Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1345: : Aolai Empire

The Aolai Empire, with a land area of ​​17 million, is a vast territory, but it is located in the sea, facing many small countries in the northern mainland across the sea.

The climate of such a big island country is very strange.

In most parts of the Aolai Empire, there is evergreen throughout the year, except for the two major areas, Beiju and Luzhou, where heavy snow flies all the year round.

There are rumors that Beiju Luzhou was cursed in the ancient times, so that the heavenly punishment was entangled, making the two cursed places pile up like mountains with thick snow all year round, making it difficult for ordinary people to travel.

Some people say that in this large area underground, there is some kind of extremely powerful ice artifact, which is also one of the rumored "Twenty-Three Sacred Artifacts", which has caused the four seasons to be like winter here.

No matter what kind of statement it is, this kind of weather has not changed a bit after tens of thousands of years.

However, even in this spooky weather, people’s lives are relatively prosperous, because the handicraft industry here is extremely developed, and the ice cities built like natural craftsmanship are rare spectacles in the northern continent, not only It was the Aolai Empire, and even people from other countries came here one after another to watch the beautiful scenery of the ice city, so that the perennial peak tourism industry has brought very rich benefits to the people of Beiju Luzhou.

Therefore, the people here are actually very rich. And here also often gathers wealthy businessmen and practitioners from all over the world, creating the ancient quatrains of "pretend not to be forced, pretend to be struck by thunder" here.

At this time, in a rolling snow-capped mountain surrounded by wind and snow, the four of Bai Chen walked on the snow, and every step they took was difficult.

"Master, why do we have to climb the snow-capped mountains? It's been five days and we can't see anything." Xiao Youha took a breath of air, and every time the soles of her feet fell, she would be deep in the thick snow.

Bai Chen raised his eyes to look at the unmarked snow mountain, and smiled helplessly: "No way, there is a very magical array here. If you walk in the air, no matter how long you look for it, you won't be able to find the Feihong Cliff. Only with sincerity can we find the way to Feihong Cliff."

"Why you must look for Feihongya? You have been avoiding talking along the way. Don't sell it now!" Tang Qin followed, helplessly said.

"You guys~" Seeing that except for Ling Can, the other two couldn't stand their temper. Bai Chen gave a wry smile and said slowly: "In this proud empire, there is a legend: if you want to know the world, All in Feihong Palace!"

"Know the world? Is this Feihong Palace so powerful?" Tang Qin looked sideways and expressed doubt.

"Well, just because the palace owner of Feihong Palace uttered a golden prophecy that year, it finally changed the fate of the entire Aolai Empire."

"What is that?" Hearing this, Ling Can finally couldn't help but speak.

Relying on prophecies to change the national fortune, this does sound a bit magical.

"It starts from tens of thousands of years ago..." Bai Chen gradually recalled, relying on some things he had recently remembered: "About seven or eight thousand years ago, this proud empire was divided by the Tianxu League and the Tianwu League. For two, the two sides have fought for generations, winning each other, but no one can do anything about it. At this moment, a mysterious force called Feihong Palace suddenly appeared in Luzhou, Beiju, and the Lord Feihong Palace prophesied, It is said that the Heavenly Mang Star is about to descend, and those who obtain this star can gain the world.

"What happened later?" Tang Qin couldn't help but sullen when he saw Bai Chen talking about key points, and suddenly became dumb.

Just like to see her anxious look. Bai Chen pondered for a long time before he laughed and said, "Haha, then Xuanyuan appeared. He held the Xuanyuan sword and joined the Tianwu League. After becoming the emperor of Wu, he swept through all the wastes and wiped out the sky. The alliance was killed and fled, and finally completed the first unification in the history of Aolai Empire!"

"It's so magical? How sacred is the palace lord of Feihong Palace? Why can he predict Xuanyuan's birth? Could it be that Xuanyuan really descended from the sky?"

"No one knows about this, but since then, Feihong Palace has become a holy place in the Aolai Empire. It's a pity that it is sheltered by a large array and it is difficult for ordinary people to reach it, and since my fall, there have been 30,000 Years have passed, for such a long time, what has become of the Aolai Empire, and whether the Feihong Palace is still alive, nothing is known."

"Huh? You don't even know if Feihong Palace is still alive, so you brought us here to climb the snow mountain for five days and five nights?!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Chen stared at Tang Qin speechlessly: "Smelly girl, what did you say before going out, you must listen to my orders in everything, don't talk back, you know?"

"whispering sound!"

Tang Qin curled his lips and said no more.

In this way, a few people walked aimlessly among thousands of snow-capped mountains, and after trekking for more than ten days, they finally found a hidden house on a snow-capped mountain.

Seeing the strange building on the top of the cliff, like a bag of soil, slightly uplifted, everyone was overjoyed.

"Master! It won't be Feihong Palace there!" Xiao You jumped excitedly, and even poured Houxue into her boots.

"It should be."

Looking at the imperceptible earthen-clad building in the wind and snow, Bai Chen smiled with relief and led everyone to climb away.

Climbing for a long time, until the four of Bai Chen came to the top of the mountain, the sight in front of him gave Bai Chen a long-lost sense of familiarity.

Randomly patted the snow on his body, Bai Chen strode forward, calmly.

But just as he was about to approach that strange building, four snow-white figures suddenly attacked from all directions. In the blink of an eye, the four women in white clothes surrounded Bai Chen and others with their swords.

"Who, dare to come to my Feihong Palace!" One of the women, with an indifferent expression, gave a soft voice.

Looking at these four glamorous women, Tang Qin couldn't help but frown: "Isn't it said that although the Aolai Empire is the second strongest country in the Northern Territory, it is far more powerful than the Xiuyun Empire? Such a mysterious force is the only guardian of the heavenly realm?"

"Hey... Sister Tang, Xiuyun's hero guild is the strongest Four Eagles. They were at this level at the beginning. The four of them are not weak anymore!" Xiao You was speechless.

Tang Qin's current self-confidence is because her strength has reached the Heavenly Dao Realm, but she seems to have forgotten that when she first arrived at Xiuyun, the strongest Bai Chen was only two stars in the Sea Realm.

At that time, just bumping into one of these four women was enough for Chenyao Jianzong to drink a pot.

And they can have today's achievements, everything comes from the crying soul cultivation book that Bai Chen has painstakingly refined.

But in the future, there is no such shortcut.

Everything, you have to work hard!

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