Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1070: : Hayate Swordsman

Facing the fierce offensive of the Bone God, Ye Suo raised his eyebrows, and the Demon Sword in his hand also cut out a light and shadow, and violently collided with the white bone.


A force that destroys the sky and the earth suddenly blasted the entire space into countless scattered energy ripples, and storms spread out from where the two collided, forming hundreds of terrifying funnel clouds in the air.

Both of them were in the one-star heavenly realm, and when they collided for the first time, they were evenly matched in strength.

"It deserves to be Fengying Ye Suo, it really deserves its reputation!" The bone **** had a grim face.

With eyes facing each other, Ye Suo sneered, "Heh, doesn't you know who I am?"

"Of course I know!"

How could the Bone God not know Ye Suo? The four elders of the Blood Realm were all under the Bone God, and they all fell into Ye Suo's hands.

Thinking of this, the Bone God became furious and unbearable, the long bones in his hand exuded a strong light, and he danced fierce bone shadows and attacked Ye Suo frantically.

In the face of this fierce offensive, Ye Suo did not defensively, on the contrary, he roared, with overwhelming momentum, and attacked him.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the two focused on each other several times, and two mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and they simultaneously retreated back violently.

With more than a dozen swords stabbed in his body, Bone God's face grew gloomy.

Although this injury is nothing to him, Ye Suo's desperate style of play still amazed him.

For the first time in his life, he has encountered such a lunatic as an opponent!

He wiped off the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, Ye Suo's eyes condensed, and suddenly he held the sword in both hands.

This action made Bone God stunned.

Holding the sword with both hands will limit the angle and speed of the sword dance, which is not suitable for actual combat.

But since the other party is the famous Wind Eagle, then he must have something strange doing this.


Ye Suo suddenly yelled, holding swords in both hands, and suddenly slashed forward.


A gray tornado flew out of the demon sword in an instant.

This weird tornado is not too big, but the speed is extremely fast, and the strength is extremely strong. The moment the wind whirls appears, it can tear the space and rub against the air to produce crackling thunder and lightning.

The tornado flashed, Bone God shook his old eyes, and quickly flew to the side to retreat, avoiding the tornado dangerously and dangerously.

Looking down at his own robe that had been torn when the wind whirled, Bone God couldn't help but feel a deep fear in his eyes.


Suddenly, another tornado struck swiftly, and the Bone God quickly dodged aside again.

A terrifying small tornado swept past Bone God, tearing his robes, and at the same time splashing a wave of blood, flew to the distance, and exploded into a violent wind tearing apart space.

Such a weird move made Bone God very jealous.

"Can't let this kid take preemptive actions..."

The bone **** seemed to decide something, and the old eyes gradually filled with a touch of madness.

When the third gust of wind struck, Bone God was prepared for a long time, soared directly upwards for a certain distance, and hid.

At the same time, he squeezed the long bones and smashed them down into the air, only to see strange spiritual power fluctuations, suddenly appearing on the long bones, and the long bones turned into seventy feet in an instant, slamming down angrily.

The attack that suddenly extended the length of the weapon made Ye Suo too late to evade, so he could only lift up the Demon Sword.

At the moment when the sword bones collided, Ye Suo's expression sank obviously. The white long bones actually gave birth to countless bone spurs from the surface of the bone. Each bone spur expanded outwards like light and shadow, and then moved from the bone spurs. New bone spurs are emerging from the backbone.

In an instant, with Ye Suo as the center, thousands of bone spurs, like spider webs, bloomed rapidly outward, and soon formed a flower of bones with a radius of more than a hundred feet.

In the midst of ten thousand bones, Ye Suo looked solemn, and it was the first time he had encountered such a strong enemy.

"Fengying, you are very strong, but unfortunately you are not the old man's opponent after all!"

The Bone God stood proudly high in the sky, and his eyes looked down, filled with ruthless killing intent.

"Slash ahead!"

Ye Suo's eyes condensed, and suddenly he stepped on a white bone, and then a strange storm emanated from his body, and his whole body instantly turned into a black wind, flying fast among the white bones.


Unexpectedly, the speed of this guy was so fast, flying around, no trace, Bone God was furious, his hands began to seal quickly, ten thousand bones began to stab everywhere, the entire space seemed to have no dead ends.

Despite this, Ye Suo's figure was still moving swiftly outward in the land of bones, and within a moment, the bone god's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat.

If you are an ordinary person, you will die if you fall into this place of bones. It is impossible to avoid such a dense all-round stabbing. But Ye Suo's move is like the wind, it is too weird, flashing left and right, fast, Hard to find with the naked eye.

The Bone God had already released his trump card, and he absolutely wanted to tell Ye Suo with this move. Even though his face was sweating, he was still locked in the approximate position of Ye Suo, fully controlling the Bone Spur's assault.

At this moment, Bai Chen also came from a distance. When he saw the shocking scene in front of him, he couldn't help being stunned.

Because of the situation, Ye Suo had the upper hand, so he didn't want to sneak attack on the bone **** from behind to destroy this one-on-one fair duel.


Finally, Ye Suo turned the wind into a flash and appeared in front of the bone god.

Bone God's old eyes were blood-red, and he quickly used a secret technique, took a leap, and made an afterimage, rushing to the top of the sky and clouds.


Ye Suo turned around with a sword, and a small tornado entwining thunder and lightning hit the Bone God in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Suo's eyes condensed, and the black glow flickered: "The wind will stop--!"

At the moment when the previous tornado hit the Bone God, Ye Suo's figure suddenly accelerated hundreds of times, and suddenly arrived.

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