the lord!"

The two pedestrians, standing in two rows on the left and right, responded in unison to the black-robed boy on the mahogany chair in front of them.

"Yeah." Bai Chen faintly replied, turning his eyes to the scholar: "Brother Hua, you are worthy of being my think tank. In just three days, you have recruited nearly 20,000 people, and also absorbed tens of thousands of people from the Duan Palace. My disciple, and successfully took over their 245 grain shops and 53 other businesses, and they are well organized. With you, I really feel a lot easier."

"These are everyone's contributions." The scholar did not flatter Bai Chen's merits like a secular person, but first thought of his companions.

In response, Bai Chen smiled and nodded.

He knew all these things in his heart.

"Hey, now we Chenyao Jianzong is only in charge, there are hundreds of people, and the job assignments are in place, really good~" Fatty Guo smiled in relief.

Previously, there were few people, so each of them shared multiple duties.

Now, their status is still the elder, senior elder, and deputy suzerain, and their positions are already on the backbone of Chenyao Sword Sect, but in terms of affairs, the scholars have been arranged to the newly recruited management personnel according to Bai Chen's previous instructions.

In a sect, the number and quality of the strong are always the decisive factors for prosperity and failure, so Bai Chen hopes that everyone will have enough time to practice and strive to improve their realm.

The next step is to find a place for cultivation that is relatively spacious and no one dares to bother...

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